3.5e The Gift Feats

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All these feats are related to Psionic Gifts, and they only work in context to this variant rule.

Table: 'The Gift' Feats
General 'The Gift' Feats
The Gift1st level character-2 Constitution, character has psychic potential
Clairvoyant 'The Gift' Feats
ClairvoyanceThe Gift, 13 Wisdom+1 Reflex, Listen / Search / Spot skills, clairvoyant potential
Boosted ReflexesClairvoyance, Lightning ReflexesReflex save equal to 1/2 level (or +1)
Clarity of VisionClairvoyanceGood chance of seeing through illusions
Combat SenseClairvoyance, Combat Reflexes+2 Insight bonus on initiative and AC: can't be surprised / flanked
Killer InstinctCombat SenseBAB equal to 3/4 level (or +1)
Contact Other PlaneClairvoyance, TelepathyAs the spell
DarkvisionClairvoyanceCan see without light
DeepvisionClairvoyance, DarkvisionCan see into solid objects
PrecognitionClairvoyanceLimited predictive ability
ProphecyPrecognitionMajor predictive ability
Remote SensingClairvoyanceAs Clairvoyance/Clairaudience spell
ScryingClairvoyanceAs Scrying spell
SeekersenseClairvoyanceLocates objects, creatures, and places.
Uncanny KnowledgeClairvoyanceYou know things you shouldn't
Psychic Healing 'The Gift' Feats
Psychic HealingThe Gift, 13 Wisdom+1 Fortitude, Heal skill, health sense, Psychic Healing potential
Boost MetabolismPsychic HealingTemporary Strength / Dexterity / Constitution boost
Boosted FortitudeGreat Fortitude, Psychic HealingFortitude save equal to 1/2 level (or +1)
Cure/Inflict WoundsPsychic HealingCure wounds, inflict damage, cure ability damage
Damage ReductionPsychic HealingDamage Reduction 2/-
Gift of LifeCure/Inflict Wounds, Damage ReductionFast Healing 1
Purge MetabolismPsychic HealingCure poisoning & disease
ImmortalityPurge Metabolism, VitalityImmune to poison, disease and age
VitalityPsychic Healing+2 Constitution
ImmortalityPurge Metabolism, VitalityImmune to poison, disease and age
Psychokinetic 'The Gift' Feats
PsychokinesisThe Gift, 13 Intelligence"Mage Hand", Disable Device / Open Locks / Sleight of Hand skills, Psychokinetic potential
Improved PsychokinesisPsychokinesis, 16 CharismaMore force behind psychokinesis, wider variety of uses.
Controlled FallPsychokinesisFeather Fall effect
LevitationControlled FallAscend vertically
Energy BarrierPsychokinesisResist energy damage
Kinetic ShieldPsychokinesis+2 Shield bonus
PyrokinesisPsychokinesisProduce / hurl flames
Self-PropulsionPsychokinesisTrue flight when levitating, +10 on movement and various skills
ShatterPsychokinesisAs the spell
Psychomagic 'The Gift' Feats
PsychomagicThe Gift, 13 Intelligence, 2nd level spell capabilityDetect Magic, Knowledge(arcane) / Spellcraft / Use Magic Device skills, Psychomagic potential
Familiar BondPsychomagic, TelepathyGain familiar, all class levels count for familiar advancement
Impromptu DispellingPsychomagicSpend 3 spell levels for Dispel Magic
Spell ResistanceImpromptu DispellingSpell Resistance 10+level
Impromptu MetamagicPsychomagic, any metamagic FeatApply metamagic without preparation
Magical StrikePsychomagicTreat weapon or unarmed strike as magical (or aligned)
PowercastPsychomagicBoosts caster level by 2 or more
PowerturnPsychomagicBoosts turning ability by 2 or more
Spell RecoveryPsychomagicChance of recovering miscast spell
Preserve ScrollScribe Scroll, Spell RecoveryChance of powering scroll with your own magic
Telepathic 'The Gift' Feats
TelepathyThe Gift, 13 Charisma+1 Will, social skills, telepathic potential
Assess The FoeTelepathyIdentify creature type / class, Favored Enemy bonus
Boosted WillIron Will, TelepathyWill save equal to 1/2 level (or +1)
Contact Other PlaneClairvoyance, TelepathyAs the spell
Familiar BondPsychomagic, TelepathyGain familiar, all class levels count for familiar advancement
Induce FearTelepathySimilar to Fear spell
Mind of PowerTelepathy+1 Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma: -1 Constitution
Inward FocusMind Of PowerBonus psychic feats on subsequent levels
Power of CommandLeadership, Telepathy+3 on Leadership and related abilities
Read MindsTelepathyRead surface thoughts and deep memories
Telepathic CommunicationRead MindsMind-to-mind communication
InsinuationTelepathic CommunicationTelepathic suggestion
Resilient MindTelepathyResistance to enchantment effects
Cloak the MindResilient MindUnreadable mind, false alignment / thoughts
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