< Feats Revamped (3.5e Sourcebook)

Feats Revamped (3.5e Sourcebook)/Combat Feats

How the Feats have Changed

Since there was apparent confusion I will label this at the top in bold. Yes some of these feats are very similar to F&K feats found in the races of war sourcebook. However since people who like those sort of books can't agree that those feats are not balanced well (I am going for "what do I wish to sacrifice", not "I take these 7 feats every time") I have included them here in their adjusted forms. F&K still get the credit for any feats in this area that are revised, the ones that don't share the same name are my own.

Also please note this is more of a quick reference guide than a full up sourcebook. Its entire purpose is to allow people to quickly and accurately be able to find all the additional feats that are brewed up and part of the whole overhaul.

Combat feats were never very impressive and in most cases don't actually give enough of a bonus to make them really useful especially at later levels. The new combat feats are designed specifically to be useful at higher levels and scale their ability with the base attack bonus and thus are most useful to combat based characters such as fighters and are limited use to individuals with the moderate attack progression tables like monks and rogues.

Some of the feats detailed here resemble or are almost the same as the feats in other areas of the D&D wiki. I am not claiming these as my creations though in several cases I have changed some of the benefits from the feats trying to even out feats to make them all approximately the same power level. My end goal at the end of the day is that each player is sitting here asking himself which feats he can sacrifice off this list in order to get what he or she wants instead of the normal same tired feats that are selected by every character since the start of D&D 3.5.

All of the following feats scale with the base attack bonus of the character. This is why these feats work best for characters with a full attack progression theme.

Advanced Archery [Combat] Feat:

  • Base Attack Bonus +0 = As a standard action, you may fire two arrows at a single opponent within 30 feet. Both arrows use the same attack roll to determine success and deal damage normally (but see Special).
  • Base Attack Bonus +6 = You can get one extra attack per round with a ranged weapon. The attack is at your highest base attack bonus. You must use the full attack action to use this feat.
  • Base Attack Bonus +11 = The ability gained at base attack bonus +0 now allows you to fire each arrow at a different target instead of firing all of them at the same target. You make a separate attack roll for each arrow, regardless of whether you fire them at separate targets or the same target. Your precision-based damage applies to each arrow fired, and, if you score a critical hit with more than one of the arrows, each critical hit deals critical damage.
  • Base Attack Bonus +16 = You may make a full round attack as a standard action.

Armor Specialization (Light) [Combat] Feat:

  • Base Attack Bonus +0 = You lessen your armor check penalties by 1, and your AC increases by 1 while wearing light armor.
  • Base Attack Bonus +6 = While wearing light armor and no more than a medium load you gain +10 to your movement speed. This feature stacks with class features like the barbarians improved speed.
  • Base Attack Bonus +11 = Armor check penalties are negated and the AC increase is now +2. This overwrites the bonus gained at BAB +0.
  • Base Attack Bonus +16 = Due to specialization you now gain DR 2/-. If the armor is adamantine this stacks with the DR that the material provides.

Armor Specialization (Medium) [Combat] Feat:

  • Base Attack Bonus +0 = Your armor penalty check is reduced by 2, your AC increases by 1 while wearing medium armor.
  • Base Attack Bonus +6 = Your movement speed penalty for wearing medium armor is negated, and you now move at +5 your base land speed.
  • Base Attack Bonus +11 = Armor check penalties are reduced by 3 and the AC increase is now +2. This overwrites the bonus gained at BAB +0.
  • Base Attack Bonus +16 = Due to specialization you now gain DR 3/-. If the armor is adamantine this stacks with the DR that the material provides.

Armor Specialization (Heavy) [Combat] Feat:

  • Base Attack Bonus +0 = Armor check penalties in heavy armor are reduced by half, your AC is increased by 2 while wearing heavy armor.
  • Base Attack Bonus +6 = Your movement speed increases by 10 feet after reductions. This speed increase cannot take you over your base land speed for your race.
  • Base Attack Bonus +11 = Armor check penalties are reduced by 3/4 (rounded down) and your AC increases to +3. This overwrites the bonus gained at BAB +0.
  • Base Attack Bonus +16 = Due to specialization you now gain DR 4/-. If the armor is adamantine this stacks with the DR that the material provides.

Blind Fight [Combat] Feat:

  • Base Attack Bonus +0 = You may reroll your miss chances caused by concealment.
  • Base Attack Bonus +6 = While impaired visually, you may move your normal speed without difficulty.
  • Base Attack Bonus +11 = You have Blindsense out to 60', this allows you to know the location of all creatures within 60'.
  • Base Attack Bonus +16 = You cannot be suprised unless your opponent moves from outside your blind sense to attack you.

Blitz [Combat] Feat:

  • Base Attack Bonus +0 = When conducting a charge you may add an additional d6 to your damage rolls.
  • Base Attack Bonus +6 = Full attack actions beyond the first suffer a -3 to hit instead of the normal -5.
  • Base Attack Bonus +11 = During a full round attack the individual may trade base attack bonus for damage.
  • Base Attack Bonus +16 = You may make a full round attack as a standard action.

Combat Reactions [Combat] Feat:

  • Base Attack Bonus +0 = You may store an item as a free action, and gain additional attacks of opportunity up to your dex modifier a round.
  • Base Attack Bonus +6 = You gain a +4 bonus to your initiative score.
  • Base Attack Bonus +11 = You may draw a weapon as a free action.
  • Base Attack Bonus +16 = You may make a disarm attempt with +4 to your grapple score, if successful you may take the weapon to use yourself or store as a swift action.

Crossbow Mastery [Combat] Feat:

  • Base Attack Bonus +0 = Light crossbows are reloaded as a free action. Heavy crossbows are reloaded as a move action. You also gain +2 to hit with crossbows, and +3 to damage.
  • Base Attack Bonus +6 = You may now reload heavy crossbows as a free action. You gain the ability to effectively extend any ranged based feats out to 60 feet.
  • Base Attack Bonus +11 = You now add your dexterity bonus to all attacks within 60 feet. This bonus is considered accuracy based.
  • Base Attack Bonus +16 = You may now preform a full round attack as a standard action.

Defensive Combat [Combat] Feat:

Prerequisite: Defensive Fighting

  • Base Attack Bonus +0 = Whenever you fight defensively you may take the full amount of attacks of opportunity you currently possess.
  • Base Attack Bonus +6 = Skills do not negate your ability to perform attacks of opportunity (i.e. tumble no longer suppresses your attack of opportunity.)
  • Base Attack Bonus +11 = When fighting defensively you can choose one ally within 5 feet (10 feet if large) and give them a shield bonus equal to your defensive fighting bonus to AC. This bonus is lost if you stop fighting defensively or the receipiant moves out of this abilities radius.
  • Base Attack Bonus +16 = Your weapon threat range is deadly when fighting defensively. Any time someone takes a move action or greater (full action, standard action, etc) and is within your weapon range you receive the option to use an attack of opportunity to strike them. If you strike them any action they take receives a -4 penalty.

Defensive Fighting [Combat] Feat:

  • Base Attack Bonus +0 = When fighting defensively the character gains double the AC for the defensive action (+4 for defensive +8 for total defense)
  • Base Attack Bonus +6 = You gain a +1 to your AC at all times, and you are immune to bull rush and trip attacks.
  • Base Attack Bonus +11 = When fighting defensively choose a single elemental type (fire, frost, force, etc) you gain resistence 10 to that element as long as you are fighting defensively.
  • Base Attack Bonus +16 = You may move at full speed while on total defense. In addition you also gain a bonus to save versus fear and mind affecting abilities (i.e. charm person or dominate) equal to half your class level while on total defense. If you fight defensively you gain a bonus equal to 1/4 of your class level to saving throws versus fear and mind affecting abilities.

Destructive Strikes [Combat] Feat:

  • Base Attack Bonus +0 = Whenever you kill an enemy in combat you may make a five foot adjustment and another attack at the same bonus your killing blow had. You may only do this once per round.
  • Base Attack Bonus +6 = You may strike at an opponents equipment without provoking an attack of opportunity.
  • Base Attack Bonus +11 = You are no longer limited to how many times a round you may make additional attacks. You still may only make a single free 5-foot adjustment with this ability.
  • Base Attack Bonus +16 = When you strike a target you add a bonus of half your character level (rounded down) to the damage total.

Great Fortitude [Combat] Feat:

  • Base Attack Bonus +0 = +3 Bonus on Fortitude saving throw. You may also sleep in any armor you wear without penalty.
  • Base Attack Bonus +6 = You die at -20 hit points and go unconscious at -10.
  • Base Attack Bonus +11 = You gain 2 hit points per level.
  • Base Attack Bonus +16 = You gain DR 3/-, if you already possess DR of */- then the DR increases by 3.

Great Rage [Combat] Feat:

Prerequisite: Must be able to use the rage class feature.

  • Base Attack Bonus +0 = Double the amount of rage uses per day you normally receive.
  • Base Attack Bonus +6 = The penalty to armor class is reduced to -1 while in the rage.
  • Base Attack Bonus +11 = Your rage duration is double (3+con modifier x2) for all rage uses.
  • Base Attack Bonus +16 = Whenever you are in a rage you gain an additional +2 to strength and constitution. The AC penalty remains -1.

Hard Charger [Combat] Feat:

Prerequisite: Mounted Combat Feat

  • Base Attack Bonus +0 = During any charge you may elect to reduce your AC by no more than your Base Attack Bonus. For every point reduced you deal +2 additional damage as long as you moved 10 feet or more. If the weapon is two handed the damage is increased to +3 per point of AC reduction.
  • Base Attack Bonus +6 = During a charge you can now charge through your opponent and into a second individual. If two individuals line up you can execute a charge attack against both provided you win an overrun contest against the first opponent.
  • Base Attack Bonus +11 = You are now able to take a 90 degree turn during your charge move which can be combined with the base attack bonus +6 ability. You may only take one 90 degree turn per action.
  • Base Attack Bonus +16 = Whenever you take a charging action your threat range is increased by three and your weapon damage increases by one die step (these bonuses stack with weapon mastery and weapon specialization.)

Mage Hunter [Combat] Feat:

  • Base Attack Bonus +0 = Select one caster within 30 feet. That caster must now make a DC 12 concentration check in order to cast a spell successfully. Failure results in the loss of the spell slot and negation of the action.
  • Base Attack Bonus +6 = The concentration DC raises to 17.
  • Base Attack Bonus +11 = The caster distance is now 60 feet. The resist DC is now raised to 22.
  • Base Attack Bonus +16 = The resist DC raises to 27.

Mounted Fighting [Combat] Feat:

  • Base Attack Bonus +0 = Once per round when your mount is hit in combat, you may attempt a Ride check (as a reaction) to negate the hit. The hit is negated if your Ride check result is greater than the opponent’s attack roll. (Essentially, the Ride check result becomes the mount’s Armor Class if it’s higher than the mount’s regular AC.)
  • Base Attack Bonus +6 = The penalty you take when using a ranged weapon while mounted is halved: –2 instead of –4 if your mount is taking a double move, and –4 instead of –8 if your mount is running.
  • Base Attack Bonus +11 = When you are mounted and use the charge action, you may move and attack as if with a standard charge and then move again (continuing the straight line of the charge). Your total movement for the round can’t exceed double your mounted speed. You and your mount do not provoke an attack of opportunity from the opponent that you attack.
  • Base Attack Bonus +16 = When mounted and using the charge action, you deal double damage with a melee weapon (or triple damage with a lance). Also when you attempt to overrun an opponent while mounted, your target may not choose to avoid you. Your mount may make one hoof attack against any target you knock down, gaining the standard +4 bonus on attack rolls against prone targets.

Multi-Weapon Fighting [Combat] Feat:

  • Base Attack Bonus +0 = You can make an additional attack per limb for every base attack (i.e. non flurry of blows) you possess at your current level.
  • Base Attack Bonus +6 = You receive a shield bonus to AC that is equal to 1/8 of your character level.
  • Base Attack Bonus +11 = You gain an additional two attacks of opportunity every round.
  • Base Attack Bonus +16 = You gain the ability to rend your opponent for 2d6 + damage bonuses if you manage to strike with two separate weapons in the same combat round. This can only be done once a round regardless of how many paired strikes occur.

Oversized [Combat] Feat:

  • Base Attack Bonus +0 = You may be considered one size category larger for the purposes of any size dependant roll you make (such as a Bull Rush, Overrun, or Lift action.)
  • Base Attack Bonus +6 = You count as being one size category larger for weapon usage purposes. If you use two weapon fighting only the mainhand is considered a size category larger.
  • Base Attack Bonus +11 = You gain unarmed damage equal to a creature one size category larger.
  • Base Attack Bonus +16 = For purposes of weight capacity you are counted as one size category larger (as a medium creature your load numbers are equal to a large creature of the same strength.)

Penatrating Strike [Combat] Feat:

Prerequisite: Must be able to gain the Piercing Strike Class feature.

  • Base Attack Bonus +0 = You add an additional point of damage per two class levels to all attacks.
  • Base Attack Bonus +6 = Your precision is uncanny and reduces your opponents AC by 2 for every successful strike in the round (lasts until the end of the round.)
  • Base Attack Bonus +11 = You may trade an additional attack during a full attack action to change a strike to a critical hit.
  • Base Attack Bonus +16 = You reduce base damage reduction to your attacks by the same amount the Piercing Strike class feature grants for bonus damage.

Shield Specialization [Combat] Feat:

  • Base Attack Bonus +0 = You may use shields as a weapon (excluding tower shields) and retain your bonus to AC.
  • Base Attack Bonus +6 = Your shields armor check penalties are reduced by one and the AC value increases by 1/4 of your character level.
  • Base Attack Bonus +11 = On any full defensive actions your shield gives you cover. Tower shields still give you total cover.
  • Base Attack Bonus +16 = Shields no longer count towards your weight limit, they no longer have armor check penalties and your AC increase by one-quarter of your level (+4 at 16). This increase overwrites the benefits given by BAB +6.

Sniper [Combat] Feat:

  • Base Attack Bonus +0 = You may fire into melee combat without any penalties.
  • Base Attack Bonus +6 = Range increments are increased by 50% and any special abilities may be used at 60 feet instead of 30 feet.
  • Base Attack Bonus +11 = You may make a full attack with any ranged weapon you are proficient with.
  • Base Attack Bonus +16 = You negate cover bonuses except for total cover.

Two-Handed Weapon Focus [Combat] Feat:

  • Base Attack Bonus +0 = You gain a shield bonus equal to 1/8th of your character level (minimum +1 bonus). This bonus is always rounded down to a minimum of +1.
  • Base Attack Bonus +6 = Your attacks are powerful and provide you the ability to trade one base attack value bonus point for two additional damage on any combat roll (maximum trade of 5 from base attack bonus).
  • Base Attack Bonus +11 = You strike so swiftly with your two handed weapon that you gain one additional attack per round at your highest base attack bonus. This bonus is expertise in nature and stacks with all other attack number increases.
  • Base Attack Bonus +16 = Your attacks are nearly overpowering. For every point of base attack bonus you reduce your strike by you now add three points to the damage roll, and you triple your strength score instead of doubling your strength score. These bonuses are multiplied by critical strikes.

Two Weapon Combat [Combat] Feat:

  • Base Attack Bonus +0 = You can make an additional attack for every base attack (i.e. non flurry of blows) you possess at your current level.
  • Base Attack Bonus +6 = You receive a shield bonus to AC that is equal to 1/8th of your character level.
  • Base Attack Bonus +11 = You gain an additional attack of opportunity every round.
  • Base Attack Bonus +16 = You gain the ability to rend your opponent for 2d6 + damage bonuses if you manage to strike with two separate weapons in the same combat round. This can only be done once a round regardless of how many paired strikes occur.

Unarmed Combat [Combat] Feat:

  • Base Attack Bonus +0 = Make unarmed attacks as though you were armed and do not invoke attacks of opportunity. You now have the option to deal lethal damage with any unarmed attack.
  • Base Attack Bonus +6 = You gain the stunning fist ability. You must declare this attempt before you make your attack roll (thus, a failed attack roll ruins the attempt). Stunning Fist forces a foe damaged by your unarmed attack to make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + 3/4 your character level + your Wis modifier), in addition to dealing damage normally. A defender who fails this saving throw is stunned for 1 round (until just before your next action). A stunned character can’t act, loses any Dexterity bonus to AC, and takes a –2 penalty to AC. You may attempt a stunning attack once per day for every four levels you have attained (but see Special), and no more than once per round. Constructs, oozes, plants, undead, incorporeal creatures, and creatures immune to critical hits cannot be stunned.
  • Base Attack Bonus +11 = You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when you make a touch attack to start a grapple. You also gain a +4 bonus on all grapple checks, regardless of whether you started the grapple.
  • Base Attack Bonus +16 = Your natural attacks are hardened to such an extent you can physically harm others better than a normal person. Your unarmed damage increases by 1 die step for all unarmed attacks.

Weapon Finesse [Combat] Feat:

  • Base Attack Bonus +0 = You use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier for melee attack rolls.
  • Base Attack Bonus +6 = You may substitute your Dexterity for any Strength combat rolls.
  • Base Attack Bonus +11 = You use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier for melee damage rolls.
  • Base Attack Bonus +16 = Once per turn you may take an attack of opportunity against an enemy that has attacked you and missed.

Weapon Mastery [Combat] Feat:

Prerequisite: To select weapon mastery the character must first select weapon specialization for the weapon he wishes to master in. The character cannot have weapon mastery for more than one weapon per type (i.e. you can have one melee and one ranged mastery but not two melee or two ranged.)

  • Base Attack Bonus +0 = +2 Bonus on all attack rolls, this bonus is expertise based, +3 to damage rolls with the selected weapon of choice. These bonuses stack with weapon specialization.
  • Base Attack Bonus +6 = The weapon critical threat range increases by 1. This increase occurs after the weapon specialization critical hit range enhancement.
  • Base Attack Bonus +11 = Your weapon damage increases by one die step.
  • Base Attack Bonus +16 = You may convert one hit into a confirmed critical hit once a round. The attack still needs to connect initially to use this ability.

Weapon Specialization [Combat] Feat:

  • Base Attack Bonus +0 = +2 Bonus on all attack rolls, this bonus is expertise based, +3 to damage rolls with the selected weapon of choice.
  • Base Attack Bonus +6 = Double the weapon critical hit range.
  • Base Attack Bonus +11 = Your weapon of choice increases the critical multiplier by one step (x2 to x3)
  • Base Attack Bonus +16 = You may take 10 on a single attack roll per round, and you may add 5 to one attack roll per round determined after the roll is made.

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gollark: Interesting.
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