Primes numbers with prime index


Write a program or function that outputs/returns the first 10000 prime-indexed prime numbers.

If we call the nth prime p(n), this list is

3, 5, 11, 17, 31, 41, 59 ... 1366661


p(p(1)) = p(2) = 3
p(p(2)) = p(3) = 5
p(p(3)) = p(5) = 11
p(p(4)) = p(7) = 17
p(p(10000)) = p(104729) = 1366661

Standard loopholes are forbidden, and standard output methods are allowed. You may answer with a full program, a named function, or an anonymous function.


Posted 2015-10-23T16:47:47.133

Reputation: 231

2You should generally try to post challenges in the sandbox first (see the link on the right side) in order to work out the issues. – aditsu quit because SE is EVIL – 2015-10-23T17:43:31.230

6Optimizing for runtime is not what we do in a code-golf challenge; the shortest program always wins. – lirtosiast – 2015-10-23T18:53:09.507


Primes with prime subscripts: A006450.

– None – 2015-10-23T21:55:27.827


@bilbo Answers for code golf are usually accepted after a week, and should be accepted as the shortest successful code. If you wanted code speed, there is a tag for that. See this page about the tag code-golf.

– Addison Crump – 2015-10-24T12:04:35.140

The answer you accepted isn't even the fastest. My Matlab/Octave answer runs in 0.16 seconds, and I'd imagine the (winning by size) J answer by @ZGarb has a similar runtime. – lirtosiast – 2015-10-25T05:03:19.097

So weird I just did this the other day for a different reason in excel haha, small world of tasks – Albert Renshaw – 2015-10-25T06:46:39.173

@ThomasKwa: I was surprised by seeing my answer as accepted one too. Maybe that decision can be undone? I would prefer that! And when it comes to speed, please distinguish solutions calculating the primes themself and the ones depending on preexisting prime functions or tables. I think, this challenge should be reworked/reworded and/or split into different variants with different rules or whatever it takes to clearness and fairness... – None – 2015-10-25T06:47:42.813

I'm new here and in my opinion, I thought the solutions execution time must be taken in consideration in shorten contests. I have attended more solutions in conventional languages. Perhaps can I add a tag related to speed but there is only fastest-algorithm and fastest-code and I attended also a shorten solution. Is it possible to remove the accepted flag for more time to the contest? – JeanClaudeDaudin – 2015-10-25T07:10:25.073

@bilbo It's considered bad practice to change the winning criterion of the contest after answers have already been posted. If you want to create a new contest scored by something other than [tag:code-golf] (shortest code), post it in the Sandbox first. (In its current form, in my opinion, this challenge wouldn't be a good fit for fastest-code or fastest-algorithm, so you'd need to change something else about it too.)

– lirtosiast – 2015-10-25T07:29:31.083

1All contests need an objective winning criterion; they are off topic otherwise. If you're going to judge answers by size and speed, you need to disclose a way to combine both. This should be done when the contest is posted, not 14 hours and 10 answers later. I have undone all speed-related edits, since the only other option would be to close this post for being off topic. – Dennis – 2015-10-25T14:10:09.540



MATLAB/Octave, 25 bytes


It doesn't get much more straightforward than this.


Posted 2015-10-23T16:47:47.133

Reputation: 20 331


Python, 72 bytes

while p<82e5/6:l+=P%p*[p];P*=p*p;p+=1
for x in l:print l[x-1]

This terminates with a "list index out of range error" after printing the 10000 numbers, which is allowed by default.

Uses the Wilson's Theorem method to generate a list l of the primes up to the 10000th prime. Then, prints the primes with the positions in the list, shifted by 1 for zero-indexing, until we run out of bounds after the 10000th prime-th prime.

Conveniently, the upper bound of 1366661 can be estimated as 82e5/6 which is 1366666.6666666667, saving a char.

I'd like a single-loop method, printing prime-indexed primes as we add them, but it seems to be longer.

while p<104730:
 if len(l)in P%p*l:print p


Posted 2015-10-23T16:47:47.133

Reputation: 115 687

This is way better than the garbage I was writing. +1 – Mego – 2015-10-23T17:51:58.463

This only prints 1229 numbers – aditsu quit because SE is EVIL – 2015-10-23T19:03:20.503

@aditsu I think I see my mistake. Are you able to run this code with the bigger bound? – xnor – 2015-10-23T19:07:11.867

It will probably take a long time :p – aditsu quit because SE is EVIL – 2015-10-23T19:16:09.923

I think it finished \(@;◇;@)/ , it seems correct – aditsu quit because SE is EVIL – 2015-10-24T15:59:30.937


J, 11 bytes


Outputs the primes in the format

3 5 11 17 31 41 59 67 83 109 127 ...


        1e4  Fancy name for 10000
      i.     Integers from 0 to 9999
    p:       Index into primes: this gives 2 3 5 7 11 ...
  <:         Decrement each prime (J arrays are 0-based)
p:           Index into primes again


Posted 2015-10-23T16:47:47.133

Reputation: 39 083


Haskell, 65 bytes

p=[x|x<-[2..],all((>0).mod x)[2..x-1]]
f=take 10000$map((0:p)!!)p

Outputs: [3,5,11,17,31,41,59,67,83,109,127.....<five hours later>...,1366661]

Not very fast. How it works: p is the infinite list of primes (naively checking all mod x ys for y in [2..x-1]) . Take the first 10000 elements of the list you get when 0:p!! (get nth element of p) is mapped on p. I have to adjust the list of primes where I take the elements from by prepending one number (-> 0:), because the index function (!!) is zero based.


Posted 2015-10-23T16:47:47.133

Reputation: 34 639


Mathematica, 26 25 23 bytes


Pure function returning the list.


Posted 2015-10-23T16:47:47.133

Reputation: 15 731

1Prime is Listable so a simple Prime@Prime@Range@1*^4& will do – None – 2015-10-23T22:34:17.470

I know the feeling ... In any case, I think this is the prettiest Mathematica solution I have seen on here! – None – 2015-10-23T22:36:52.163

Let me guess, the @ operator has higher precedence than ^ when writing Range@10^4? That's classic Mathematica messing up your game of golf. Good trick! – None – 2015-10-23T23:14:28.480


PARI/GP, 25 bytes



Posted 2015-10-23T16:47:47.133

Reputation: 23 988


AWK - 129 bytes

...oookay... too long to win points for compactness... but maybe it can gain some honor for the speed?

The x file:

BEGIN{n=2;i=0;while(n<1366662){if(n in L){p=L[n];del L[n]}else{P[p=n]=++i;if(i in P)print n}j=n+p;while(j in L)j=j+p;L[j]=p;n++}}


$ awk -f x | nl | tail
  9991  1365913
  9992  1365983
  9993  1366019
  9994  1366187
  9995  1366327
  9996  1366433
  9997  1366483
  9998  1366531
  9999  1366609
 10000  1366661


        while( n<1366662 ) {
                if( n in L ) {
                        del L[n]
                } else {
                        if( i in P ) print n
                while( j in L ) j=j+p

The program computes a stream of primes using L as "tape of numbers" holding found primes jumping around on L to flag the nearby numbers already known to have a divisor. These jumping primes will advance while the "tape of numbers" L is chopped off number by number from its beginning.

While chopping off the tape head L[n] being empty means there is no known (prime) divisor.

L[n] holding a value means, this value is a prime and known to divide n.

So either we have found a prime divisor or a new prime. Then ths prime will be advanced to the next L[n+m*p] on the tape found being empty.

This is like the Sieve of Eratosthenes "pulled thru a Klein's bottle". You always act on the tape start. Instead of firing multiples of primes thru the tape, you use the primes being found already as cursors jumping away from the tape start by multiple distances of their own value until a free position is found.

While the outer loop generates one prime or not prime decission per loop, the primes found get counted and stored in P as key, the value of this (key,value) pair is not relevant for the program flow.

If their key i happens to be in P already (i in P), we have a prime of the p(p(i)) breed.


$ time awk -f x.awk | wc -l

real    0m3.675s
user    0m3.612s
sys     0m0.052s

Take into account that this code does not use external precalculated prime tables.

Time taken on my good old Thinkpad T60, so I think it deserves to be called fast.

Tested with mawk and gawk on Debian8/AMD64


Posted 2015-10-23T16:47:47.133


good 129 bytes in gawk: now with Debian10/AMD64 on my corei7-i870@3.6Ghz: real 0m2,417s user 0m2,205s sys 0m0,042s – JeanClaudeDaudin – 2020-01-25T14:42:21.193

you can save one byte with: BEGIN{n=2;i=0;while(n<1366662){if(n in L){p=L[n];del L[n]}else{P[p=n]=++i;if(i in P)print n}j=n+p;while(j in L)j+=p;L[j]=p;n++}} – JeanClaudeDaudin – 2020-01-25T15:08:03.233


CJam, 19


You can try it online, but you'll need a little patience :p

For the record, the last number is 1366661.

aditsu quit because SE is EVIL

Posted 2015-10-23T16:47:47.133

Reputation: 22 326


Perl, 55 bytes

use ntheory':all';forprimes{print nth_prime$_,$/}104729

Uses @DanaJ's Math::Prime::Util module for perl (loaded with the pragma ntheory). Get it with:

cpan install Math::Prime::Util
cpan install Math::Prime::Util::GMP


Posted 2015-10-23T16:47:47.133

Reputation: 30 891


05AB1E, 7 bytes (non-competing)



Try it online!, note that I have changed the 4 into a 2. If you have a lot of time, you can change the 2 back to 4, but this will take a lot of time. I need to fasten the algorithm for this.


4°       # Push 10000 (10 ^ 4)
  L      # Create the list [1 ... 10000]
   <     # Decrement on every element, [0 ... 9999]
    Ø    # Compute the nth prime
     <   # Decrement on every element
      Ø  # Compute the nth prime


Posted 2015-10-23T16:47:47.133

Reputation: 41 965