Tag: primes

19 Sum of smallest prime factors 2015-07-12T23:39:55.453

19 A Mapping of Primes 2015-11-23T13:22:48.853

19 Fermat's factorization helper 2017-04-16T17:14:12.260

19 Writing rational numbers as ratio of factorials of primes 2017-10-06T20:57:55.183

19 Cops and Robbers: Redacted Primality (Cops' Thread) 2018-02-03T04:29:14.897

18 Cops and Robbers bowling (Cops) 2015-01-15T18:30:10.433

18 Crazy Librarian's Arithmetic Sequence of Primes 2015-10-05T14:21:10.857

18 Pretty Smooth Moves 2016-08-15T02:44:21.637

18 Variable Prime "Twins" 2016-08-25T09:09:54.077

18 Excessive Integers 2016-08-28T12:01:37.853

18 Compute the Mertens function 2016-09-29T05:44:39.300

18 Goldbach partitions 2016-10-22T00:03:53.327

18 Print the missing primes 2016-12-08T22:40:41.617

18 Is it a Pascal Prime? 2018-01-01T13:23:03.143

18 Is the word coprime? 2018-09-27T00:27:45.467

17 Finding Not-Quite-Prime Numbers 2012-01-13T21:35:10.757

17 Fastest code to find the next prime 2013-02-16T10:34:02.897

17 Find the smallest prime from a substring 2014-03-05T06:06:56.870

17 Primes of Ulam's Spiral 2015-10-10T19:21:37.787

17 Primes in Different Bases 2016-04-10T23:24:05.253

17 Greatest Number in a Range When The Sum of Squares of its Prime Factors are Subtracted 2016-05-24T07:42:43.790

17 Find Recursively Prime Primes 2017-02-21T18:15:54.327

17 Numbers with similar powers 2017-10-01T18:21:37.637

16 Sum of (at most) 5 primes 2012-05-14T03:53:14.553

16 Prime Nerd Sniping Pattern 2015-06-21T15:15:19.513

16 Find the XOR Primes 2015-12-17T18:35:55.527

16 Nostalgic prime number generator 2016-12-06T20:29:47.990

16 Every prime bit must alternate 2016-12-27T04:05:26.670

16 Smallest multiplier that reveals a factor of a semiprime 2017-02-21T15:38:59.577

16 Additive Primes amongst first x Primes 2017-03-05T13:50:51.273

16 Miller-Rabin Strong Pseudoprimes 2017-05-30T22:42:11.260

16 Prime Powers of Primes 2017-10-07T12:26:54.517

16 Formerly Composite Numbers 2018-02-14T16:42:21.307

16 Recover the power from the prime power 2018-06-20T23:37:26.540

16 Calculate the sum of the first n prime numbers 2018-08-07T06:39:43.270

15 Transposed, primes, oh my! 2012-10-05T21:01:58.843

15 Goldbach's conjecture 2014-01-27T06:33:45.813

15 Factorize it! ...badly 2015-02-09T11:58:49.147

15 Ravenity of Cube Distance Numbers 2016-04-01T18:31:20.610

15 Print/Output all positive numbers in which every multi-digit substring in its decimal representation is also prime. 2016-08-16T14:56:53.853

15 Sieve of Eratosthenes, Step by Step 2016-10-19T20:34:53.210

15 The program that will find the next prime number 2017-01-29T10:32:40.973

15 Primus-Orderus Primes 2017-08-27T16:35:20.637

15 Prime Factor Encoding 2018-04-26T10:43:08.283

15 The number of ways a number is a sum of consecutive primes 2018-08-20T19:02:15.063

15 Generate some rough numbers 2018-11-03T06:10:08.117

15 Is this ordinal prime? 2019-12-25T11:35:11.713

14 Is it a prime? w/o math 2014-02-14T22:14:14.990

14 Counting Cunningham chains 2015-09-25T09:39:44.247

14 Closest 7-Distinct-Prime Product 2016-06-06T12:48:08.447

14 The 3x3 Hexa Prime Square Puzzle 2016-10-15T19:34:30.053

14 Palindromic Primes without 11 2017-04-21T00:51:32.020

14 Maximal mutually co-prime factorization 2017-05-12T10:31:53.217

14 Golf a bijection within the natural numbers which map the primes to a proper subset of the primes 2017-06-08T15:02:50.777

14 Generate strong primes 2017-09-03T07:43:16.780

14 Compute the Wilson numbers 2017-09-04T19:07:15.483

14 Prime Factoral Roots 2017-10-04T10:37:01.783

14 How many unique primes? 2017-10-08T00:16:06.440

14 Decomposing into primes 2017-12-19T00:22:27.690

14 Am I a Pillai prime? 2018-04-27T16:55:52.073

14 Prime or highest factor 2018-05-01T08:15:04.257

14 It's getting harder and harder to be composite these days 2018-05-19T18:44:02.623

13 What is the average of n, the closest prime to n, the square of n and the closest Fibonacci number to n? 2011-04-06T18:40:15.890

13 Primality Testing in Manufactoria 2014-08-09T00:17:58.760

13 Sieve of Sundaram (for finding prime numbers) 2015-09-30T18:49:49.773

13 Primes numbers with prime index 2015-10-23T16:47:47.133

13 Crazy Librarian's Interesting Prime Permutation Index Number Generator 2015-11-07T05:06:58.663

13 Swap prime exponents with their neighbours 2016-06-04T13:41:28.033

13 Primes with a twist 2016-11-03T03:44:12.623

13 The highest prime factor of neighboring numbers 2017-01-15T21:56:09.230

13 The Tenacious Thai Calendar 2017-03-24T10:51:17.533

13 Am I a Sophie Germain prime? 2017-07-09T11:57:17.547

13 Array Factorization 2017-08-29T18:45:19.307

13 Repeated Digit Primes 2017-11-28T20:42:00.233

13 Encode Factor Trees 2017-12-08T14:19:05.580

13 Recover the prime from the prime power 2018-06-20T08:31:47.707

13 Letters associated with prime numbers 2019-10-17T12:39:31.837

12 Determine if a number is prime without using arithmetic 2014-04-07T20:41:42.440

12 These Primes of Mine Are Always Solid Lines 2014-08-29T02:18:05.720

12 Pair-golfing Twin primes and the Collatz sequence 2015-02-01T09:12:31.587

12 Composite Number Sequences 2015-09-08T03:37:56.660

12 Dense Number Sequence 2016-08-15T20:31:42.550

12 The negative order integer challenge, but it's Prime Time! 2016-12-20T12:47:44.677

12 First and last prime numbers with prime digits of range 2017-12-13T13:21:30.063

12 Minimise the count of prime factors through insertion 2018-01-10T17:22:44.967

12 Reduced Factorization Leader Changes 2018-02-17T07:35:01.597

12 Compute the minimum \$a(n)>a(n-1)\$ such that \$a(1)+a(2)+\dots+a(n)\$ is prime (OEIS A051935) 2018-08-17T14:30:25.070

11 Divisor sum from prime-power factorisation 2015-07-22T14:21:21.637

11 Calculate the p-adic norm of a rational number 2015-11-11T21:15:35.733

11 Priming a Pristine World 2015-12-10T16:28:06.437

11 Right and tfeL truncatable primes 2016-08-15T15:39:44.657

11 Products of Consecutive Primes 2016-09-04T19:17:00.977

11 Calculate Exponents bit by bit 2017-02-22T12:18:29.363

11 Decode Factor Trees 2017-12-13T02:00:03.670

11 Primes ā€™nā€™ Digits 2017-12-23T18:00:18.620

11 List all palindromic prime dates between 0000-01-01 and 99999-12-31 2018-01-15T12:30:54.577

11 Prime numbers in large number 2018-08-22T12:02:52.977

10 Find prime factors 2011-02-07T20:33:54.897

10 The Prime Grid Game 2011-05-06T05:45:43.830