Questions tagged [botnet]

A botnet is a collection of computers that are under the control of a person or group, usually facilitated by malware. These computers are often used to take part in DDoS attacks and spamming.

162 questions
3 answers

How do botnets not get caught when using Gmail accounts for spamming?

Botnets are Spamming through web-mail services like,,etc. by compromising email-accounts I read a post from this forum about how online accounts are compromised. Following are some: 1.Same password to register…
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How hackers implemented DDoS attack with 602 Gbps?

Everybody's heard about DDoS attack with 602Gbps Bandwidth that crashed BBC site, But is really Botnets and hacked servers can implements an attack in this scale ?
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I have discovered a botnet during testing

Whilst testing a server I discovered a botnet. I have the executable downloaded to the server and decompiled the file to get the strings from it. My question is what would the next logical step be and how best to further decompile the evil httpd…
Sam Aldis
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How was the router compromised?

ISP sent a message telling that they've detected some bot network characteristic traffic from a router's IP address. Recommended countermeasures have already been taken, i. e. connected laptop's malware scan, router factory reset, router's admin…
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Which are the most dangerous and popular botnets that came from IoT devices?

The ease of taking control of a cheap IoT device makes them the perfect target to craft a botnet to perform DDoS attacks. I heard about botnets created from a lot of hacked IoT devices used to create DDoS attacks on websites. How much of this…
1 answer

Can I identify which botnet is attacking my service?

My service is seeing a fairly sophisticated attack that is distributed across multiple IP addresses. I have a list of 'rogue' IP addresses. They are distributed all around the world. Is there some way I can figure out if there is a botnet / service…
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Botnet callbacks to coin mining sites - how to act?

I found that one user is making connections to coin mining related domains. Is there any way to stop this activity, with respect to that user?
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How do Bots Spam Where Outgoing SMTP is blocked

I have read,that bots in an internal network talk directly to External Mail servers instead of going through the Internal Mailserver to deliver spam. Query If it's true, than how do Bots spam do so where Outgoing SMTP connections from internal hosts…
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Is zeus trojan really harmless?

I am confused by this page I was searching info on google as I read warning article about the fact it was very sophisticated bot that steals banking info so is this page on among first rank on…
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What's the main constituent part of botnet?

Is the botnet controlled broiler of servers or personal PCs? We know the botnet can be controlled to DDoS attack, but what's the main constituent part of botnet? I know the botnet's element maybe PC, Servers, and mobile devices, but what's the main…
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remove mirai virus on router

I need some help with removing the mirai worm on my rounter. Few days ago my ISP was on cyberattacks which it have affected over 100,000 customers who couldn't be able to get access to the internet that got shutdown. Now it show that my local ISP…
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botnets Domain names List

how I can obtain the latest list of the latest revealed botnets domain list I am looking for the DGA-based botnet in particular I want to collect 1000,000 generated domain list to seed them to my research algorithm
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