Frequency Distribution of Multiple Dice Rolls



Given two positive integers a and b, output the frequency distribution of rolling a b-sided die a times and summing the results.

A frequency distribution lists the frequency of each possible sum if each possible sequence of dice rolls occurs once. Thus, the frequencies are integers whose sum equals b**a.


  • The frequencies must be listed in increasing order of the sum to which the frequency corresponds.
  • Labeling the frequencies with the corresponding sums is allowed, but not required (since the sums can be inferred from the required order).
  • You do not have to handle inputs where the output exceeds the representable range of integers for your language.
  • Leading or trailing zeroes are not permitted. Only positive frequencies should appear in the output.

Test Cases

Format: a b: output

1 6: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
2 6: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
3 6: [1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 25, 27, 27, 25, 21, 15, 10, 6, 3, 1]
5 2: [1, 5, 10, 10, 5, 1]
6 4: [1, 6, 21, 56, 120, 216, 336, 456, 546, 580, 546, 456, 336, 216, 120, 56, 21, 6, 1]
10 10: [1, 10, 55, 220, 715, 2002, 5005, 11440, 24310, 48620, 92368, 167860, 293380, 495220, 810040, 1287484, 1992925, 3010150, 4443725, 6420700, 9091270, 12628000, 17223250, 23084500, 30427375, 39466306, 50402935, 63412580, 78629320, 96130540, 115921972, 137924380, 161963065, 187761310, 214938745, 243015388, 271421810, 299515480, 326602870, 351966340, 374894389, 394713550, 410820025, 422709100, 430000450, 432457640, 430000450, 422709100, 410820025, 394713550, 374894389, 351966340, 326602870, 299515480, 271421810, 243015388, 214938745, 187761310, 161963065, 137924380, 115921972, 96130540, 78629320, 63412580, 50402935, 39466306, 30427375, 23084500, 17223250, 12628000, 9091270, 6420700, 4443725, 3010150, 1992925, 1287484, 810040, 495220, 293380, 167860, 92368, 48620, 24310, 11440, 5005, 2002, 715, 220, 55, 10, 1]
5 50: [1, 5, 15, 35, 70, 126, 210, 330, 495, 715, 1001, 1365, 1820, 2380, 3060, 3876, 4845, 5985, 7315, 8855, 10626, 12650, 14950, 17550, 20475, 23751, 27405, 31465, 35960, 40920, 46376, 52360, 58905, 66045, 73815, 82251, 91390, 101270, 111930, 123410, 135751, 148995, 163185, 178365, 194580, 211876, 230300, 249900, 270725, 292825, 316246, 341030, 367215, 394835, 423920, 454496, 486585, 520205, 555370, 592090, 630371, 670215, 711620, 754580, 799085, 845121, 892670, 941710, 992215, 1044155, 1097496, 1152200, 1208225, 1265525, 1324050, 1383746, 1444555, 1506415, 1569260, 1633020, 1697621, 1762985, 1829030, 1895670, 1962815, 2030371, 2098240, 2166320, 2234505, 2302685, 2370746, 2438570, 2506035, 2573015, 2639380, 2704996, 2769725, 2833425, 2895950, 2957150, 3016881, 3075005, 3131390, 3185910, 3238445, 3288881, 3337110, 3383030, 3426545, 3467565, 3506006, 3541790, 3574845, 3605105, 3632510, 3657006, 3678545, 3697085, 3712590, 3725030, 3734381, 3740625, 3743750, 3743750, 3740625, 3734381, 3725030, 3712590, 3697085, 3678545, 3657006, 3632510, 3605105, 3574845, 3541790, 3506006, 3467565, 3426545, 3383030, 3337110, 3288881, 3238445, 3185910, 3131390, 3075005, 3016881, 2957150, 2895950, 2833425, 2769725, 2704996, 2639380, 2573015, 2506035, 2438570, 2370746, 2302685, 2234505, 2166320, 2098240, 2030371, 1962815, 1895670, 1829030, 1762985, 1697621, 1633020, 1569260, 1506415, 1444555, 1383746, 1324050, 1265525, 1208225, 1152200, 1097496, 1044155, 992215, 941710, 892670, 845121, 799085, 754580, 711620, 670215, 630371, 592090, 555370, 520205, 486585, 454496, 423920, 394835, 367215, 341030, 316246, 292825, 270725, 249900, 230300, 211876, 194580, 178365, 163185, 148995, 135751, 123410, 111930, 101270, 91390, 82251, 73815, 66045, 58905, 52360, 46376, 40920, 35960, 31465, 27405, 23751, 20475, 17550, 14950, 12650, 10626, 8855, 7315, 5985, 4845, 3876, 3060, 2380, 1820, 1365, 1001, 715, 495, 330, 210, 126, 70, 35, 15, 5, 1]


Posted 2017-10-01T03:23:31.300

Reputation: 32 998

Can we assume that b is at least 2? (Or if not, what should the frequency list for sums of a 1-sided die look like?) – Misha Lavrov – 2017-10-01T03:32:39.223

May we have leading or trailing zeroes? – xnor – 2017-10-01T04:56:42.220



Octave, 38 bytes


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Adding independent random variables corresponds to convolving their probability mass functions (PMF), or multiplying their characteristic functions (CF). Thus the CF of the sum of a independent, identically distributed variables is given by that of a single variable raised to the power of a.

The CF is essentially the Fourier transform of the PMF, and can thus be computed via a FFT. The PMF of a single b-sided die is uniform on 1, 2, ..., b. However, two modifications are required:

  • 1 is used instead of the actual probability values (1/b). This way the result will be de-normalized and will contain integers as required.
  • Padding with zeros is needed so that the FFT output has the appropriate size (a*b-a+1) and the implicit periodic behaviour assumed by the FFT doesn't affect the results.

Once the characteristic function of the sum has been obtained, an inverse FFT is used to compute the final result, and rounding is applied to correct for floating-point inaccuracies.


Consider inputs a=2, b=6. The code a:a*b<a+b builds a vector with b=6 ones, zero-padded to size a*b-a+1:

[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

Then fft(...) gives

[36, -11.8-3.48i, 0.228+0.147i, -0.949-1.09i, 0.147+0.321i, -0.083-0.577i, -0.083+0.577i, 0.147-0.321i, -0.949+1.09i, 0.228-0.147i, -11.8+3.48i]

One can almost recognize the sinc function here (Fourier transform of a rectangular pulse).

(...).^a raises each entry to a and then ifft(...) takes the inverse FFT, which gives

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]

Although the results in this case are exactly integers, in general there may be relative errors of the order of 1e-16, which is why round(...) is needed.

Luis Mendo

Posted 2017-10-01T03:23:31.300

Reputation: 87 464

1I really Impressed! – rahnema1 – 2017-10-02T18:08:18.250

@rahnema1 Signal processing for the win! – Luis Mendo – 2017-10-02T19:26:00.057


Mathematica, 29 bytes


Just generates all possible dice rolls, takes their totals, then counts. Each frequency comes labeled with its value.

Mathematica, 38 bytes


Expands (1+x+x^2+...+x^(a-1))^b and takes the coefficients of x. Since 1+x+x^2+...+x^(a-1) is the generating function for a single die roll and products correspond to convolutions - adding values of dice - the result gives the frequency distribution.

Misha Lavrov

Posted 2017-10-01T03:23:31.300

Reputation: 4 846


Haskell, 90 79 77 75 bytes

Thanks to Lynn for the Cartesian product trick. -11 bytes thanks to many Haskell tricks from Funky Computer Man, -2 bytes from naming, -2 bytes thanks to Laikoni. Golfing suggestions are welcome! Try it online!

import Data.List
g x=[1..x]
a!b=map length$group$sort$map sum$mapM g$b<$g a


import Data.List
rangeX x = [1..x]
-- sums of all the rolls of b a-sided dice
diceRolls a b = [sum y | y <- mapM rangeX $ fmap (const b) [1..a]]
-- our dice distribution
distrib a b = [length x | x <- group(sort(diceRolls a b))]


Posted 2017-10-01T03:23:31.300

Reputation: 11 664

Use $ instead of () to save 2 bytes. TIO

– Post Rock Garf Hunter – 2017-10-01T06:14:47.250

And don't use replicate – Post Rock Garf Hunter – 2017-10-01T06:17:11.817

And use maps instead of comprehensions – Post Rock Garf Hunter – 2017-10-01T06:20:41.627

You can also predefine your lambda – Post Rock Garf Hunter – 2017-10-01T06:24:39.857

(map length$)=(length<$>) for two bytes – Michael Klein – 2017-10-01T07:44:25.800

@MichaelKlein I tried d a b=length<$>group$sort$map sum$mapM g$g a>>[b] with d 3 6 is returning only 16. Any idea why? – Sherlock9 – 2017-10-01T07:53:11.280

I think you can use b<$g a instead of g a>>[b]. – Laikoni – 2017-10-01T11:14:50.740


Pyth - 10 bytes

Just takes all possible dice combinations by taking the cartesian product of [1, b], a times, summing, and getting the length of each sum group.


Test Suite.


Posted 2017-10-01T03:23:31.300

Reputation: 25 023


05AB1E, 8 bytes


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LIãO{γ€g  - Full program.

L         - Range [1 ... input #1]
 I        - Input #2.
  ã       - Cartesian Power.
   O      - Map with sum.
    {     - Sort.
     γ    - Group consecutive equal elements.
      €g  - Get the length of each

Mr. Xcoder

Posted 2017-10-01T03:23:31.300

Reputation: 39 774


R, 58 bytes


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Posted 2017-10-01T03:23:31.300

Reputation: 2 345


R, 52 bytes


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A port of @Luis Mendo's Octave solution, fft(z, inverse=T) unfortunately returns the unnormalized inverse FFT, so we have to divide by the length, and it returns a complex vector, so we take only the real part.


Posted 2017-10-01T03:23:31.300

Reputation: 21 077

well played - payback for yesterday's cmdscale I figure :-) – flodel – 2017-10-03T00:20:43.473

@flodel hah! I'm actually going to award you a bounty for that one :) – Giuseppe – 2017-10-03T12:55:50.453

You were not joking! So generous of you! I enjoy seeing (and learning from) your answers, I will pay it back quickly! – flodel – 2017-10-05T00:27:20.057


Jelly, 5 bytes


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Note that this takes the arguments in reverse order.


ṗS€ĠL€   - Full program (dyadic) | Example: 6, 2

ṗ        - Cartesian Power (with implicit range) | [[1, 1], [1, 2], ... , [6, 6]]
 S€      - Sum each | [2, 3, 4, ... , 12]
   Ġ     - Group indices by values | [[1], [2, 7], [3, 8, 13], ... , [36]]
    L€   - Length of each group | [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]

Alternative solutions:


Mr. Xcoder

Posted 2017-10-01T03:23:31.300

Reputation: 39 774


SageMath, 40 bytes

lambda a,b:reduce(convolution,[[1]*b]*a)

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convolution computes the discrete convolution of two lists. reduce does what it says on the tin. [1]*b is a list of b 1s, the frequency distribution of 1db. [[1]*b]*a makes a nested list of a copies of b 1s.

Python 2 + NumPy, 56 bytes

lambda a,b:reduce(numpy.convolve,[[1]*b]*a)
import numpy

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I've included this solution with the above one, since they're essentially equivalent. Note that this function returns a NumPy array and not a Python list, so the output looks a bit different if you print it.

numpy.ones((a,b)) is the "correct" way to make an array for use with NumPy, and thus it could be used in place of [[1]*b]*a, but it's unfortunately longer.


Posted 2017-10-01T03:23:31.300

Reputation: 32 998


Python 2, 102 91 bytes

lambda b,a:map(map(sum,product(*[range(a)]*b)).count,range(b*~-a+1))
from itertools import*

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Posted 2017-10-01T03:23:31.300

Reputation: 21 408


Pari/GP, 28 bytes


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Posted 2017-10-01T03:23:31.300

Reputation: 23 988

As far as I can tell, this is the shortest solution that definitely doesn't run out of memory on any of the provided test cases. – Misha Lavrov – 2017-10-01T16:09:15.640


Haskell, 61 bytes

g x=[1..x]
a#b=[sum[1|m<-mapM g$b<$g a,sum m==n]|n<-[a..a*b]]

Try it online! Use as a#b.

Partly based on Sherlock9's Haskell answer.


Posted 2017-10-01T03:23:31.300

Reputation: 23 676


MATL, 9 bytes


Same approach as Maltysen's Pyth answer.

Inputs are in reverse order. Try it online!

Luis Mendo

Posted 2017-10-01T03:23:31.300

Reputation: 87 464


Perl 5, 53 bytes


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Input format:



Posted 2017-10-01T03:23:31.300

Reputation: 7 671


J, 25 24 21 20 bytes

3 :'#/.~,+//y$i.{:y'

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Initially I incremented the [0..n-1] list to get [1..n] but apparently it’s not necessary.


Posted 2017-10-01T03:23:31.300

Reputation: 3 112

Nice answer. Here's a tacit version for same number of bytes: #/.~@,@(+///)@$i.@{:. Seems like there should be a way to shave it down a bit more making the verb dyadic, but I wasn't able to do it. – Jonah – 2017-10-01T16:35:44.227

@Jonah you have an extra / in +// – FrownyFrog – 2017-10-01T16:53:57.013

Actually, you're right. It just happens to work both ways. I guess that solution saves a byte then :) – Jonah – 2017-10-01T17:14:27.063


Actually, 13 12 bytes

-1 byte thanks to Mr. Xcoder. Try it online!



                Implicit input: b, a
R∙              ath Cartesian power of [1..b]
  ♂Σ            Get all the sums of the rolls, call them dice_rolls
    ;╗          Duplicate dice_rolls and save to register 0
      ╔         Push uniquify(dice_rolls)
       ⌠  ⌡M    Map over uniquify(dice_rolls), call the variable i
        ╜         Push dice_rolls from register 0
         c        dice_rolls.count(i)
                Implict return


Posted 2017-10-01T03:23:31.300

Reputation: 11 664

You do not need the @, do you? – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-10-01T13:12:26.677

As a side note, I found an interesting alternative: R∙♂Σ╗╜╔⌠╜c⌡M – Mr. Xcoder – 2017-10-01T16:54:19.687


JavaScript (ES6), 94 bytes

<div oninput=o.textContent=f(+n.value,+m.value).join`\n`><input id=n type=number min=0 value=0><input id=m type=number min=1 value=1><pre id=o>1

Limited by 32-bit integer overflow, but floats could be used instead at a cost of 1 byte.


Posted 2017-10-01T03:23:31.300

Reputation: 95 035

Umm... this only takes one input – Herman L – 2017-10-01T09:06:14.700

@HermanLauenstein Sorry, I somehow completely overlooked that part of the question... will fix shortly. – Neil – 2017-10-01T09:18:16.097


Javascript (ES6), 89 bytes


Takes input in currying syntax in reverse order f(b)(a)

<input id=ina type=number min=0 onchange="r()" value=0>
<input id=inb type=number min=1 onchange="r()" value=1>
<pre id=o></pre>

Herman L

Posted 2017-10-01T03:23:31.300

Reputation: 3 611


AWK, 191 bytes

Outputs frequencies as a vertical column.

func p(z){for(m in z)S[z[m]]++
for(i=$1;i<=$1*$2;i++)print S[i]}func t(a,b,z,s){if(a){if(R++)for(n in z)for(i=0;i++<b;)s[n,i]=z[n]+i
else for(i=0;i++<b;)s[i]=i
t(--a,b,s)}else p(z)}{t($1,$2)}

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Adding 6 more bytes allows for multiple sets of inputs.

func p(z,S){for(m in z)S[z[m]]++
for(i=$1;i<=$1*$2;i++)print S[i]}func t(a,b,z,s){if(a){if(R++)for(n in z)for(i=0;i++<b;)s[n,i]=z[n]+i
else for(i=0;i++<b;)s[i]=i
t(--a,b,s)}else p(z)}{R=0;t($1,$2)}

Try it online!

Robert Benson

Posted 2017-10-01T03:23:31.300

Reputation: 1 339


Clojure, 86 bytes

#(sort-by key(frequencies(reduce(fn[r i](for[y(range %2)x r](+ x y 1)))[0](range %))))

An example:

(def f #(...))
(f 5 4)

([5 1] [6 5] [7 15] [8 35] [9 65] [10 101] [11 135] [12 155] [13 155] [14 135] [15 101] [16 65] [17 35] [18 15] [19 5] [20 1])


Posted 2017-10-01T03:23:31.300

Reputation: 2 361


C (gcc), 142 bytes

i,j,k;int*f(a,b){int*r=malloc(sizeof(int)*(1+a*~-b));r[0]=1;for(i=1;i<=a;i++)for(j=i*~-b;j>=0;j--)for(k=1;k<b&k<=j;k++)r[j]+=r[j-k];return r;}

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Leaky Nun

Posted 2017-10-01T03:23:31.300

Reputation: 45 011

sizeof(int)? Really? – orlp – 2017-10-01T20:04:30.103

@orlp environment-dependent, you know – Leaky Nun – 2017-10-01T20:11:03.287

2It's allowed for a C program to assume a particular architecture. As long as it works on at least one machine. Furthermore, 8 would work on any architecture, overallocating a bit but that's ok. – orlp – 2017-10-01T22:44:59.220

r[0]=1;for(i=1;i<=a;i++)for(j=i*~-b; -> for(i=r[0]=1;i<=a;)for(j=i++*~-b; for -2 bytes. – Kevin Cruijssen – 2017-10-02T13:49:29.047


Julia, 43 bytes


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Posted 2017-10-01T03:23:31.300

Reputation: 421