< Feats Revamped (3.5e Sourcebook)

Feats Revamped (3.5e Sourcebook)/Magic Feats

How Feats have Changed

Feats introduced in 3rd edition of D&D was suppose to give you an interesting edge over non hero type characters but they were never really in line for the amount of specialization they were suppose to impart. For fighters does a +1 or even +2 to strike really change the game that much compared to decent attribute rolls or check rolls. How about eschew materials spending one of seven base feats to be able not to carry around a full ton of random stones bull manure and more. I don't know why but the concept of feats has become increasingly insulting through the expansions as they all seem geared to having close to a dozen prerequisites or just unusable.

With this change up and as can be observed in other sourcebooks I am proud to start including feats that improve when your character improves and actually gives you a chance to want to take something other than maximize spell for the 50th time since nothing else is worthwhile. All of the [Magic] feats are of similar vein to the combat ready feats of the Races of War, giving someone a marked investment in there character instead of just assuming that a +4 is enough of a bonus to concentration at level 20 to be worth justifying. Further most bonuses that are given are fairly low since usually with an appropriate magic item you will exceed what the feat can give you. Making a finite resource (feats) less important than magical goods in my mind is wrong since you can almost always get another weapon of magic but those seven feats are the only seven you will have between level 1 and 20.

Unlike fighters the magic classes did have some better options than their melee counterparts as branching in the past was incredibly weakening as they would be picking prerequisite feats if they decided on a new path. With the introduction of scaling feats however a fighter is able to instantly pick up massive skills in another type of combat with a single feat which means he can be good with hand to hand, archery and two handed weapons while you are stuck with a few more low level spells. These feats are all designed to bring the abilities a little more in line with fighters powered by Races of War, so these would be considered "overpower" by normal D&D standards.

List of Feats

Combat Casting [Magic] Feat

Combat Casting allows you to keep your concentration in situations that would be impossible for ordinary people.

Benefit: This feat scales with the total Caster Level of a magic user

  • Caster Level 1 = +4 to concentration checks
  • Caster Level 6 = Successful concentration check allows the individual to continue concentration as a swift action. DC is 25+ spell level.
  • Caster Level 11 = +8 to concentration checks
  • Caster Level 16 = Successful concentration check is a free action for concentration spell duration. Bonus to concentration is now equal to 1/2 caster level.

Corpse Master [Magic] Feat

Prerequisite: Improved Create Undead

  • Caster level 1 = When you create undead they gain +4 Strength, +2 hit points per hit die, and +4 turn resistance.
  • Caster level 6 = Your undead minions attacks gain d6 negative energy and upon death your minions explode for d8 negative damage + their number of hit dice.
  • Caster level 11 = Your undead gain +4 initiative and 10 feet per round to their speed.
  • Caster level 16 = Your undead gain +4 natural armor and DR 5/-.

Craft Magic Items [Magic] Feat

This feat allows the individual to learn how to craft magical items. The major departure is that it is one feat with multiple level gains instead of multiple feats.

Benefit: This feat scales with the total Caster Level of a magic user

  • Caster Level 3 = The magic user has the ability to create potions, wondrous items and scrolls.
  • Caster Level 5 = The magic user now has the ability to craft magical weapons and armor, constructs and wands.
  • Caster Level 9 = The magic user is now able to create magical rods.
  • Caster Level 12 = The magic user is now able to create magic staves and rings.

Energy Mastery [Magic] Feat

Benefit: This feat scales with the total Caster Level of a magic user. You select an energy type and apply these abilities to it. You may select this feat multiple times, each time selecting a new energy type.

  • Caster Level 1 = You reroll ones for damage dice with the energy type that you have mastery over.
  • Caster Level 6 = You add one additional damage for each die to any rolls you make with the energy type you have mastery over.
  • Caster Level 11 = Your minimum damage is 1/2 of your total damage on each roll. If you roll under half adjust damage to half.
  • Caster Level 16 = Add 2 additional damage per die to all damage rolls.

Eschew Materials [Magic] Feat

Eschew Materials lowers or eliminates the need for material spellcasting components.

Benefit: This feat scales with the total Caster Level of a magic user

  • Caster Level 1 = Ignore material components up to 1 gold piece in value.
  • Caster Level 6 = Material components are now reduced by one-fifth for all spells
  • Caster Level 11 = Material components are now reduced by half for all spells
  • Caster Level 16 = Material components are no longer required for any spell

Expanded Magic [Magic] Feat

Benefit: This feat scales with the total Caster Level of a magic user

  • Caster Level 1 = You gain +1 to hit with any spell that you need to make an attack roll for.
  • Caster Level 6 = You gain a bonus number of magic points equal to your level.
  • Caster Level 11 = You gain 2 spell point per level. This ability overwrites the level 6 ability.
  • Caster Level 16 = You gain 3 spell point per level. This ability overwrites the level 11 and level 6 abilities.

Healing Mastery [Magic] Feat

Healing mastery increases the amount of healing power that an individual can call upon at any time.

Benefit: This feat scales with the total Caster Level of a magic user

  • Caster Level 1 = +1 caster level for determining all level based healing effects.
  • Caster Level 6 = All variable healing spells are increased by 25% and max bonus from levels is doubled.
  • Caster Level 11 = +2 caster level for determining all level based healing effects.
  • Caster Level 16 = All healing effects are increased by 50%, this ability overwrites level 6 it does not stack with it.

Improved Animal Companion [Magic] Feat

The druids' animal companion is more powerful than normal.

Benefit: This feat scales with the total Caster Level of a magic user

  • Caster Level 1 = Reduces the level adjustment for Druid animal companion by 1
  • Caster Level 6 = Reduces the level adjustment for Druid animal companion by 2
  • Caster Level 11 = Reduces the level adjustment for Druid animal companion by 3
  • Caster Level 16 = Reduces the level adjustment for Druid animal companion by 5

Metamagic Enhancement [Magic] Feat

Benefit: This feat scales with the total Caster Level of a magic user

  • Caster Level 1 = You may cast a spell without verbal components for either +1 to spell level or 2 spell points.
  • Caster Level 6 = You may cast a spell without somatic components for either +1 to spell level or 2 spell points.
  • Caster Level 11 = You may substitute the energy type of any spell you cast into another for either +1 to spell level or 2 spell points.
  • Caster Level 16 = If you substitute a spell into a type you have energy mastery for the energy mastery now affects the substitution.

Metamagic Empowerment [Magic] Feat

Benefit: This feat scales with the total Caster Level of a magic user

  • Caster Level 1 = You can alter a spell with a range of close, medium, or long to increase its range by 100%. An enlarged spell with a range of close now has a range of 50 ft. + 5 ft./level, while medium-range spells have a range of 200 ft. + 20 ft./level and long-range spells have a range of 800 ft. + 80 ft./level. An enlarged spell uses up a spell slot one level higher, or 2 spell points more, than the spell’s actual level or base cost.
  • Caster Level 6 = You may increase the numeric effects of any spell for +2 spell levels or 4 spell points.
  • Caster Level 11 = All variable, numeric effects of a spell modified are maximized. Saving throws and opposed rolls are not affected, nor are spells without random variables. A maximized spell uses up a spell slot three levels higher than the spell’s actual level, or 6 spell points.
  • Caster Level 16 = You may quicken a spell and cast it as a free action once per round. To apply this the character must use a spell slot +4 higher than normal, or 8 spell points.

Natural Spell [Magic] Feat

You have a deeper connection with nature, and you can use your voice in many forms.

Benefit: This feat scales with the total Caster Level of a magic user

  • Caster Level 1 = Able to cast spells while in a different shape
  • Caster Level 6 = +1 Caster Level to all spells that are nature based.
  • Caster Level 11 = Able to speak and cast spells in any form regardless if it can normally talk (the sound appears to come from the air if you are an object without a mouth)
  • Caster Level 16 = +2 Caster Level to all spells that are nature based.

Necrotic Empowerment [Magic] Feat

Prerequisite: Improved Create Undead

  • Caster Level 1 = Undead within your presence gain an additional +4 turn resistance.
  • Caster Level 6 = Undead within your presence gain +2 to attack and damage.
  • Caster Level 11 = Undead within your presence gain fast healing 2.
  • Caster Level 16 = Undead within your presence are no longer destroyed at 0 hit points and instead go inert. Fast healing continues and will be able to bring undead back to life as long as the necromancer does not move out of range until they reach 1 hit point.

Reserved Magic [Magic] Feat

As long as you have combat spells of specific energy types uncast you gain a spell like ability to channel that energy.

Requirement: When you pick this feat you pick a spell type - that spell type is used to determine the benefits of this ability.

Benefit: This feat scales with the total Caster Level of a magic user

  • Caster Level 1 = When you have a spell uncast of your spell type you gain the ability to do damage (d6 for fire, cold, lightning, sonic or acid (d4 for force) damage is spell level based (i.e. 9th level fire spell is 9d6)) with a range increment of 5 feet per caster level. This is a spell-like ability that does not consume spells. Using this ability is a standard action and may only be used once a round.
  • Caster Level 6 = You now add half your caster level as damage to this ability. The type of damage remains unchanged.
  • Caster Level 11 = You now add your full caster level to all uses of this ability and your chosen element receives a +1 per die to all spells cast. This benefit stacks with energy mastery.
  • Caster Level 16 = For damage purposes the spell now goes off the top level and 1/2 of the next highest level spell dealing with the subtype that your reserve feat works off of (i.e. if you have 9th level and 8th level slot for force you will roll 13d4.) Same level spells do not stack so they must be from different levels, and these bonuses are reworked as you use your higher level spells.

Spell Focus [Magic] Feat

The magic user shows great apptitude with a single school of magic and can overcome enemies resistance to magic.

Benefit: This feat scales with the total Caster Level of a magic user

  • Caster Level 1 = +2 to the saving throw difficulty of a single school of magic, +1 to hit with spells
  • Caster Level 6 = +3 spell penetration
  • Caster Level 11 = +4 to the saving throw difficulty of a single school of magic, +2 to all other schools, +2 to hit with spells
  • Caster Level 16 = +6 to spell penetration checks

Summoning Enhancement [Magic] Feat

The creatures you summon are impressive and are much stronger than natural creatures of the same type

Benefit: This feat scales with the total Caster Level of a magic user

  • Caster Level 1 = +1 to Caster Level for any summoning spell, +4 to Strength and Constitution for all summoned creatures
  • Caster Level 6 = +4 to Dexterity for all summoned creatures
  • Caster Level 11 = Summoned creatures now gain +2 natural AC and Improved Initiative
  • Caster Level 16 = All summoned creatures now last twice as long

Tomb Born Necromancer [Magic] Feat

Prerequisite: Necromancer class

  • Caster Level 1 = You heal with negative energy instead of positive. Positive energy now damages you instead of healing you.
  • Caster Level 6 = You gain light fortification with the ability to resist critical hits 25% of the time.
  • Caster Level 11 = You gain +4 against poisons, toxins, and mental compulsions.
  • Caster Level 16 = You only require 1 hour of sleep per night and you are no longer affected by sleep spells.

Turning Empowerment [Magic] Feat

A cleric with turning empowerment is a true bane to the undead

Benefit: This feat scales with the total Caster Level of a magic user

  • Caster Level 1 = Your turning attempts are considered one level higher, and you may turn undead 3 more times a day than normal
  • Caster Level 6 = Your turning attempts are considered two level higher, and you may turn undead 5 more times a day than normal
  • Caster Level 11 = Your turning attempts are considered three level higher, and you may turn undead 7 more times a day than normal
  • Caster Level 16 = Your turning attempts are considered five level higher, and you may turn undead 9 more times a day than normal

Wand Master [Magic] Feat

You can use wands with precision even in a heated battle

Benefit: This feat scales with the total Caster Level of a magic user

  • Caster Level 1 = +1 to hit with wands, can shoot into melee without penalty
  • Caster Level 6 = +2 to hit with wands
  • Caster Level 11 = On any natural 20 when using a wand the wand does not expend the charge.
  • Caster Level 16 = If the wielder uses 2 charges he can activate the wand and apply a metamagic feat he knows to it (fireball wand maximized does 60 damage instead of 10d6)

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gollark: I'll try using the oracle JRE instead of OpenJDK or something.
gollark: It works non-laggishly on 4GB. The issue is that it crashes with errors about failing to allocate memory fairly often.
gollark: I think I set it to 4GB.
gollark: I'd probably play more if the server was busier and the pack somewhat less computationally heavy.
gollark: 8GB.
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