< Feats Revamped (3.5e Sourcebook)

Feats Revamped (3.5e Sourcebook)/Skill Feats

How the feats have changed

If you have already read the combat feat section you will know I consider how feats are currently setup is a bit lack luster. Almost as insulting as combat feats are the feats that add a small amount of skill points to a small number of skills, many of which no one finds remotely interested in unless it is a prestige requirement. Let's face it a +2 to three skills is not going to get anyone happy about the idea they are spending a very limited resource on something that won't make as much difference as rolling decent stats or leveling once or twice. And at 20th level these are even more pathetic than a +1 to hit something, which can at least still make a difference however small.

These feats are obviously geared towards support classes. Other classes may find a feat here or there useful as they look through the progressions but these are geared towards the bards, rogues and monk players in our midst. These classes will find the most use out of the feats within this chapter of the expanded feats sourcebook.

List of Feats

Enhanced Skill Set [Skill] Feat

  • (3) Skill of related attribute at rank 4 = Choose one attribute type (i.e. Strength, Dexterity) and all skills related to that attribute gain a +2 skill bonus.
  • (3) Skills of related attribute at rank 8 = Choose one attribute type (i.e. Strength, Dexterity) and all skills related to that attribute gain a +3 skill bonus.
  • (3) Skills of related attribute at rank 13 = Any skill that is related to the attribute that you have trained that are skill rolled only you may now roll against (i.e. knowledge must have points unless you have this skill set.)
  • (3) Skill of related attribute at rank 18 = Choose one attribute type (i.e. Strength, Dexterity) and all skills related to that attribute gain a +6 skill bonus.

Fast Observation [Skill] Feat

  • Spot or search ranks: 4 = You may take 10 on skill checks involving search or spot.
  • Spot or search ranks: 9 = You reduce the time on taking 20 for search rolls by half (5 minutes) and your spot skills receive an extra +4 proficiency bonus.
  • Spot or search ranks: 14 = You may take 10 on search and spot checks even under pressure. During combat you may take a 10 on either check.
  • Spot or search ranks: 19 = Taking 20 on a roll now only takes 1 minute. This includes searching large areas. You may also take 20 on skills not normally allowed to take 20 (like trap find.)

Hardened Fist [Skill] Feat

Prerequisite: The character must possess the Unarmed Combat [Combat] feat to qualify for this ability

  • Character level 1: Your unarmed combat damage increases one die step (this bonus is in addition to the unarmed combat damage. The two bonuses stack if you qualify for both.)
  • Character level 6: You are able to effectively destroy objects. You ignore the first 10 points of hardness for any attack.
  • Character level 11: Attempting to sunder an object does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
  • Character level 16: When you fight on a full defense if your opponent fails to strike you, you may make an immediate disarm attempt. This is a simple grapple check and you gain +4 to your check. If you succeed the weapon is now in your hands. If you fail the enemy retains his weapon. You may only attempt this check once per enemy per round and you need at least one free hand to take an enemies weapon.

Impoved Learning [Skill] Feat

This feat gains in power based on character level.

  • Character level 1: At first level the character gains 4 skill points and 1 additional skill point per level.
  • Character level 6: You may either increase a skill bonus by 2 or give a skill bonus of 2. This bonus increases other skill bonuses.
  • Character level 11: You may select one cantrip from any of the caster lists. You may use this cantrip as a spell like ability three times per day.
  • Character level 16: You may now cast a number of cantrips per day equal to your intelligence modifier. These cantrips can come from any spell list, and are usable as spell like abilities 3 times per day.

Improved Wholeness of body [Skill] Feat

Prerequisite: To select this feat the character must have access to the wholeness of body class ability.

  • Character level 1: You may heal a number of hit points per day equal to your character level plus your wisdom modifier.
  • Character level 6: Once you can use the class skill Wholeness of Body you may heal a number of hit points per day equal to your monk level times three.
  • Character level 11: Your total healing amount is now your monk level multiplied by your wisdom modifier per day.
  • Character level 16: In addition to your normal healing amount as a swift action once per day you may completely heal your wounds.

Killer's Instinct [Skill] Feat

Prerequisite: Assassin class.

  • Character Level 1 = To be a successful assassin speed and ability are required. At this level the assassin gains 10 feet movement speed per round, +2 on Reflex saving throws and +2 to initiative rolls.
  • Character Level 6 = The assassin is constantly ready and responds in the blink of an eye. The assassin does not suffer being caught flat footed unless his opponent is completely undetectable. Further the assassin may make an attack of opportunity against an enemy that misses him during a surprise round. This attack does not count as a sneak attack.
  • Character Level 11 = The assassin has learned his skills extensively and is hard to detect by normal means. The assassin gains +2 to hide, sneak, disguise and escape artist.
  • Character Level 16 = The assassin is now deadly even when opponents attempt to surprise him. When he takes the attack of opportunity during the surprise round it is considered a sneak attack and the damage is adjusted to one-half if the amount rolled is below that.

Magician Assassin [Skill] Feat

Prerequisite: Mage Hunter [Combat] feat.

  • Character Level 1 = This character becomes exceptionally gifted at targeting spell casters. Whenever this character is within weapons range of a caster, the individual is unable to successfully complete spells due to disruption from the character. If a character elects to use this ability he gives up his attacks of opportunity for the turn, and may only target one caster at a time.
  • Character Level 6 = Due to sufficient practice the magician assassin can now detect spells manifesting before the affects occur. As the hairs on the back of his neck stand up he can elect to leap out of the way to prevent the spell from harming him. Whenever the individual is called to make a reflex saving throw against spells, he takes no damage from a successful save.
  • Character Level 11 = The magician assassins' denial range is now double his weapon threat area. This only applies to the denial ability and does not double the threat area for his regular attacks.
  • Character Level 16 = Once per melee combat the magician assassin may cause a mage to lose a spell within 30 feet with a swift action, as he flings an appropriate object at the caster forcing them to reflexively duck aside. The fighter rolls to attack as normal; if the attack beats the individuals touch AC this effect occurs, if he rolls lower than touch AC this effect does not work.

Musician's Enticement [Skill] Feat

  • Bard Level 1 = You can use your bardic music feat one extra time per day per level
  • Bard Level 6 = When you stop playing your songs your music affects continue to linger for a number of rounds equal to your charisma modifier.
  • Bard Level 11 = Your music is nearly unstoppable. In the event something tries to stop your music (such as a silence spell) you make a level + d20 + charisma modifier check. If your level beats the caster level of the effect you ignore the restriction.
  • Bard Level 16 = All bonuses from your bardic music are doubled.

Path of the Lotus [Skill] Feat

Prerequisite: Flurry of Blows class feature.

  • Character Level 1 = As long as the character is unarmored they may add their Wisdom score to their AC instead of their Dexterity.
  • Character Level 6 = The character is able to inflict more precise strikes due to constant training. They gain a damage bonus to unarmed attacks equal to 1/4 of their character level on attacks and reroll 1s on their unarmed strikes.
  • Character Level 11 = The character now adds their Wisdom and Dexterity to their AC as long as they wear no armor. In addition they gain a dodge bonus equal to 1/4 of their character level.
  • Character Level 16 = The character now adds 1/2 of their character level to attacks and may reroll 1s and 2s on damage dice.

Precision Strikes [Skill] Feat

This ability scales with the Precision class feature.

  • Precision ability = Whenever the character performs a Precision attack he may reroll any damage dice that come up a 1.
  • Precision damage d6 = The character counts as having an expanded flanking option. You count as flanking directly adjacent and one step to the right and left of any flanking square.
  • Precision damage 2d6 = The character can now move before and after any precision attack, and can flank an opponent out to 30 feet.
  • Precision damage 4d6 = The character can now perform a full round attack as a standard action.

Tracking [Skill] Feat

Prerequisite: Ranger level 1 or search rank 8

  • Character level 1: The character may track a target at a speed equal to his land speed without penalty. A double move is at -10 and anything faster is impossible. Ground type conveys a penalty as follows. This ability uses the SRD Track ability modifiers for difficulty checks.
  • Character level 6: The character removes 5 from the total tracking penalty for any land or circumstantial factors that would negatively impact his roll.
  • Character level 11: The tracker can now double move without a penalty on his tracking skill, and the penalty reduction is now 10 from circumstantial factors.
  • Character level 16: Barring a factor that the ranger cannot overcome (complete darkness in a cave for a human with no light) the character no longer factors in any tracking penalties. Also the tracker can still track targets from a mounted position.

Trap Detection [Skill] Feat

Prerequisite: Fast Observation, Sixth Sense

  • Character level 1: While not trained as a rogue you now know many of the tell tale signs of various traps. You may look for a trap with a -10 search skill roll and are now able to find traps with DCs greater than 20.
  • Character level 6: When given more time you can increase your overall effectiveness in locating traps. For every additional round spent checking a specific spot (chest, door, wall or other object smaller than a 5ft area) you may add +2 to your skill roll. There is no limit to the amount of rounds you may take in order to increase your trap detection.
  • Character level 11: Surviving to this point has made you much better at detecting traps. If you are a non natural trap finder you lessen the penalty to -5. If you are a natural trap locator you increase your search skill by +4.
  • Character level 16: Non natural trap locators now suffer no penalty to trap finding rolls. Natural trap locators now roll two dice and choose the higher for all trap detection rolls.

Traping [Skill] Feat

Prerequisite: Able to find traps or trap making ability

  • Character level 1: You are able to create traps with appropriate tools. You also gain +5 to disarm any trap that you have constructed.
  • Character level 6: Whenever you construct a trap you add 1d6 per 2 CR of the trap in additional damage. This bonus is from learning how to most accurately position your traps.
  • Character level 11: Whenever you discover a trap and it is a trigger (poison dart, spear) you may elect to cannabalize the trap for parts for your own traps. A failed disarm trap roll does not automatically trigger the trap (unless the trap is touch based like explosive runes.)
  • Character level 16: Traps you construct a trap you add 1d6 damage per CR to all damage the trap inflicts.

Sixth Sense [Skill] Feat

  • Character level 1: Your ability to pick up on miniscule details makes you unnaturally fast. You gain +4 to initiative rolls (this does not stack with other initiative bonuses, just dexterity).
  • Character level 6: Whenever you are attacked you are not affected by flat footed AC adjustments unless your opponent is completely undetected (i.e. greater invisibility).
  • Character level 11: You gain +4 to your touch attack AC.
  • Character level 16: Any time you are affected by a reflex saving throw you roll 2d20 and choose the higher result.

Skill Enhancement [Skill] Feat

  • Character Level 1 = Pick 3 class or cross class skills each skill gains +3 expertise bonus.
  • Character Level 6 = Pick 3 class or cross class skills each skill gains +3 expertise bonus. Pick one skill affected by this and increase the expertise bonus by 3 (total +6.)
  • Character Level 11 = Pick 3 class or cross class skills each skill gains +3 expertise bonus. The ability that is +6 increases to +9 and the character picks another two skills to recieve +3 (increasing the bonuses to +6.)
  • Character Level 16 = Pick 3 class or cross class skills each skill gains +3 expertise bonus.The ability that is +9 increases to +12 the two abilities that are +6 increase to +9 and the character picks another three skills to recieve +3 (increasing the bonuses to +6.)

Skirmishing Master [Skill] Feat

This ability scales with the skirmish attack ability.

  • Skirmish ability = Whenever the character performs a skirmish he may reroll any skirmish damage dice that come up a 1.
  • Skirmish damage d6 = The character counts as having an expanded flanking option. You count as flanking directly adjacent and one step to the right and left of any flanking square.
  • Skirmish damage 3d6 = The skirmisher now can move before and after any skirmish attack, and can flank an opponent out to 30 feet.
  • Skirmish damage 5d6 = The skirmisher can now perform a full round attack as a standard action.

Subtle Strikes [Skill] Feat

This ability scales with the sneak attack ability.

  • Sneak attack 1d6 = Whenever the character performs a sneak attack he may reroll any sneak damage dice that come up a 1.
  • Sneak attack 3d6 = You add 1 damage per sneak attack dice
  • Sneak attack 6d6 = the character can do stunning sneak attack (see the stunning sneak attack feat)
  • Sneak attack 8d6 = For all sneak attacks the rogue may now add his level to his sneak attack damage.

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gollark: Well, as someone without ways to obtain redstone other than witches and automining, not really, but cool nevertheless.
gollark: Madness.
gollark: Also, is this accurate? https://ftb.gamepedia.com/Fission_Reactor#Reactor_Cell
gollark: Er, what I mean is, does the heat calculation bit do that?
gollark: Does the reactor simulation run entirely with ints and not floats?
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