Questions tagged [biometrics]

Biometrics is a set of methods related to unique identification of people based on physiological or behavioural traits

136 questions
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Is what fingerprint scanners in mobiles store a stealable value?

If a fingerprint scanner were a human it would probably be like this: take a photo of the finger presented for authentication check it against the original photo to determine if it's the same. This would lead to the problem that the process has a…
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1 answer

Why are pins required on boot on devices with fingerprint readers?

Both my iPad and my android phone are configured to allow access via either a pin, or a fingerprint scan. However, immediately after a reboot, neither device allows a fingerprint for the first unlock; the pin is required instead. Both devices state…
Jason C
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1 answer

What organizations have 1B faces to train a facial recognition neural network?

An article claims that a neural network was trained with over a billion images. Assume that the majority of images contain a face. The infrared camera takes an image and the dot projector uses around 30,000 IR dots to create a 3D dot pattern of…
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2 answers

Why fingerprint scanner doesn't work after reboot on Mi phones?

When I first experienced this I ignored it. But after some days I noticed that I had to unlock it by pattern lock or password everytime I restart the phone and after unlocking by pattern/password, I was able to use fingerprint. Why is this so? I am…
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Native Mobile App Finger Print Authentication and web service.

I have developed many web based applications and focused a lot on authentication LDAP, SAML and in application passwords. Now I am moving to building native mobile application and would like to take advantage of finger print authentication. In…
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3 answers

Would biometrics be more secure if it was a sequence and not a single biometric scan?

I was looking at this question How is Fingerprint Authentication Secure? Where it talks about biometric scans, and the answer by @Lie Ryan mentions this isn't a secure authentication method, but more for identity and such for those who are…
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1 answer

How the 'probability of verification' is inversely related to the 'false accept rate'?

I was reading a document discussing biometrics and came across this statement: Typical finger-print verification systems employed by FBI achieve 90% probability of verification at 1% false accept rate but only 77% probability of verification at…
3 answers

Can identification imply authentication in biometric systems?

I know the difference between Identification and Authentication, which are basically claiming who you are and proving that claim. In terms of a system, they are username and password in general. But what's about biometrics like brain wave? It is…
Victor Wong
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Securely verifying a user based on bio metrics

So we all have cameras on our phone, and we all have faces on our bodies(hopefully). We all also have a want to keep our data safe and secure. To that end many companies have tried to make secure facial recognition software or bio metric scans that…
Robert Mennell
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2 answers

Selfie as form of authentication for credit card transactions

I read in a news snippet on various sites (cnn for one), that one of the large credit card companies wants to implement some sort of authentication whereby credit card transactions are authenticated bio -metrically with a selfie. I would assume that…
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Is the use of biometric systems in schools and other 'security-amateur' environments responsible?

I'm looking for some informed perspectives on the growing 'casual' use of finger/thumb print scanners in for instance schools, for library use, cashless cafeteria payments, registration. The security around such use is much, much lower than for e.g.…
2 answers

Securing fingerprint templates stored on web authentication server

I have a multi-factor web authentication server, that in addition to regular passwords uses fingerprints for user authentication. Can anyone think of a security flaw in the following scenario: I have Resource Server that hosts valuable resources,…
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How to calculate FAR and FRR in pattern recognition?

I am working on a vein pattern recognition project based on SURF algorithm and euclidean distance. I have completed my program to find the maximum and minimum distance between vein features and find a match exactly when there is an identical image.…
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Identity theft of biometric data from hardware security key?

My question is about identity-theft vulnerabilities of data on hardware security keys [also called: "hardware security token", "hardware token", "hardware authentication device"] with built-in biometric sensor. Is the biometric data on hardware…
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Can a fingerprint be reconstructed from a device that uses it for authentication?

I've noticed a lot of phones (not to mention, other devices) have built in fingerprint sensors these days. Do these devices store information in such a way that your fingerprint could be reconstructed by someone with access to it?
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