Print the missing primes


The Task

Write a program or function that, when passed a numerical input x, prints or returns the primes beneath the square root of x1 that are not factors of x.


Let f(x) be the function called:

>>> f(4)

>>> f(5)

>>> f(20)

>>> f(60)

>>> f(100)
[3, 7]

>>> f(10000)
[3, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97]

Bonus Rules

  • You may use any builtins that your language provides.
  • Your program must support an x input as high as the upper bound defined by your language.

1 Using the square root as only primes below the square root can actually be involved within the factors of x. Without making this restriction, larger numbers would have a lot of excess printed numbers.

Addison Crump

Posted 2016-12-08T22:40:41.617

Reputation: 10 763

3"Only primes below the square root can actually be involved within the factors of x" isn't true: a number can have one prime factor that's larger than its square root. Indeed, your first two examples (5 and 20) have this property, as do all primes, twice all odd primes, .... – Greg Martin – 2016-12-09T00:34:00.123

1@GregMartin Yes, they can - but they cannot be found within the first half of the factors. It makes sense not to include 7 in the missing primes of 48 as 7^2 is greater than 48. (my reasoning lies there) – Addison Crump – 2016-12-09T01:47:55.133



Jelly, 6 bytes in Jelly's codepage


Try it online!


 ÆR    All primes less than or equal to
½      the square root of the input
   ḟ   but with the following removed:
    Æf All prime factors of {the input, by default}


Posted 2016-12-08T22:40:41.617


5Jelly answers often just literally describe the challenge :P – ETHproductions – 2016-12-09T02:48:15.637


MATL, 10 9 bytes


Try it online!


X^    % Implicit input. Square root
Zq    % Array if primes up to that
G     % Push input again
Yf    % Array of prime factors
X-    % Set difference. Implicit display

Luis Mendo

Posted 2016-12-08T22:40:41.617

Reputation: 87 464


Python 3, 67 62 bytes

f=lambda n,k=1,m=1:k*k<n and(m%k*n%k>0)*[k]+f(n,k+1,m*k*k)or[]

Try it online!


Posted 2016-12-08T22:40:41.617

Reputation: 196 637


MATLAB, 57 54 bytes

function h(p);a=primes(p^.5);a(~ismember(a,factor(p)))

Pretty straightforward, gets an array of primes up to sqrt(p) then removes any that are also factors of p. Prints the output of the last line by default because the semicolon is left off.


Posted 2016-12-08T22:40:41.617

Reputation: 331

1I never tried MATLAB, but according to what I read about it, sqrt(p) can be written as p^0.5 or maybe p^.5 although I am not sure about the second suggestion – – 2016-12-09T12:40:47.707

Nice! :) I posted an Octave submission using the same approach.

– Stewie Griffin – 2016-12-10T00:06:41.760


Pyth, 10 bytes


A program that takes input of a number and prints a list.

Test suite

How it works

fP_T-S@Q2P   Program. Input: Q
fP_T-S@Q2PQ  Implicit input fill
f            Filter
     S@Q2    the 1-indexed range up to floor(sqrt(Q))
    -    PQ  with the prime factors of Q removed
 P_T         by primality
             Implicitly print


Posted 2016-12-08T22:40:41.617

Reputation: 3 674


05AB1E, 8 bytes


Try it online!


tL        # range [1 ... sqrt(input)]
  DpÏ     # keep only primes
     ¹fK  # remove factors of input


Posted 2016-12-08T22:40:41.617

Reputation: 50 798


PHP, 76 bytes


uses my is_prime solution golfed for $n>1

takes input from command line argument. Run with -r.


Posted 2016-12-08T22:40:41.617

Reputation: 13 814


JavaScript (ES6), 79 76 bytes


Based on my recursive primality test function. I feel like there should be a few ways to simplify this, but I can't figure out how...

Test snippet

<input type="number" step=1 min=4 value=4 oninput="O.innerHTML='['+f(this.value)+']'"><br>
<pre id=O>[]</pre>


Posted 2016-12-08T22:40:41.617

Reputation: 47 880


Mathematica, 46 bytes


Anonymous function. Takes a number as input and returns a list of numbers as output. The Unicode character is U+2223 DIVIDES for \[Divides].


Posted 2016-12-08T22:40:41.617

Reputation: 15 731


Ruby, 55 bytes


A rather lazy answer using the builtin prime enumerator.


Posted 2016-12-08T22:40:41.617

Reputation: 273


Wonder, 14 bytes

@(_> > ^#0.5)P


(@(_> > ^#0.5)P)10

Takes items from an infinite list of primes while the item is less than the square root of the argument.

Mama Fun Roll

Posted 2016-12-08T22:40:41.617

Reputation: 7 234


Pyke, 10 bytes


Try it here!

,B         -    int(sqrt(input))
  S        -   range(1, ^+1)
   #_P)    -  filter(^, is_prime)
         - - ^.remove(V)
       QP  -  factors(input)


Posted 2016-12-08T22:40:41.617

Reputation: 26 661


PowerShell v2+, 71 bytes


Iterative solution. Takes input $n and creates a range from 1 to the Sqrt($n) (note that the range operator will implicitly cast the upper end to an [int] which will do Banker's Rounding by default). Then uses |?{...} (the Where-Object operator, which acts like a filter) to pull out those numbers where $n%$_ is non-zero (i.e., any remainder to the modulo means it's not a factor, and any non-zero is truthy) -and the usual regex prime test is $true. Those are left on the pipeline, and output is implicit.


(with some extra formatting to pretty up the output)

PS C:\Tools\Scripts\golfing> 5,20,60,100,10000|%{"f($_)";(.\print-the-missing-primes.ps1 $_)-join', ';""}



3, 7

3, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97

NB - This will fail on earlier versions if the input is bigger than around 2500000000, because the .. range operator can only support up to 50,000 items. But, since that is bigger than the default [int] datatype's max value, 2147483647, I'm presuming that to be OK. On my machine, PSv4 Win8.1, however, I can go higher, but I'm not able to find documentation explaining the difference.


Posted 2016-12-08T22:40:41.617

Reputation: 41 581


Octave, 44 bytes

This answer is inspired by MattWH's MATLAB answer, but I've golfed it using some Octave-specific features.


This is an anonymous function that takes the input x. Octave has inline variable assignment and indexing allowing y to first be created in the function (not possible in MATLAB), then used as part of the logical mask created by ismember (again, not possible to do it this way in MATLAB).

Stewie Griffin

Posted 2016-12-08T22:40:41.617

Reputation: 43 471

Very nice, will have to look into Octave. Those features would be helpful for golf! – MattWH – 2016-12-10T00:21:33.193


Perl 6, 37 bytes

{grep {$^$_%$a},2.. .sqrt}


{   # bare block lambda with implicit parameter 「$_」

    $^  # check if it is prime
    &             # and junction
    $_ % $a       # check if the input is not evenly divisible by it
  2.. .sqrt          # Range of values up-to and including squareroot

Brad Gilbert b2gills

Posted 2016-12-08T22:40:41.617

Reputation: 12 713


TSQL, 130 bytes

DECLARE @v int=10000

g:INSERT # SELECT @ FROM # HAVING isnull(min(@%p),1)>0SET @+=1IF @*@<@v GOTO g

This will only execute once, then you need to drop the temp table to execute again in the same editor


I made a version to test it, it is a bit longer because the online permissions for creating tables is unavailable. For the same reason it doesn't need the drop table though.

Try it online

Posted 2016-12-08T22:40:41.617

Reputation: 2 874


R, 58 63 bytes

for(i in 2:sqrt(x<-scan()))if(x%%i&numbers::isPrime(i))print(i)

Loops over all values from 2 to sqrt(x) and checks if they are prime with the numbers package. x%%i calculates x mod i which is 0 -> False if i is a divisor of x and >0 -> True if i is not.

+5 bytes because the numbers::Primes(n) function doesn't allow decimals, while 2:sqrt(x) does work, added prime check to if statement.


Posted 2016-12-08T22:40:41.617

Reputation: 2 898


Haskell, 55 54 bytes

f x=[y|y<-[2..x],y*y<x,[z|z<-[1..y],gcd(z*x)y>1]==[y]]

Mostly straightforward nested list comprehensions. GCD performs two roles, testing whether the numbers below y are factors of y and also testing whether y is a factor of x.

Spaced out a little:

f x = [ y|y<-[2..x],     y*y<x,     [z|z<-[1..y], gcd (z*x) y > 1] == [y] ]

James Hollis

Posted 2016-12-08T22:40:41.617

Reputation: 221

Save a byte with gcd(z*x)y>1. – Zgarb – 2016-12-15T18:31:11.783

I've also put the y*y<x check first to make it a bit faster. – James Hollis – 2016-12-16T23:28:34.813


Retina, 69 66 bytes


Prints the primes on separate lines, from largest to smallest.

Try it online! (Takes about 10 seconds due to the last two test cases. The header and footer enable a linefeed-separate test suite, and convert the output to comma-separation for readability.)



Convert the input to unary.


This prepends the square root of the input, separated by :. The square root is computed based on the fact that the square of n is also the sum of the first n odd integers. We can match consecutive odd integers with the forward reference (11\1|^1). In the process the group will be used exactly n times, where n is the largest number whose square fits into the input.

We insert a unary representation of this number with $#1$*1, followed by a colon and the match itself.


This matches all the missing primes that fit into the square root. The prime detection is based on the standard prime checking regex, and then we simply make sure that the prime we've just captured does not divide the input with the second lookahead. By using the & option, we get overlapping matches to ensure that we get all primes.


This converts each line (i.e. each missing prime) back to decimal by matching the number of 1s. The only issue is that this inserts a zero if no missing primes were found at all.


So this stage removes that zero if it was added.

Martin Ender

Posted 2016-12-08T22:40:41.617

Reputation: 184 808