Questions tagged [botnet]

A botnet is a collection of computers that are under the control of a person or group, usually facilitated by malware. These computers are often used to take part in DDoS attacks and spamming.

162 questions
3 answers

How To Stop A Mobile Verification Attack

I am thinking of using mobile phone number verification for the sign up step in my web application but how do I prevent a hacker or a malicious user from sending mobile verification requests to an unlimited number of phones? It would cause damage in…
John L.
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3 answers

How to identify and analyze malware that checks for security tools before running?

I've been reading about the ZeroAccess and looking into some bot's code source* and I found this piece of code which checks if filemon is running in the infected computer before running the bot. int pmain3() { std::vector SetOfPID; …
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Would using Google reCAPTCHA allow Google to cheat?

Wanting to go a step further into reducing the attacking surface from my "register new user" form I think on using reCAPTCHA (the one Google offers). Having bots sorted out from being able to register and hence not being able to easily break my…
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3 answers

Why is the victim a server instead of a client?

I just finished creating my own remote administration tool "a server to multiple client one" using System.Net.Socket, - "Watch Dogs fan :P" then I try to search on google how they make or design their remote administration tool process and I found…
3 answers

How do researchers "gain control of an attacking PC" and not themselves be considered attackers / criminals?

In reference to this Network Computing Report article titled "'Operation Shady Rat' Perpetrated Five Years Of Long-Term Attacks On Government, Enterprises" The Cliff's Notes to the article is thus: it has been discovered that many countries and…
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Publicly available Botnet Traffic dataset

Is there any publicly data set on botnet traffic for machine learning purposes. i.e traffic set for both bad and good bots
Ali Ahmad
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How to attract traffic to a honeypot

I have set up a honeypot, but I am not happy with the low traffic load and I would like to trigger much higher traffic levels. What methods would attract high bot activity? These are the ideas I have right now: incorporate Google Dorks into the…
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Block all botnets and Tor addresses from accessing our site

I've heard that many DoS attacks and general "black hat hacking" attempts occur over the Tor network. Is it possible for me to dynamically block source Is by their presence in a botnet or similar list? How effective would this in thwarting DDoS or…
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How do CC servers communicate to botnet bots in a local network?

A more general question How do bots communicate in the Zeus botnet? doesn't really address my question. I'm trying to understand how a bot can communicate with command and control (CC) machine. On a technical level, I know bots use sockets (for…
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1 answer

How could ISPs "clean up their act" to protect against Mirai?

In the forum post in which Mirai source code was released, the author wrote With Mirai, I usually pull max 380k bots from telnet alone. However, after the Kreb DDoS, ISPs been slowly shutting down and cleaning up their act. Today, max pull is…
4 answers

Is it possible to be a hacker without being a criminal?

I am interested in information security, and I want to be a "hacker." I want to write hacking tools, make viruses, and other stuff... For me, programming botnets are a lot of fun, but how can legally I earn a living through the creation of…
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2 answers

Statistics on purposes of viruses/malware

Are there any resources that analyze the purpose or goal or the major viruses/malware out in the wild today? For example, what percentage are used to construct botnets (for DDoS or something else)? For sending spam? For keylogging and collecting…
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how to mitigate a DDoS from botnet on your website that comes from random IPs

I am wondering how do you mitigate a ddos attack which is coming from a botnet and hitting random URLs on a website. If there was a consistent URL it was hitting then it would be fairly simple, and wouldn't matter that it is coming from random…
Zippy Zeppoli
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6 answers

How can I tell whether this computer is part of a botnet?

One of the computers that I manage (in the family, not business) has a weird set of files in its boot: bash.exe, curl.exe, uname.exe, sed.exe, rm.exe, tail.exe, cut.exe, awk.exe, cat.exe, chmod.exe, ls.exe, grep.exe and so on. I know for a fact that…
1 answer

Tools to identify and report hacking attempts originating inside reputable organizations?

Re: Should I report hacking attempts? - Server Fault Lots of people look at their own logs for attacks from the outside. But who regularly reports such attacks back to the source? I'm mainly imagining that happens for attempts that originate from…
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