Brannon Howse
Brannon Howse is a Christian conspiracy theorist, radio host, and asshole.[2] He started as a church singer, then progressed to preaching.[3] His variant on the classic New World Order conspiracy has so many people in on it, it's actually much easier to describe who isn't on the inside (an incredibly small group of hardcore pre-millennialist protestants Howse calls "the remnant") than those who are. The Catholics, the United Nations, scientists, liberals, gays, etc. are all out to continue the evil plots the Jews used to be doing in the early 20th century. Their motivation? It's all for the greater glory of Satan, of course.[4] He also preaches that the United States is like Nazi Germany.[5]
Some dare call it Conspiracy |
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What THEY don't want you to know! |
Sheeple wakers |
v - t - e |
“”If you're a neo-calvinst that attended a recent neo-Calvinist conference & an attendee had the Communist Chinese Coronavirus don't complain if you are not notified. Now is the chance to practice your warped brand of Christianity & make no human choice or take human responsibility |
—Brannon Howse, demonstrating disgusting scumbaggery, on Twitter[1] |
While Howse is a paranoid conspiracy theorist in the classic mode, he has his own unique spin that combines both the black helicopter fantasies of the extreme right survivalist types with the End Times wingnuttery of fundamentalist Christianity.[6][7]
Howse's rhetorical style is charitably described as "unique," more accurately characterized as "throwing shit to see if it sticks." Every time he mentions the name of someone he doesn't like, he follows it with a long list along the lines of "who I believe is a Keynesian, a Fabian socialist, a communist, a Marxist, a radical, a Fascist" without offering any proof that the person is any of these things. Strangely, he always states that this is just "his opinion," possibly for legal reasons. It starts off annoying, gradually becomes fascinating and hilarious, and eventually morphs into a kind of bone-deep depression about the human race. It's difficult to tell if he actually thinks each of these epithets would be providing new information about the person (Oh, they're not only a Keynesian but also a Fascist! Thanks, Brannon) or if he thinks his audience is so stupid that he must constantly repeat all the things he thinks his words mean. Either possibility is depressing. Howse also has a talent for saying the most batshit insane things in the most deadpan manner imaginable, such as when he stated "Hitler was of course possessed by a demon" and then moved on from there to talk about National Socialism's lasting impact without doubling back to the whole "Adolf was inhabited by a malefic spirit" thing.
Howse remains convinced that the relatively harmless (though totally pointless) practice of contemplative prayer is occultic. He constantly claims that people are involved in pagan spirituality (which is, of course, code for "demon worship") or the one world government. He has argued that Rick Warren is actually a Marxist change agent, that transhumanism will eventually lead to the recreation of the Nephilim through demons posing as aliens, that Russia is still communist, and that the Fed is deliberately devaluing the US currency in order to move us toward socialism. It is quite clear that there is literally nothing too stupid for Howse to believe, so long as it fits into his ideas about the world and God.
Like Glenn Beck, he acts as a paid spokesman for gold sellers promoting the gold standard over floating currency. Apparently, this is the "Biblical" form of currency. This point of agreement is somewhat strange, since one of Howse's claims to fame has been his constant attack on Beck, Mormonism, and the generic feel-good religion-esque Beck is fond of employing.[8]
One curious feature of Howse is that he rejects anti-Semitism pretty thoroughly. He's even devoted radio programs to explaining why the whole "Jewish bankers control the world" thing is nonsense. Granted, he still believes in and worships a God who hates Jews enough to send most of them to Hell, but Howse himself seems to be free of hatred for Jews. Given the impressively long list of other things he hates (any black person who doesn't kow-tow to white supremacy, women, gays, Catholics, Liberal Christians, etc.), this lack of prejudice is a minor miracle.
External Links
- Brannon House on Twitter, 21 March 2020. archive
- Barnnon Howse profile at
- Does this mean he can sing, you ask? No. No, it does not.
- Kyle Mantyla, Brannon Howse: Ocasio-Cortez Is Doing the Bidding of the ‘Demonic Realm’ Right Wing Watch, 14 February 2019.
- Rob Boston, Warped Worldview: Religious Right Leader Says America Is Becoming Like Nazi Germany., 2 February 2009.
- Brannon Howse at the Encyclopedia of American Loons.
- The dark, frightening abyss that is Brannon Howse’s world. Archived from the original at, 15 September 2009.
- Kyle Mantyla, Mormonism: America’s Islam. Right Wing Watch, 3 September 2010.