Questions tagged [common-criteria]

The Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation (CC for short)

The Common Criteria are an international standard for information technology security certification.

A product is evaluated against a security target which specifies what security properties the product must meet. The security target may be based on a protection profile. The evaluation is performed by a government-accredited laboratory from a participating country.

A CC evaluation is based on a combination of assurance factors (security assurance requirements):

  • Evaluation documentation (ASE): security target, security objectives, conformance claims, etc.
  • Lifecycle considerations (ALC): tools used during development, delivery methods, etc.
  • Design considerations (ADV): functional and security architecture, modularity of design, documented interfaces, etc.
  • User guidance (AGD)
  • Tests (ATE): coverage and depth by the developer, and independent testing by the evaluator
  • Vulnerability analysis (AVA): penetration testing by the evaluator

Which security assurance requirements are needed for an evaluation depends on its evaluation assurance level (EAL). Standard numerical EALs range from 1 (which provides basic confidence in correct operation when there are no security threats) to 7 (which involves formal verification for high-security applications). Custom EALs are also possible.

The Common Criteria are so called because they are an international standard for security evaluation; all participating countries use the same set of criteria. Participating countries also recognize evaluations performed in other countries for assurance levels up to EAL4.

As of 2013, a Common Criteria reform is in progress, to address criticism that CC evaluations are too heavyweight and do not always provide the expected assurances. The transition is expected to take several years, with reduced international recognition of evaluations in the meantime.

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22 questions
2 answers

Deference Between EAL 1-7 in Common Criteria Standard?

I have a question about ISO/IEC 15408 standard: I want know if the level of evaluation is higher we can conclude that a product is safer? i.e, if we have two products, is the one which has a higher EAL by definition safer?
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1 answer

What compliance problem does "Common Criteria Certification" solve?

It has been said Common Criteria solves a "Compliance problem, and not a security problem". Can someone explain where CC certification is required or benefits an industry? Is it simply a marketing angle that helps sell a product to less-informed…
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2 answers

Is Common Criteria (CC) a suitable standard to certify web applications

I never came across a web application that has been certified according to Common Critera. As far as I know there isn't even a protection profile available for web applications. What is the reason for this? Is Common Criteria not suitable for web…
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2 answers

Evaluating hosting providers for CC development environment

An organization that develops software that may be subject to security evaluations such as Common Criteria is looking to externalize part of its IT infrastructure, including critical components such as source control management (i.e. internal…
2 answers

SP 800-56B compliance in OpenSSL

We are working to make a product Common Criteria Compliance for one of our customers. The Client part of the product uses OpenSSL for TLS communication, which implies that we need to fulfill the requirement for FCS_CKM.2 Cryptographic Key…
1 answer

WinHTTP - Prevent successful handshake if peer certificate is invalid

I am using WinHTTP on a Delphi project to make calls over to the server. Script: userAgent := 'TestClient.exe'; hsession := WinHttpOpen(pwidechar(userAgent), WINHTTP_ACCESS_TYPE_DEFAULT_PROXY, nil, nil, 0); if(hsession = nil) then…
1 answer

Functional Specification for Common Criteria EAL 1 evaluation

I want to write a functional specification for CC EAL1 evaluation, There is an example in CC part 3 document but it is not enough complete, Are there any template or sample of a functional specification for CC EAL 1 ?
mehdi yami
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2 answers

Can a software application / OS get past EAL4 if no source code is available

The EAL for Common Criteria are described briefly as: EAL1: Functionally Tested. ... EAL2: Structurally Tested. ... EAL3: Methodically Tested and Checked. ... EAL4: Methodically Designed, Tested, and Reviewed. ... EAL5: Semi-Formally Designed and…
2 answers

what is the relation between ISO IEC 15408 and Protection Profile?

I've been researching on EAL tests. there are some questions and i can't make heads or tails of them. I read ISO/IEC 15408-3 standard. I can't understand the numbers in the matrix table in page 33 (Table 1 - Evaluation assurance level summary). I…
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1 answer

Security certification of software products: what about libraries or third-party services?

How the security certification works if the software uses third party libraries or services? E.g., if someone would like to certify a software product following Common Criteria standard (let's say, CC EAL1). And the software uses: 1) authentication…
Andrey Sapegin
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0 answers

Are there any options for Root CA eIDAS compliant HSMs?

Building the eIDAS compliant certification authority in hierarchy, meaning that the Root CA will issue Subordinate CAs. Root CA will be offline almost whole year and Subordinate CA is online providing services to relying parties. I am trying for a…
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0 answers

Get original text of Common Criteria protection profile

In translated from an English profile, combined from a couple of profiles (I found that one is Protection Profile for Application Software v1.2 of NIAP) I have something like "TOE security functions must provide for the preliminary initialization…
2 answers

Where do Common Criteria threats, policies, assumptions and objectives come from?

When reading something dealing with Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation it is clear where ABC_DEF-type acronyms come from - they are thoroughly described in parts 2 and 3. But where do Threats, Policy, Assumption…
1 answer

WinHTTP and python requests package, fail to validate certificate containing valid CN but invalid SAN

We're using WinHTTP to send API calls from our client. Now according to Common Criteria, FCS_TLSC_EXT.1.2 assurance activity Test 2, if certificate contains a valid CN (common name) but invalid SAN(Subject Alternate Name), the connection should…
1 answer

Which Protection Profiles required for EAL 1 test?

I have some question about PPs for EAL1 test. 1- Which PPs required for a Router Devices in EAL 1 test?We only need compliance with 'collaborative Protection Profile for Network Devices' (aka NDcPP) or other PPs is required,such as 'Router PP for…
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