< Feats Revamped (3.5e Sourcebook)

Feats Revamped (3.5e Sourcebook)/Epic Feats

Epic Feats

How they have changed

Well now that we have seen what newer feats can do epic feats don't seem like that big of a deal now do they? Well this section aims to correct that as well. Unlike normal feats almost all of these feats have a prerequisite and advance based on class level (mainly due to the fact that depending on build certain feats might be unobtainable.) In short this entire section should bring Epic Feats back into the realm of something you might actually want to take, instead of seriously considering taking another base feat since it gives you a ton of enhancements for a single feat.

gollark: What if we remove all verbs?
gollark: Can we make it also... MACHINE-PARSEABLE?
gollark: Exactly.
gollark: * gecki, lasers
gollark: deploy geckos with lsaers

Armor Mastery, Light [Combat] Feat

Prerequisite: Light Armor Specialization.

  • Character Level 21 = The characters maximum dexterity bonus increases by 2 for all light armors.
  • Character Level 24 = The characters armor damage reduction value increases to 4/-. This value stacks with innate damage reduction for material type.
  • Character Level 27 = The character no longer counts any light armor against his weight capacity.
  • Character Level 30 = The character no longer possesses a maximum dexterity bonus in light armor. When wearing light armor the character always adds his maximum dexterity value.

Armor Mastery, Medium [Combat] Feat

Prerequisite: Medium Armor Specialization.

  • Character Level 21 = Armor check penalties are reduced by 4, and AC is increased by 4. These values over write and do not add to the Medium Armor Specialization bonuses.
  • Character Level 24 = Maximum Dexterity bonus increases by 3 for all medium armors.
  • Character Level 27 = Medium armor no longer counts towards a characters weight limit.
  • Character Level 30 = Armor check penalties are negated and the damage reduction for medium armor increases to 6/-. This damage reduction stacks with material damage reduction (such as adamantite).

Armor Mastery, Heavy [Combat] Feat

Prerequisite: Heavy Armor Specialization.

  • Character Level 21 = The character is able to make full use of his armor. All heavy armor gains +3 to AC.
  • Character Level 24 = Armor check penalties are reduced by 10. This reduction can move the penalty to 0 but not above zero.
  • Character Level 27 = +2 maximum Dexterity bonus.
  • Character Level 30 = Heavy armor no longer counts against the characters weight limit. This affects all armors, including super heavy armors like dwarven heavy plate.

Body Mastery [Misc] Feat

These bonuses stack with Improved Resistance.

  • Caster level 21 = You receive a bonus of +3 to all your saving throws.
  • Caster level 24 = You receive a bonus of +6 to all your saving throws.
  • Caster level 27 = You receive a bonus of +12 to all your saving throws.
  • Caster level 30 = You double your base saving throw (i.e. at level 30 you will have the class saving throw (+6 or +12) plus 5 for levels 20-30. Total is +11 to +17 and this number is doubled.)

Enhanced Metamagic [Magic] Feat

  • Caster level 21 = The spell slot modifier of all the character’s metamagic feats is reduced by one level, to a minimum of +1 (-2 to a minimum of 2 for spell points.) This feat has no effect on metamagic feats whose spell slot modifier is +1 or less.
  • Caster level 24 = The spell slot modifier of all the character’s metamagic feats is reduced by two levels, to a minimum of +1 (-4 to a minimum of 2 for spell points.) This feat has no effect on metamagic feats whose spell slot modifier is +1 or less.
  • Caster level 27 = The spell slot modifier of all the character’s metamagic feats is reduced by three levels, to a minimum of +1 (-6 to a minimum of 2 for spell points.) This feat has no effect on metamagic feats whose spell slot modifier is +1 or less.
  • Caster level 30 = The spell slot modifier of all the character’s metamagic feats is reduced by four levels, to a minimum of +1 (-8 to a minimum of 2 for spell points.) This feat has no effect on metamagic feats whose spell slot modifier is +1 or less.

Special: This feat may be selected multiple times. Each time it is selected the spell level modifier reductions is decreased by one to a minimum of 1 (-2 to a minimum of 2 for spell points.)

Epic Ancestral Possession [Misc] Feat

  • Character level 21 = Your ancestral possession now has a maximum gold piece value of 1,000,000.
  • Character level 24 = Your ancestral possession now has a maximum gold piece value of 2,000,000.
  • Character level 27 = Your ancestral possession now has a maximum gold piece value of 4,000,000.
  • Character level 30 = Your ancestral possession now has a maximum gold piece value of 8,000,000.

Epic Magic Item Creation [Magic] Feat

Greater Ability [Misc] Feat

  • Character level 21 = Select an attribute (such as Strength) this attribute gains a permanent +1.
  • Character level 24 = The attribute selected increases by an additional +1 (total +2.)
  • Character level 27 = The attribute selected increases by an additional +1 (total +3.)
  • Character level 30 = The attribute selected increases by an additional +2 (total +5.)

Special: This feat may be selected multiple times. You can either choose the same attribute again or you may choose another attribute to improve.

Hard to Kill [Combat] Feat

Prerequisites: Con 20

  • Character level 21 = The characters' life span increases by double (all penalties already accrued stay in place), fast healing 2, damage reduction 1/- and natural armor increases by 1.
  • Character level 24 = The characters' life span increases by double (all penalties already accrued stay in place), fast healing 4, damage reduction 2/- and natural armor increases by 2. Your character is now immune to all poisons DC 25 or less.
  • Character level 27 = The characters' life span increases by five times (all penalties already accrued stay in place), fast healing 6, damage reduction 3/- and natural armor increases by 3. Your character is now immune to all non magical diseases.
  • Character level 30 = The characters' life span is effectively immortal (he only dies through combat (all penalties already accrued stay in place)), fast healing 8, damage reduction 5/- and natural armor increases by 5.

Improved Subtle Strikes [Combat] Feat

Prerequisites: Subtle Strike, Sneak Attack class ability

  • Sneak attack damage 10d6 = Your character now adds 3d6 to your sneak attack damage.
  • Sneak attack damage 15d6 = Whenever you are flanking and perform an attack of opportunity you may apply sneak attack damage.
  • Sneak attack damage 16d6 = Any time you succesffully sneak attack the damage from your sneak attack ability occurs again in the following round. You also are able to critically strike with your sneak attack.
  • Character level 30 = Your character now can add double their level on a sneak attack critical. All attacks of opportunity now count as sneak attacks.

Innate Quicken Spell [Magic] Feat

Prerequisites: Subtle Spells, Caster Level 20, Spell Craft 25

  • Character level 21 = The character may cast all 0-, 1st-, 2nd-, and 3rd-level spells as quickened spells without using higher-level spell slots.
  • Character level 24 = The character may cast all 4th-, 5th-, and 6th-level spells as quickened spells without using higher-level spell slots.
  • Character level 27 = The character may cast all 7th-, 8th-, and 9th-level spells as quickened spells without using higher-level spell slots.
  • Character level 30 = The character may cast all spells (including epic spells) as quickened spells without using higher-level spell slots.

Innate Silent Spell [Magic] Feat

Prerequisites: Subtle Spells, Caster Level 20, Spell Craft 25

  • Character level 21 = The character may cast all 0-, 1st-, 2nd-, and 3rd-level spells as silent spells without using higher-level spell slots.
  • Character level 24 = The character may cast all 4th-, 5th-, and 6th-level spells as silent spells without using higher-level spell slots.
  • Character level 27 = The character may cast all 7th-, 8th-, and 9th-level spells as silent spells without using higher-level spell slots.
  • Character level 30 = The character may cast all spells (including epic spells) as silent spells without using higher-level spell slots.

Innate Still Spell [Magic] Feat

Prerequisites: Subtle Spells, Caster Level 20, Spell Craft 25

  • Character level 21 = The character may cast all 0-, 1st-, 2nd-, and 3rd-level spells as stilled spells without using higher-level spell slots.
  • Character level 24 = The character may cast all 4th-, 5th-, and 6th-level spells as stilled spells without using higher-level spell slots.
  • Character level 27 = The character may cast all 7th-, 8th-, and 9th-level spells as stilled spells without using higher-level spell slots.
  • Character level 30 = The character may cast all spells (including epic spells) as stilled spells without using higher-level spell slots.

Magic Mastery [Magic] Feat

  • Character level 21 = Whenever you cast a spell the DC for resisting the spell increases by 5.
  • Character level 24 = Whenever you cast a spell the DC for resisting the spell increases by 10.
  • Character level 27 = Whenever you cast a spell with damage roll a d20 on a 19-20 the spell delivers a critical strike. A roll of 1 does nothing.
  • Character level 30 = Whenever you cast a spell the DC for resisting the spell increases by 15.

Metamagic Mastery [Magic] Feat

  • Character level 21 = The character may now imbue a single metamagic feat of +1 caster level into any spell as an innate modifier. This means that the character for every spell he casts may select a single +1 to level of spell ability to apply without increasing the level of the spell. This ability may be used in conjunction with the enhanced metamagic epic feat.
  • Character level 24 = The character may now imbue two metamagic feat of +1 caster level into any spell as an innate modifier. This means that the character for every spell he casts may select two +1 to level of spell abilities to apply without increasing the level of the spell. This ability may be used in conjunction with the enhanced metamagic epic feat.
  • Character level 27 = The character may now imbue three metamagic feat of +1 caster level into any spell as an innate modifier. This means that the character for every spell he casts may select three +1 to level of spell abilities to apply without increasing the level of the spell. This ability may be used in conjunction with the enhanced metamagic epic feat.
  • Character level 30 = The character may now imbue four metamagic feat of +1 caster level into any spell as an innate modifier. This means that the character for every spell he casts may select four +1 to level of spell abilities to apply without increasing the level of the spell. This ability may be used in conjunction with the enhanced metamagic epic feat.

Negate Damage Reduction [Combat] Feat

  • Character level 21 = The character melee weapons (including natural weapons) are treated as being crafted from the chosen special material for the purposes of bypassing the damage reduction of any creature the character strikes. None of the other special properties of special materials are gained by the character’s melee weapons.
  • Character level 24 = The character melee weapons (including natural weapons) are treated as being crafted from the chosen special material for the purposes of bypassing the damage reduction of any creature the character strikes. None of the other special properties of special materials are gained by the character’s melee weapons.
  • Character level 27 = The character melee weapons (including natural weapons) are treated as being crafted from the chosen special material for the purposes of bypassing the damage reduction of any creature the character strikes. None of the other special properties of special materials are gained by the character’s melee weapons.
  • Character level 30 = The character melee weapons (including natural weapons) are treated as being crafted from the chosen special material for the purposes of bypassing the damage reduction of any creature the character strikes. None of the other special properties of special materials are gained by the character’s melee weapons.

Speed Freak [Skill] Feat

Prerequisites: Dex 20

  • Character level 21 = The character gets a +8 bonus on initiative checks. This bonus overlaps (does not stack with) the bonus from Improved Initiative.
  • Character level 24 = The character’s speed increases by 30 feet. This benefit does not stack with increased speed granted by magic items or nonpermanent magical effects.
  • Character level 27 = The character can act as if hasted for 5 rounds each day. The duration of the effect need not be consecutive rounds. Activating this power is a free action.
  • Character level 30 = The character can act as if hasted for 5 rounds times his Dex modifier each day. The duration of the effect need not be consecutive rounds. Activating this power is a free action.

Spell Aura [Magic] Feat

Prerequisites: Spellcraft or Perform 25 ranks

  • Character level 21 = Designate a character’s spell or spell like ability with an area of affect. This effect is permanent (though the character can dismiss or restart it as a free action). Effects that would dispel this affect instead suppress it for 2d4 rounds.
  • Character level 24 = Designate a character’s spell or spell like ability with an area of affect. This effect is permanent (though the character can dismiss or restart it as a free action). Effects that would dispel this affect instead suppress it for 2d4 rounds.
  • Character level 27 = Designate a character’s spell or spell like ability with an area of affect. This effect is permanent (though the character can dismiss or restart it as a free action). Effects that would dispel this affect instead suppress it for 2d4 rounds.
  • Character level 30 = All designated abilities are suppressed for a single round by dispel magic.

Superior Unarmed Combat [Combat] Feat

Prerequisites: Unarmed Combat, Weapon Specialization (unarmed), Str 20, Wis 20, Ki Strike (Magic)

  • Character level 21 = The character’s unarmed strike has a critical threat range of 1820 and the character may select the type of damage he wishes to deal (slashing, bludgeoning or piercing.) This ability overwrites other threat range increases for hand to hand damage, and does not stack with them. Also the characters unarmed strikes count as epic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
  • Character level 24 = Whenever the character scores a critical hit he adds an additional d8 of damage to his damage total. This additional damage is not multiplied by the critical attack.
  • Character level 27 = The character’s unarmed strike is considered to be a slashing vorpal weapon. (At the character’s option, any unarmed strike can do bludgeoning damage instead, but it loses the vorpal quality.) This ability doesn’t stack with similar abilities. In addition the character receives a +3 to strike and +5 to damage. These increases stack with the Weapon Specialization (unarmed) and Weapon Mastery (unarmed) feats.
  • Character level 30 = The character adds an additional die step to his hand to hand damage chart (i.e. 4d8 becomes 5d8)

Weapon Perfection [Combat] Feat

Prerequisite: Weapon Supremency

Weapon Supremacy [Combat] Feat

Prerequisite: Weapon Mastery

  • Character Level 21: The critical threat range of the weapon is tripled (replacing the doubled range from weapon specialization). The additional increase from Weapon Mastery is applied after the threat range is tripled.
  • Character Level 24: The character excels with his weapon, able to move with blinding speed. As long as the character uses the weapon he possesses weapon mastery for he may take an additional attack per round at his highest base attack bonus.
  • Character Level 27: The characters abilities have magnified. When launching a full attack the additional attacks from his base attack bonus now receive +5 to hit, changing his second attack to full base attack bonus and any third or fourth attacks to second attack step.
  • Character Level 30: Whenever the character lands a critical blow he may select one of his opponents abilitiy scores. The ability score selected takes temporary damage equal to the critical multiplier of the weapon (x2 multiplier is 2 points of ability damage).

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