Sam Aldis


Python, HMTL5 and Javascript Ninja.

I started learning to code when I was 9 years old,
Made my first game when I was 10 and started selling them to class mates

The Education system failed me, I don't want to learn how to use Word and Powerpoint
at school when I'm playing with Assembly and C at home!

Excluded once for hacking the schools system.
Arrested once for hacking a football (soccer) webste
And learnt my lesson..
Now I'm a white/grey hat but try to stay away from that scene lest I get sucked in once more
As soon as the first android phone came out (the G1 if anyone remembers it?)
I brought one and started developing apps for myself.. then one day I thought hey,
why dont I put them on the app store, at 16 I started earning a good revenue each month
Untill a change in working hours at my day job (I went full time) meant I had no energy to work
When I was home..
I then got offered a job as a Loss Prevention officer within the same company
at a different location and my business went on the back burner.

I eventually got fed up of that job role and left to travel Australia
Where I met my now fiancé and found my dream job.

Now all my energy goes into my business UKJP-Design
And my current job role as senior developer.
(Website is a work in progress)

Currently Working on: 3 Websites, My own hosting system, 1 Android App and 1 iOS App.