Questions tagged [bluetooth]

Bluetooth is a technology that allows for wireless communication between hosts.

161 questions
5 answers

What can an attacker do with Bluetooth and how should it be mitigated?

What are the security risks of Bluetooth and what technologies and best practices should be used to protect my device? What can an attacker do once a malicious device is paired with mine? Specifically Is it a good idea to remove & re-pair my…
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7 answers

Strategies against jamming attacks?

We have some devices which are designed to use standard frequencies/protocols, such as GSM, CDMA, GPS, Wifi and Bluetooth, among others. While our focus is not thought to be used for high-profile criminals (such as organized crime) who will often…
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2 answers

How will we stop BlueBorne on older devices?

The BlueBorne vulnerability was announced on September 12, 2017. It's a family of attacks against several implementations of the Bluetooth protocol that enable full compromises of various Bluetooth stacks, including Linux BlueZ (including Android),…
John Deters
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1 answer

Is Bluetooth 4.0 traffic encrypted by default/design?

I wonder if the BLE (v4.0) traffic is encrypted by default or by design, or is it just optional? If the former, is the traffic encrypted using a key derived just from the pairing pin or is there some kind of session key as well - like with WPA2? If…
John M.
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1 answer

Security of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) link-layer encryption

Is Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)'s link-layer encryption secure against an attacker who eavesdrops on some random BLE connection between two devices, but has not eavesdropped on the first connection between the two devices? Background: When the two…
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2 answers

Security wise, is it safe to use bluetooth headphones?

I am connsidering getting bluetooth headphones for use with my PC and also ipad, my question is how vunerable am I with bluetooth on?
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1 answer

Is Bluetooth Low Energy Injection possible?

Mike Ryan claims that it is possible to inject packets (probably with Ubertooth) in an ongoing BLE conversation. His attempt to do so lead to jamming the connection (Sources 1 and 2). The Bluetooth specs (v4.0) state that the time between sending 2…
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1 answer

Is Bluetooth's "advertising" mode more secure than "discoverable" mode?

I understand that there are many security issues associated with Bluetooth's "discoverable" mode, and have avoided it where I can. However new features of many systems (e.g. Apple's Handoff/Continuity) rely on having Bluetooth's "advertising" mode…
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4 answers

Intercept data sent via bluetooth

I am trying to re-write a closed-source application, originally deployed on mobile devices, that lets you command and control a certain type of mechanical robots via bluetooth. The new application I am writing should be able to control the same…
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2 answers

Difference between Bluetooth LE Secure Connections security mode 1 and level 3 and 4?

In BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 4.2 [Vol 3, Part C], page 372, there is a section called LE Security Modes, which states: There are two LE security modes, LE security mode 1 and LE security mode 2. LE security mode 1 has the following security…
Brian Brown
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2 answers

How can someone exploit Google's Physical Web?

A thought: The list of URL's is ranked by signal strength. What's stopping someone from increasing the broadcasting strength of their beacons so that they rank first? What else could be done? For anyone unfamiliar with the Physical Web:…
4 answers

What risks are there with a Bluetooth based door lock, and are there any mitigations?

There are a few interesting Bluetooth door locks on the market that use version Bluetooth 4.0 however there seems to be a few issues with this E0 Encryption flaws Risks during pairing Attacks unique to operating environment (temperature,…
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2 answers

Mac OS hacked via Bluetooth?

I was working from Starbucks today on my Macbook Air running OS X 10.11.5, and a strange thing happened. I was in Chrome and browsing the web, when a Bluetooth connection request popped up from an unknown device. I rejected the connection, and…
Cameron Shaw
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1 answer

WiFi Deauth Attack equivilent for bluetooth?

I have used WiFi deauthentication attacks in the past to successfully knock WiFi connected-devices off of my LAN network. As far as I can tell, the attacker just spoofs a client and sends the access point a deauthentication frame, and then the…
Verbal Kint
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2 answers

MAC randomization for Bluetooth?

Companies, governments, etc. can track Bluetooth and WiFi network scans passively by looking at a same MAC address over space and time (Bluetooth/WiFi Identity tracking in public spaces - How to discover?). Starting in Android 8.0: Android devices…
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