Ozhalig (3.5e Template)


3e Summary::Ozhalig are highly beautiful creatures with mind-based powers. There are two ozhalig kinds: animal ozhalig and humanoid ozhalig. The humanoid ozhalig are the more powerful (and much more dangerous) among them, and are much rarer than animal ozhalig. They have a near-absolute control over the mind, able to manipulate it with frightening ease. Predator animal ozhalig have a taste for ozhalig flesh, including humanoid ozhalig flesh, while humanoid ozhalig have a taste for only animal ozhalig flesh, not humanoid ozhalig flesh. Ozhalig's offspring are always ozhalig themselves.

Creating an Animal Ozhalig

Animal Ozhalig is an inherited that can be applied on any Animal type creature (referred to hereafter as the base creature). An animal ozhalig uses all the statistics, abilities and special abilities of the base creature except as noted here.

Physical Description: Similarly to the appearance of the base creature, but with unnatural colors.

Size and Type: The creature’s type changes to Magical Beast. They also acquire the subtypes Augmented and Ozhalig. Don't recalculate base attack bonus, saves, or skill points. Size is unchanged.

Hit Dice: Increase all current and future racial HD by 1 level (d4 into d6, d10 into d12, etc.) up to d20.

Speed: Double all the speeds of the base creature. In addition, if the base creature possesses flight speed, the maneuverability increases by 1 level.

Armor Class: The base creature’s natural armor bonus improves by +2.

Full Attack: Similarly to the base creature, but combined with Mesmerism (see below).

Special Attacks: An animal ozhalig retains all the special attacks of the base creature, and gains Mesmerism, described below. Saves have a DC of 10 + the ozhalig’s HD + the ozhalig’s Cha modifier.

Mesmerism (Ps): Combination of the beauty and the mental power of the animal ozhalig. Any creature that both sees the animal ozhalig and the animal ozhalig is aware to their existence, and have lower Wisdom score than the animal ozhalig's Charisma score, must succeed on a Will save or to become both Dazed and Fascinated. All ozhalig are immune to this effect.

Special Qualities: An animal ozhalig retains all the base creature's special qualities, and gains those described below:

Mental Radar (Ps): Animal ozhalig automatically detect the location of any creature that has Intelligence score within a 1200 feet radius.

Mental Influence (Ps): Animal ozhalig can use all the following abilities at will as psi-like abilities with manifester level equal to 10 + their charisma modifier: Charm Animal, Charm Person, Confusion, Daze, Hold Animal, Hold Person. Those abilities don't work on other ozhalig.

Healing Factor (Ex): Animal ozhalig heal quickly; they restore 1 hp per hour of activity or 1 hp per 20 minutes of rest, 1 point of ability damage per hour and 1 point of drained ability per day. Moreover, they gain a +6 bonus on Fortitude saves.

Longevity: Up to physical maturity, animal ozhalig age at a similar rate to the base creature, but afterwards their aging process slows, affording them with twice as long lifespan compared to the base creature.

Abilities: +2 Strength, +4 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +4 Wisdom, +6 Charisma, +6 Comeliness. Ozhalig's beauty is breathtaking, and their mind is powerful. They are also agile.

Challenge Rating: The base creature's CR +6.

Treasure: The regular for the base creature (usually none).

Alignment: Always chaotic neutral.

Advancement: By HD.

Level Adjustment: Unplayable.

Creating a Humanoid Ozhalig

Humanoid Ozhalig is an inherited that can be applied on any Humanoid and Mosntrous Humanoid type creature (referred to hereafter as the base creature). A Humanoid ozhalig uses all the base creature's statistics, abilities and special abilities except as noted here.

Physical Description: Similarly to the appearance of the base creature, but with unnatural hair color and very brilliant eye color.

Size and Type: The creature’s type changes to Monstrous Humanoid. They acquire the subtypes Augmented and Ozhalig. Don't recalculate base attack bonus, saves, or skill points. Size is unchanged.

Hit Dice: Increase all current and future racial HD by 1 level (d4 into d6, d10 into d12, etc.) up to d20.

Speed: Double all the speeds of the base creature. In addition, if the base creature possesses flight speed, the maneuverability increases by 1 level.

Armor Class: The base creature’s natural armor bonus improves by +2.

Full Attack: Similarly to the base creature, but combined with Mesmerism and Mental Takeover (see below).

Special Attacks: A humanoid ozhalig retains all the special attacks of the base creature and gains Mesmerism and Mental Takeover, described below. Saves have a DC of 10 + the ozhalig’s HD + the ozhalig’s Cha modifier + the ozhalig’s Wis modifier.

Mesmerism (Ps): Combination of the beauty and the mental power of the humanoid ozhalig. Any creature that both sees the humanoid ozhalig and the humanoid ozhalig is aware to their existence, and have lower Wisdom score than the humanoid ozhalig's Charisma score, must succeed on a Will save or to become both Dazed and Fascinated. All ozhalig are immune to this effect.

Mental Takeover (Ps): Humanoid ozhalig can target a creature and attempt to take over their kind. The creature must succeed on a Will save or to be taken over. A taken over creature automatically fail on Will saves against the Humanoid ozhalig's psi-like abilities. Creature that succeeded on the will save cannot have their mind taken over for 1 hour. Humanoid ozhalig can take over other humanoid ozhalig's mind, however only if they fail on the Will save or allow them to. They can take over any animal ozhalig's mind. While controlling one's mind, they can affect their memories similarly to the effect of the spell Programed Amnesia.

Special Qualities: A humanoid ozhalig retains all the base creature's special qualities, and also acquires those described below:

Mental Radar (Ps): Humanoid ozhalig automatically sense the location, and the mental and emotional state, of any creature with Intelligence score within a mile radius.

Telepathic Ability (Ps): Humanoid ozhalig can communicate telepathically with any creature they can sense via their Mental Radar ability. They can also hear the thoughts or read the memories of any such creature within a 300 feet radius. A creature whose Wisdom score is equal to theirs can still be read such, however they are fully aware of the intrusion, and can block it with a successful Will save. If they so desire, the humanoid ozhalig can make the reading identifiable on purpose (this is just as easy as a regular use of this ability).

Advanced Mental Influence (Ps): Humanoid ozhalig has tremendous mental power, and can influence minds in various different ways. They can use the following abilities at will, as psi-like abilities with manifester level equal to 10 + their Charisma modifier + their Wisdom modifier: Antipathy, Calm Emotions, Charm Monster, Confusion, Crushing Despair, Daze Monster, Deep Slumber, Emotion, Geas/Quest, Good Hope, Greater Command, Hold Monster, Hypnotism, Insanity, Lullaby, Mass Charm Monster, Mass Hold Monster, Mass Suggestion, Mind Blank, Remove Fear, Sleep, Suggestion and Sympathy.

Healing Factor (Ex): Humanoid ozhalig heal quickly; they restore 1 hp per hour of activity or 1 hp per 20 minutes of rest, 1 point of ability damage per hour and 1 point of drained ability per day. Moreover, they gain a +6 bonus on Fortitude saves.

Longevity: Up to physical maturity, humanoid ozhalig at a similar rate to the base creature, but afterwards their aging process slows, affording them with twice as long lifespan compared to the base creature.

Abilities: +2 Strength, +4 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +8 Intelligence, +10 Wisdom, +12 Charisma, +6 Comeliness. Ozhalig's beauty is breathtaking, and their mind is very powerful. They are also agile.

Skills: Humanoid ozhalig gain a +12 bonus on Bluff, Search and Sense Motive checks.

Feats: Humanoid ozhalig gain the feats Iron Will and Lightning Reflexes.

Challenge Rating: The base creature's CR +12.

Treasure: The regular for the base creature.

Alignment: Any

Advancement: By HD or by class, whichever is quicker.

Level Adjustment: +8

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