Tag: integer

24 Knight Distance 2018-04-27T12:15:01.517

24 Modular broadcasting 2018-05-03T09:57:06.200

24 New Neighbour Sequence 2018-10-25T18:00:00.800

24 Matrix Jigsaw Puzzles 2019-01-14T07:58:24.237

24 Inverse Look-and-Say 2019-11-20T14:30:23.727

23 Find the closest palindromic number 2014-08-27T13:28:53.350

23 Help me procrastinate on my computer repairs! 2015-02-21T00:30:39.270

23 Stacking Pythagorean Triangles 2015-06-15T15:01:08.563

23 Sort an Integer List 2016-04-15T12:42:31.060

23 Smallest palindrome divisible by the input 2016-08-25T06:41:47.473

23 Where are Champernowne's zeroes? 2016-08-28T13:09:50.367

23 Reverse Deltas of an Array 2016-12-05T00:17:43.327

23 Golf a Numerical Growing Braid 2016-12-21T22:19:25.500

23 Complex Dice Rolling Expressions 2017-07-14T04:49:21.733

23 Frequency Distribution of Multiple Dice Rolls 2017-10-01T03:23:31.300

23 Take one to make one 2017-11-06T05:56:37.840

23 Reconstruct an arithmetic sequence 2017-11-22T06:22:26.140

23 Not Quite Roman Ternary 2018-03-28T13:42:40.940

23 Sort by Largest Digit(s) 2018-11-15T09:41:00.727

23 Collapsing numbers 2019-01-02T14:50:22.210

23 The Path Of The Wildebeest 2019-01-27T16:21:57.520

23 Maximum summed subsequences with non-adjacent items 2019-04-17T13:19:32.283

23 Robbers: The Hidden OEIS Substring 2019-07-10T13:59:34.743

23 Count the number of triangles 2019-08-27T18:46:07.660

22 Polynomialception 2016-04-23T22:04:07.837

22 What did I just play? Translate guitar fingerings to chords 2017-01-04T21:05:23.300

22 CSI: Minecraft Items 2017-06-07T06:17:57.047

22 Collapse consecutive integers 2017-07-25T19:34:12.813

22 Products that equal a sum and vice versa 2017-07-30T20:07:35.713

22 Create a universal integer sequence 2017-10-18T23:31:57.590

22 Largest Prime Exponents 2017-10-21T17:43:20.337

22 The sequence of self-contained numbers 2017-12-09T11:25:15.793

22 Eight coins for the fair king 2018-12-25T10:15:17.523

22 Mountain range numbers 2020-02-06T16:19:51.257

21 Divisor reduction 2016-05-23T09:02:58.847

21 Calculate the sum of ILD 2016-06-30T08:21:44.560

21 Interval Notations 2018-04-04T08:15:16.510

21 X Steps Forward, 1 Step Back 2018-05-31T07:18:14.163

21 Prime containment numbers (golf edition) 2018-11-30T07:05:30.053

21 Digital Sumorial 2018-12-03T16:31:21.057

21 Subtract the Folded Matrix 2019-06-17T11:24:16.880

21 Round up my number 2019-12-06T03:56:35.063

20 Find the Emirps! 2016-11-09T20:07:25.117

20 Numpad Word Search 2016-12-04T11:23:40.920

20 Find an Unrelated Number 2017-05-24T14:16:35.497

20 Pascal's Rhombus 2017-07-05T22:18:42.050

20 Fold the integer to save space! 2017-08-16T09:02:15.400

20 Keep/Drop/Increase Sequence 2017-08-21T15:00:13.283

20 Find the sum of the divisors of N 2017-09-08T00:14:43.663

20 Swap the Endianness 2017-11-25T17:23:42.793

20 Minimal sparse rulers 2017-11-26T18:25:49.353

20 Is this a truncated triangular number? 2018-03-05T19:05:43.213

20 Square Root Distance from Integers 2019-02-26T02:53:01.333

20 Warped chessboard 2019-05-17T18:31:40.367

20 Rotated Position of Integers 2019-05-28T06:53:53.147

20 Power-Ending Patterns 2020-02-02T12:52:04.993

19 Binary Countdown Length 2016-11-03T02:54:48.957

19 Alphabetize Integers 2016-12-01T20:20:47.513

19 Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free 2017-01-30T00:36:44.087

19 Anagram Factors 2017-02-13T00:30:30.207

19 The bouncing sequence 2017-07-21T14:44:42.453

19 Single swaps of an array 2018-01-01T22:12:46.740

19 Find Integral Roots of A Polynomial 2018-01-24T14:47:06.233

19 Spiral neighbourhoods 2018-07-20T16:49:25.050

19 The Highest Dice 2019-02-15T10:20:32.330

19 Visualize a large int 2019-10-11T10:31:12.383

19 Proportion of self-avoiding walks on a square lattice 2019-12-23T20:14:47.793

18 Plus and Times, Ones and Nines 2016-12-06T10:16:48.517

18 Find the nearest biquadratic number 2017-07-10T09:37:51.697

18 It's a Bit of a Stretch․․․ 2017-08-18T11:09:44.350

18 Find the largest number of distinct integers that sum to n 2018-01-04T23:24:39.640

18 Olympic Rings Sequence 2018-01-22T13:44:29.193

18 Simplistic Lava Lamp 2018-09-11T07:44:53.423

18 Numbers Decrease while Letters Increase 2019-08-22T13:18:03.393

17 Integer goes back and forth through time 2016-08-01T06:52:26.383

17 Write a program that outputs the number of times it has been run 2016-08-30T01:05:10.243

17 Inverse Deltas of an Array 2016-11-25T03:08:01.840

17 Find Recursively Prime Primes 2017-02-21T18:15:54.327

17 Integer-Digits of the Arithmetic-Tables 2017-04-03T06:53:11.540

17 Sum the deltas of my matrix 2017-09-10T10:33:11.300

17 Least integer as a product of given factors 2017-10-09T17:54:43.527

17 Stacked digit staircases 2018-07-13T21:24:41.330

17 Calculate power series result 2018-07-30T20:19:16.113

17 Longest Repeating Subsequence of a Single Digit 2018-09-17T07:39:05.727

17 The Written Digits Sequence 2018-10-22T17:21:50.297

17 Reciprocal copycats 2018-11-13T10:36:56.357

16 Do a BackFlip for ais523! 2017-04-09T02:21:48.197

16 Miller-Rabin Strong Pseudoprimes 2017-05-30T22:42:11.260

16 Counting N-bit integer multiplication overflows 2017-06-08T05:43:54.587

16 Spin the Calculator 2017-06-22T14:41:26.037

16 Find the Serialized Integer 2017-07-11T13:28:31.500

16 Sum the rows of the concatenated triangle 2017-09-02T12:52:28.703

16 Prime Powers of Primes 2017-10-07T12:26:54.517

16 Classify a region by its slope 2018-06-01T17:31:22.103

16 Print the Lost numbers 2018-11-05T00:59:04.610

16 Find the length of a number's "base-jumping" path 2019-11-29T18:33:18.310

15 Integral triangles and integral medians 2015-07-14T13:55:22.130

15 Sorting rectangular matrices 2016-03-24T06:27:12.510

15 Separate alphabets and numbers 2016-05-25T10:20:05.953