
You can track down a number of hardware problems using the MacBook Pro 15" Core 2 Duo Models A1226 and A1260 Troubleshooting Guide


There are a number of components in the MacBook Pro 15" Core 2 Duo that can be cost effectively upgraded.

  • Memory: MacBook Pro 15" Core 2 Duos came with 1 or 2 GB standard. If your MacBook Pro is still running with only the stock RAM, upgrading will provide a dramatic performance boost. Upgrading to the maximum of 6 GB (one 4 GB and one 2 GB) can be done very easily.
  • Hard Drive: 120, 160, 200, 250 or 320 GB hard drives came standard with the MacBook Pro 15" Core 2 Duo. You can easily upgrade the drive up to 750 GB.
  • Battery: Replacing the battery requires no special tools to release the battery latch. The battery can be replaced in less than 30 seconds.
  • Optical Drive: The standard optical drive shipped with MacBook Pro 15" Core 2 Duos is an 8x SuperDrive. The drive can easily be replaced.

Identification and Background

MacBook Pro 15" Models A1226 and A1260 shipped with a variety of processors, ranging from 2.2 GHz to 2.6 GHz. You can verify which model of MacBook Pro you have by checking the model number on the bottom of your laptop.

Use the laptop identification system to help you identify your machine. MacBook Pros tend to look very similar, and it's important to know which machine you have before ordering any replacement parts.

These laptops are an update of the Core 2 Duo Model A1211 laptop of the same name that was introduced two years earlier. Models A1226 and A1260 improved on their predecessor by adding faster processors, bigger stock hard drives, and larger RAM maximum capacities.

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