Questions tagged [bluetooth]

Bluetooth is a technology that allows for wireless communication between hosts.

161 questions
1 answer

How to globally limit Bluetooth functionality on Android and iPhone

I recently got my parents a Bluetooth speaker, and they are very new to the smartphone arena. What I would like is to disable all of the Bluetooth functionality in their phones except for the ability to play music and place calls through the…
Rusty Lemur
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What are the dangerous use cases of Montreal's bluetooth based vehicle traffic detection logic?

TechCrunch reported Montreal's plan to use bluetooth to beat traffic congestion. While I like the intent to beat traffic, I was thinking that this can be used for much worse intentions. The same system can be used by government to see the travel…
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Is it possible for an attacker to log keystrokes of a bluetooth or wireless keyboard

Bluetooth and wireless keyboards are sending keystrokes wirelessly. Could this mean that an attacker (or spy) can log the keystrokes by monitoring the wireless or Bluetooth radio waves (or whatever)? Is there any encryption or something that stops…
Suici Doga
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2 answers

Bluetooth attack against Android phone - could be successful?

Couple of days ago I attended a political demonstration. Amateur mistake, I know but I left my Bluetooth set to discoverable. I have a LG G2 running Android 5.0. Once during the demonstration I saw that I had one unsuccessful file transfer from…
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Bluetooth LE 4.0 security issues

How does BLE secure communications between devices? BLE 4.0 supports AES128, and the key exchange is done using DH. However, it is often reported that BLE 4.0 has security issues. What specifically about the key exchange makes the communication…
John M.
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Cyber Security in Hardware Products?

I am currently working on a product similar to smart locks that work with BLE identification. I can handle the hardware of the product very well (mechanics / electronics / embedded software), however, I am totally unaware of how to implement the…
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Bluetooth vulnerability on a Raspberry PI running Raspian

Is it possible for someone to exploit a Raspberry PI running Raspian through bluetooth just by having the bluetooth enabled?
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Syncing Bluetooth in a vehicle and access text messages from the phone?

If you connect your Bluetooth to a vehicle for music, can the owner of that vehicle download your text messages without your knowledge or can it download the messages that have been erased?
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Can I start off Cyber Safety seminar by stunning the audience, like getting into their phone's Wifi/Bluetooth to access a folder and show them?

I am delivering a lecture on Cyber-safety Basics. I want to start off a lecture by involving the audience to get their attention. Example: I want to ask everyone to connect their cell phones to a Wifi hotspot and then get into one of the smartphone…
Mirza Bilal
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Is my iPhone 6S Plus compromised?

Is it usual practice on an iPhone 6S Plus for the wifi and Bluetooth addresses to be identical except for the very last number? One ends in .44 and the other .45. I've also had a lot of weird things go on with my phone and that is why I'm wondering…
1 answer

Can code be transmitted through computers’ antennas?

I have an Acer Aspire E15 5-575. I removed its WiFi card, while kept its black and white antennas intact. I did this to avoid being discovered by long or short range wireless transmissions, wanting to perhaps sniff or inject code onto nearby laptops…
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