Serge Monast

Serge Monast (1945 - December 5, 1996) was a Québécois investigative journalist, poet, essayist, and conspiracy theorist. He is little-known to English-speaking non-crazy people except as the proponent of the Project Blue Beam conspiracy theory, but his works remain popular with French-speaking conspiracy enthusiasts, both skeptics and believers.

Some dare call it
What THEY don't want
you to know!
Sheeple wakers
v - t - e
For the bizarre conspiracy theory Monast is most famous for, see our article on Project Blue Beam.
I'm only begininng [sic] to now fully grasp the entire breath of Serge Monast's contributions to humanity and the unbelieveable courage he demonstrated in coming out with these incredible revelations which were secretly or anonymously given to him by contrite politicians, military people, or intelligence people who still possessed a conscience and a sense of humanity.
—Kudos from the crank community[1]


Who wants to, will know: but who wants to ignore, will deny all the evidence that will be brought, albeit compelling evidence!
—Serge Monast[2]
Monast on Ésotérisme Expérimental speaking to host Richard Glenn in the early 1990s. Dig that conspiracy theorist beard.

In the 1970s and 1980s, he did proper journalism that people read. He was an active member of the Social Credit party.

In the early 1990s, he went a bit funny[3] and devoted himself to writing books on the theme of the New World Order and conspiracies hatched by secret societies, being particularly inspired by the works of fellow Canadian crazy person William Guy Carr.

He founded the International Free Press Agency (AIPL, l' Agence Internationale de Presse libre), where he published most of his work of this sort. In an interview on ufologist Richard Glenn's television show Ésotérisme Expérimental,[4] he was unkempt and seemed obsessed with warning his audience about a World Government.

In 1994, he published Project Blue Beam (NASA). In 1995, he published his masterwork, Les Protocoles de Toronto (6.6.6), in which he revealed the secret activities of the Masonic group "666", who for twenty years have been gathering the world's powerful to establish the New World Order and control the minds of all people.

He claimed he was being hunted by the police and authorities for involvement in "networks of prohibited information." He homeschooled his son and daughter, who were then made wards of the state in September 1996 so that they would receive schooling, and Monast was arrested in December 1996, spent a night in jail, came home and died of a heart attack.[5] His fans claim he was assassinated by "psychotronic weapons"[4] to keep the truth about Project Blue Beam quiet,[6] rather than suffering a massive coronary because he was 51 and the stress of having had his children taken away and spending a night in jail.

His fans claim that the Mel Gibson character in the 1997 film Conspiracy Theory is modelled on him.[4]

Copies of his works still circulate on the internet, and have influenced such American crazies as Texe Marrs. Some have been reissued by French publisher and conspiracy theorist Jacques Delacroix.[7]

Conspiracy tropes


Sane period

  • Testament contre hier et demain. Manifeste de l'amour d'ici, self-published, 1973.
  • Jean Hébert, Chartierville, self-published, 1974.
  • Jos Violon: Essai d'investigation littéraire sur le comportement du Québécois, self-published, 1975, 1977.
  • (with Colette Carisse, Aimé Lebeau and Lise Parent) La famille: mythe et réalité québécoise, "Rapport présenté au Conseil des affaires sociales et de la famille", vol. 1, Conseil des affaires sociales et de la famille, 1974, 1976.
  • L'Habitant, Éditions de l'Aube, 1979.
  • L'Aube des brasiers nocturnes. Essai sur l'amour, Éditions de l'Aube, 1980.
  • Cris intimes: poésie, Éditions de l'Aube, 1980.
  • La Création irrécupérable: essai, Éditions de l'Aube, 1981.
  • Méditations sur les dix commandements de Dieu, Éditions de l'Aube, 1983.
  • La médaille de saint Benoît ou La croix de saint Benoît, Courrier de Saint Joseph, 1984?.

Not so sane period

  • Il est minuit moins quinze secondes à Ottawa: de l'impossible dualité canadienne à l'éclatement d'une Guerre civile, dossier d'enquête journalistique, La Presse Libre Nord-Américaine, 1992.
  • "Présentation" de René Bergeron, Le corps mystique de l'antéchrist, Montréal, Presse libre nord-américaine, "Dossiers chocs", 1993 (reprint of 1941 book)
  • Le gouvernement mondial de l'Antéchrist, journalisme d'enquête international, "La conspiration mondiale des Illuminatis", vol. 1, Éditions de la Presse libre, 1994.
  • The United Nations concentration camps program in America, "Coup d'État and war preparations in America", book 1, Presse libre nord-américaine, 1994.
  • Vaccins, médecine militaire expérimentale, cristaux liquide, dossier d'enquête journalistique - CIA, Presse libre nord-américaine, 1994.
  • Project Blue Beam (NASA), Presse libre nord-américaine [1994].
  • Le Protocole de Toronto (6.6.6.). Québec année zéro, International free press agency, 1995.
  • Le Contrôle total 666, Cahier d'Ouranos hors série, coll. "Enquêtes-Études-Réflexions" by Commission d'Études Ouranos.
  • Dévoilement du complot relatif au plan du chaos et de marquage de l´Humanité, Éditions Delacroix.
  • Le Complot des Nations Unies contre la Chrétienté, Éditions Rinf, 1995.
gollark: *casually reboots*
gollark: *casually gets X server error*
gollark: *casually attempts to run Switchcraft instance*
gollark: See, this is why you should just use potatOS.
gollark: If you're playing it from a potatOS computer, I can remotely pause it.
  • Serge Monast (French Wikipedia), which this article was pretty much entirely cribbed from.[10] In turn, the English WikipediaFile:Wikipedia's W.svg article is the sterilized version of this article. Accept no substitutes!


  2. "Qui veut savoir saura: mais qui veut ignorer, niera toutes les évidences qui lui seront apportées, fussent-elles des preuves indubitables!" Preface to le Corps mystique de l'antéchrist by René Bergeron. Notable enough quote to get onto French Wikiquotes.
  3. "You know … just a little … funny. And he went and did a silly thing." Merkin Muffley, Dr. Strangelove
  4. That's a proper conspiracist beard, not a coat collar.
  5. MATTERS OF DEEP CONCERN TO US ALL. W. B. Howard, Despatch vol 9 no 1.
  6. Jacques Delacroix, Naufrage d’un système, Éditions Delacroix; reprinted in L.I.E.S.I. 2003, page 70. "Au mois de décembre 1996, à Montréal, Serge Monast, de l’Agence Internationale de la Presse Libre, dont les activités étaient uniquement axées sur le journalisme d’enquête internationale aux niveaux économique, politique, militaire et médical, dévoilait des informations si stupéfiantes qu’elles lui coûtèrent la vie. Neuf ans après, ses informations se confirment les unes après les autres. Il est vrai qu’il était informé par des politiciens repentis, des agents des services secrets écœurés ; il recevait également des documents classifiés, ultra confidentiels, souvent anonymement ou transmis par des confrères situés aux quatre coins du monde." (Rough translation: "In December 1996, in Montreal, Serge Monast of the International Free Press Agency, whose activities were aimed solely at international journalistic investigation of economic, political, military and medical information, revealed information so amazing it cost him his life. Nine years later, his claims are confirmed, one after another. It is verified that he was warned by repentant politicians and secret service agents disgusted that he was receiving classified documents, highly confidential, often anonymously or transmitted by colleagues at the four corners of the earth.") If ever printed text needed a [citation NOT needed] tag ...
  7. The catalogue!
  8. That Jurassic Park will convince people God's word is a lie as part of Project Blue Beam.
  9. "A massive new crematorium has recently been completed in Indianapolis, Indiana, at the now disused Amtrak railroad terminal, and an investigator has reported that he has received information from some of those who helped to build the facility that guillotines have been installed for those who arrive alive instead of dead." Dart, D. "Political Organizations in Place that are driving progress towards the 'New Age, NWO' and the role of the 'new Technology' in ensuring total control in this Godless World Order." Presented at World In Crisis, Brisbane, 1996-11-30.
  10. Author credits.
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