Fire Giant, Crassicauda (3.5e Creature)

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Fire Giant, Crassicauda

Crassicauda, Giant Form

CR 15

LE Large Giant (Fire, Shapechanger)
Init/Senses +0/Darkvision 60ft., low-light vision; Listen +3, Spot +19
Languages Common, Giant
AC 26, touch 9, flat-footed 26
(–1 size, +0 Dex, +10 natural, +7 half-plate armor)
hp 441 (25 HD); Damage Reduction 5/silver
Immune Fire, mind-affecting effects
Fort/Ref/Will +22/+8/+12
Weakness Cold vulnerability
Speed 30 ft. in half-plate armor (6 squares); base speed 40 ft.
Melee Greatsword +28/+23/+18/+13 melee (3d6+16) or
Melee 2 slams +28 melee (1d4+11)
Ranged rock +18 ranged (2d6+11 plus 2d6 fire)
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.
Base Atk/Grp +18/+33
Abilities Str 32, Dex 10, Con 22, Int 8, Wis 16, Cha 11
Feats Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Overrun, Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Multiattack, Improved Natural Attack (Claws), Improved Natural Attack (Sting)
Skills Climb +14, Craft (any one) +5, Intimidate +6, Jump +10, Spot +19, Hide +10
Advancement by character class (Barbarian)
Rock Throwing (Ex) The range increment is 120 feet for a Crassicauda's thrown rocks.
Curse of Entomanothropy (Su) Any humanoid or giant of size Small to Huge that is hit by an Crassicauda's sting attack in vermin or hybrid form must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or contract entomanothropy. Afflicted entomanothropes cannot pass on the curse of entomanothropy.
Alternate Form (Su) A Crassicauda can assume the form of a Medium, Large, or Huge, monstrous scorpion, or a Hybrid form as if using a polymorph spell on itself. Its gear is not affected, it can maintain the new form indefinitely, and it does not gain hit points for changing form.
Entomanothropic Command (Su) Crassicaudas can command monstrous scorpions (any size) as if using a command undead spell on mindless undead. This ability affects 2 Hit Dice of monstrous scorpions per Hit Die of the Crassicauda (50 Hit Dice), and it lasts for 1 hour.
Crassicauda, Hybrid Form

CR 15

LE Large Giant (Fire, Shapechanger)
Init/Senses +0/Darkvision 60ft., low-light vision; Listen +3, Spot +19
Languages Common, Giant
AC 28, touch 9, flat-footed 28
(–1 size, +0 Dex, +14 natural, +7 half-plate armor)
hp 441 (25 HD); Damage Reduction 5/silver
Immune Fire, mind-affecting effects
Fort/Ref/Will +25/+8/+12
Weakness Cold vulnerability
Speed 30 ft. in half-plate armor (6 squares); base speed 40 ft.
Melee Greatsword +34/+29/+24/+19 melee (3d6+25) or
Melee 2 claws +34 melee (1d8+17) and sting +32 melee (2d6+8 plus poison)
Ranged rock +18 ranged (2d6+17 plus 2d6 fire)
Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.
Base Atk/Grp +18/+39
Abilities Str 44, Dex 10, Con 28, Int 8, Wis 16, Cha 11
Feats Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Overrun, Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Multiattack, Improved Natural Attack (Claws), Improved Natural Attack (Sting)
Skills Climb +20, Craft (any one) +5, Intimidate +6, Jump +16, Spot +19, Hide +10
Advancement by character class (Barbarian)
Rock Throwing (Ex) The range increment is 120 feet for a Crassicauda's thrown rocks.
Curse of Entomanothropy (Su) Any humanoid or giant of size Small to Huge that is hit by an Crassicauda's sting attack in vermin or hybrid form must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or contract entomanothropy. Afflicted entomanothropes cannot pass on the curse of entomanothropy.
Alternate Form (Su) A Crassicauda can assume the form of a Medium, Large, or Huge, monstrous scorpion, or a Hybrid form as if using a polymorph spell on itself. Its gear is not affected, it can maintain the new form indefinitely, and it does not gain hit points for changing form.
Entomanothropic Command (Su) Crassicaudas can command monstrous scorpions (any size) as if using a command undead spell on mindless undead. This ability affects 2 Hit Dice of monstrous scorpions per Hit Die of the Crassicauda (50 Hit Dice), and it lasts for 1 hour.
Poison (Ex) A Crassicaudas has a poisonous sting that deals 1d6 Constitution damage as initial and secondary damage (DC 24)
Crassicauda, Vermin Form

CR 15

LE Huge Giant (Fire, Shapechanger)
Init/Senses +0/Darkvision 60ft., low-light vision; Listen +3, Spot +19
Languages Common, Giant
AC 23, touch 9, flat-footed 23
(–1 size, +0 Dex, +14 natural)
hp 441 (25 HD); Damage Reduction 5/silver
Immune Fire, mind-affecting effects
Fort/Ref/Will +25/+8/+12
Weakness Cold vulnerability
Speed 50 ft. (10 squares)
Melee 2 claws +34 melee (2d6+17) and sting +32 melee (2d6+8 plus poison)
Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.
Base Atk/Grp +18/+43
Special Actions Constrict 2d6+17, improved grab, poison
Abilities Str 44, Dex 10, Con 28, Int 8, Wis 16, Cha 11
Feats Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Overrun, Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Multiattack, Improved Natural Attack (Claws), Improved Natural Attack (Sting)
Skills Climb +20, Craft (any one) +5, Intimidate +6, Jump +16, Spot +19, Hide +10
Advancement by character class (Barbarian)
Curse of Entomanothropy (Su) Any humanoid or giant of size Small to Huge that is hit by an Crassicauda's sting attack in vermin or hybrid form must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or contract entomanothropy. Afflicted entomanothropes cannot pass on the curse of entomanothropy.
Alternate Form (Su) A Crassicauda can assume the form of a Medium, Large, or Huge, monstrous scorpion, or a Hybrid form as if using a polymorph spell on itself. Its gear is not affected, it can maintain the new form indefinitely, and it does not gain hit points for changing form.
Entomanothropic Command (Su) Crassicaudas can command monstrous scorpions (any size) as if using a command undead spell on mindless undead. This ability affects 2 Hit Dice of monstrous scorpions per Hit Die of the Crassicauda (50 Hit Dice), and it lasts for 1 hour.
Poison (Ex) A Crassicaudas has a poisonous sting that deals 1d6 Constitution damage as initial and secondary damage (DC 24)
Constrict (Ex) A Crassicaudas deals automatic claw damage on a successful grapple check.
Improved Grab (Ex) To use this ability, a Crassicaudas must hit with a claw attack. A Crassicaudas can use either its Strength modifier or Dexterity modifier for grapple checks, whichever is better.



Typical Physical Characteristics:



Built using a Fire Giant and Huge Monstrous Scorpion using the Entomanothropy Rules.

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gollark: The code is internally rewritten in a confusing way to use promises.
gollark: It doesn't actually block.
gollark: Await/async is syntactic sugar for promises.
gollark: Technically that isn't right.
gollark: BF with asynchronous I/O.
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