Questions tagged [biometrics]

Biometrics is a set of methods related to unique identification of people based on physiological or behavioural traits

136 questions
5 answers

Hardware token vs Fingerprint based software token

I'm given a choice between two banks's authentication procedures and I need help choosing the most secure and convenient option. Option "hardware token": Authentication into the web platform is done via username/password but transactions are…
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Why does Android care about differentiating multiple fingerprints?

I was reading through the Android Compatibility Definition document after a friend pointed me there while we were discussing fingerprint scanners and other biometric authentications. I noticed this requirement that seems unusual: MUST NOT enable…
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What happens if biometric data is stolen?

As we move toward a future where fingerprints might possibly replace passwords, I see one issue. While passwords can be stolen, they can be changed by the owner after being notified of the security breach. However, fingerprints can be stolen, but…
Timothy Deng
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6 answers

Isn't it less secure to use something you are for authentication?

I have to think of this everyday when I close the doors of the shop I work in: A year ago we used to close the shop and arm the alarm using a key fob. This means the worst case scenario was that I get robbed. A few months ago my boss decided that we…
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Is there any way to cryptographically hash a human thumbprint?

Is there any way to cryptographically hash a human thumbprint into a form that can be consistently reproduced by thumbprint readers? Assuming that it would be possible to create a database of thumbprint-hashes, my intent is to salt that hash with…
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What are the security risks of USB fingerprint scanners in Windows 10?

Hi I have a Lenovo laptop encrypted with Bitlocker, which I also use a fingerprint scanner with. Bear in mind I'm not working with super-secure information, more the level that a developer/manager for a business would have. What are the potential…
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3 answers

How secure is using your fingerprint for password against opportunist thieves?

If someone has access to your fingerprints then using your finger print as a password on your phone or other device is obviously compromised. But assuming they do not have access to your finger prints, are there any known or potential security…
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2 answers

Biometric device instead of password - signature security

Lets assume that there is a bio-metric algorithm for user authentication which compares fingerprints with a user's signature saved in a database (comparing function is not important here). Next, there is a device with a fingerprint sensor and memory…
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How is a biometric authentication system secure?

Imagine I have an application which uses a biometric based authentication (such as a fingerprint). It takes its hash and sends it to the server. The server has a copy of the hash and compares the two. Now I hack the server and steal the hash. Now I…
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8 answers

Biometric authentication in the real world

can anyone give a realistic estimation, based on real-world experience, of how much biometric authentication techniques are being used in the IT field?
1 answer

What are formal parameters for fingerprint scanner selection?

I would like to buy a USB fingerprint scanner. I intend to use it to log in into my Windows computer, to secure RoboForm password manager, and generally to replace password entry with a quick finger sweep in as many places as possible. What I'm…
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2 answers

Is biometric passport safer than old-fashioned passport

Our government encourages the citizens to move to "smart passports", which contain biometric data such as fingerprints. They say it is safer for us because it prevents identity thefts. On the other hand, some people claim that the entire idea of…
Erel Segal-Halevi
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False negative in biometrics

In biometric systems preventing false positive is usually far more important than preventing false negatives. In what situations can false negatives be more serious than false positives?
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How secure are Windows logins tied to physical human fingerprints?

Some business laptops have a fingerprint reader, and Windows has the ability to use your fingerprint to log into an account in lieu of a typed password. I understand that these open up lines of attack because of their physical nature, but I want to…
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How safe is it to use Fingerprint-based authentication on unencrypted Android devices?

Since I needed root permissions for several apps on my Samsung Galaxy S8+ (SM-G955F) device, I followed a guide that showed how to install a superuser binary on the device's Android 7. There was a caveat: such procedure requires encryption to be…
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