Questions tagged [dictionary]

A dictionary is a list of possible or common password that are used to crack passwords in a brute force attack. Such an attack is known as a dictionary attack.

81 questions
1 answer

Crunch wordlist with different number of words

I'm trying to generate a wordlist, but I need some help with it. Let's say I execute the command: crunch 1 1 -p cat dog cow Crunch will generate the following: catcowdog catdogcow cowcatdog cowdogcat dogcatcow dogcowcat But I also need permutation…
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2 answers

Limiting five letter string to only include words from dictionary in Crunch?

I am creating a word list for attacking a personal .dmg file on OS X. I'm using John the Ripper for the cracking, and Crunch to create the word list: ./crunch 13 13 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz…
2 answers

Parse weak passwords based on dictionary file or app

I have a question similar to this one: How to create dictionary to prevent weak passwords? What I want to do though is simply check a list of passwords that exist in a text file I have that contains over 2000 passwords against a known list of words…
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1 answer

Generating wordlists with upper and lower case with crunch

I'm new to crunch and I want to generate a specific wordlist but I need the appropriate code for it. Let's take 478, 1990, gmgm and first. I want all the combinations of these two numbers and two words without changing the order of their characters.…
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1 answer

generating "non-dictionary" numeric passcodes

In case of numeric passcodes, e.g. for numeric locks on doors etc, anyone can agree "poor passwords" are ones with specific pattern, e.g. 1234, 1111, 2468, 1122, etc. (as well as ones that form a clear graphical pattern on the keypad, e.g. "cross",…
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1 answer

need a help with creating a wordlist

i wanna create a 8 digit long password list containing simple & capital letters+all the numbers,but not with stupid passwords like all the 8 digits in numbers or simple or capital..should contain numbers and simple letters or numbers and capital…
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