Teleposition (5e Spell)
You hold up a ring and thrust your arm past it at another creature, causing you to swap places with it.
3rd-level Conjuration (ritual) | |
Casting time: | 1 movement action |
Range: | 60ft |
Components: | S,M (A ring worth at least 100gp) |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
Target one creature. If that creature is unwilling, it must make a Strength saving throw to avoid the effect. If the spell succeeds, you and the target immediately exchange positions. Alternatively, you may make an Intelligence ability check (DC: 28 - your spell save DC) to target an object that is the same size as you.
When casting this spell as a ritual, it has unlimited range and can target any creature or object that you can see.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the maximum range increases by 10ft for each level above 4th. In addition, the spell can activate on a reaction at 5th level or higher.
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