Divisor reduction



A divisor of a number n is any number that evenly divides n, including 1 and n itself. The number of divisors d(n) is how many divisors a number has. Here's d(n) for the first couple n:

n    divisors    d(n)
1    1           1
2    1, 2        2
3    1, 3        2
4    1, 2, 4     3
5    1, 5        2
6    1, 2, 3, 6  4

We can repeatedly subtract the number of divisors from a number. For example:

16                  = 16
16 - d(16) = 16 - 5 = 11
11 - d(11) = 11 - 2 = 9
 9 - d( 9) =  9 - 3 = 6
 6 - d( 6) =  6 - 4 = 2
 2 - d( 2) =  2 - 2 = 0

In this case it took 5 steps to get to 0.

Write a program or function that given a nonnegative number n returns the number of steps it takes to reduce it to 0 by repeated subtraction of the number of divisors.


0, 0
1, 1
6, 2
16, 5
100, 19
100000, 7534


Posted 2016-05-23T09:02:58.847

Reputation: 37 067


Obligatory OEIS link: A155043

– Sp3000 – 2016-05-23T09:48:27.693

Related. – Martin Ender – 2016-05-23T17:24:02.700



Jelly, 10 9 bytes

1 byte thanks to Dennis ♦.

Port of my answer in Pyth.


Try it online!

Test suite.


      ÐĿ    Repeat the following until result no longer unique:
 ÆD             Yield the array of the divisors
   L            Yield the length of the array
_               Subtract that from the number
        L   Number of iterations
         ’  Minus one.

Leaky Nun

Posted 2016-05-23T09:02:58.847

Reputation: 45 011


Python, 49 bytes

f=lambda n:n and-~f(sum(n%~x<0for x in range(n)))

orlp helped save a byte! And Sp3000 saved two more. Thanks!


Posted 2016-05-23T09:02:58.847

Reputation: 55 648

1Should be able to shorten things by moving the -~ into n%-~k, and removing the lower bound of the range. – orlp – 2016-05-23T13:43:28.823


C, 52 bytes

g,o;l(f){for(g=o=f;o;f%o--||--g);return f?1+l(g):0;}


Posted 2016-05-23T09:02:58.847

Reputation: 55 648


Pyth, 10 bytes


Test suite.


tl.ulf%NTSNQ  implicit variables at the end
           Q  obtain the input number
  .u      N   repeat the following until result no longer unique:
         S        generate range from 1 to N
     f            filter for:
      %NT             T in that range, which N%T is truthy (not zero)
    l             length of that list
                  that means, we found the number of "non-divisors" of N
tl            number of iterations, minus 1.

Leaky Nun

Posted 2016-05-23T09:02:58.847

Reputation: 45 011


Julia, 31 bytes


Straightforward recursive implementation.


Posted 2016-05-23T09:02:58.847

Reputation: 58 729


JavaScript (ES6), 64 51 bytes


Don't ask me why I was unnecessarily using tail recursion.


Posted 2016-05-23T09:02:58.847

Reputation: 95 035


MATL, 14 bytes


Try it online!


`            T  % Infinite loop
 t~?    ]       % Duplicate number. Is it non-zero?
    x@q.        % If so: delete number, push iteration index minus 1, break loop
         t:\    % Duplicate, range, modulo (remainder). Divisors give a 0 remainder
            z   % Number of non-zero elements; that is, of non-divisors

Luis Mendo

Posted 2016-05-23T09:02:58.847

Reputation: 87 464


Java, 147 93

a->{int k,i,n=new Integer(a),l=0;for(;n!=0;n-=k)for(l+=k=i=1;i<n;)if(n%i++==0)++k;return l;}


Posted 2016-05-23T09:02:58.847

Reputation: 208

3Why n=new Integer(100000) instead of n=100000? – user8397947 – 2016-05-23T22:10:13.717


05AB1E, 12 10 bytes




[           # start infinite loop
 Ð          # triplicate current number
  >#        # increase by 1 and break if true
    Ñg      # get number of divisors
      -     # subtract number of divisors from number
       ¼    # increase counter
        ]   # end loop
         ¾  # print counter

Try it online

Edit: 2 bytes saved and a bug with input 0 fixed thanks to @Adnan


Posted 2016-05-23T09:02:58.847

Reputation: 50 798

Very nice! I tried to golf it a bit, and got it down to 10 bytes: [Ð>#Ñg-¼]¾. There has to be a way to get it shorter though... – Adnan – 2016-05-23T11:01:31.513

@LuisMendo Yeah, it's because the D0Q# part is after the increment of the counter. The [Ð>#Ñg-¼]¾ code should work for 0 though :). – Adnan – 2016-05-23T11:42:55.153

@Adnan: I tried a version based on generating all counts upto n and going from index to value at index and counting up, but didn't manage to get it shorter that way. – Emigna – 2016-05-23T12:55:48.887


R, 50 bytes

Pretty simple implementation. Try it online



Posted 2016-05-23T09:02:58.847

Reputation: 401


PowerShell v2+, 74 67 bytes


Seems pretty lengthy in comparison to some of the other answers...

Takes input $n, enters a for loop with the condition that $n is greater than 0. Each loop iteration we set helper $a, then loop through every number from 1 up to $n. Each inner loop we check against every number to see if it's a divisor, and if so we increment our helper $a (using Boolean negation and implicit cast-to-int). Then, we subtract how many divisors we've found $n-=$a and increment our counter $o++. Finally, we output $o.

Takes a long time to execute, since it's a significant for-loop construct. For example, running n = 10,000 on my machine (1yr old Core i5) takes almost 3 minutes.


Posted 2016-05-23T09:02:58.847

Reputation: 41 581


Mathcad, [tbd] bytes

enter image description here

Mathcad byte equivalence scheme is yet to be determined. Using a rough keystroke equivalence, the program uses about 39 "bytes". Note that the while and for programming operators only take one keyboard operation each to input (ctl-] and ctl-shft-#, respectively) - indeed, they can only be entered this way from the keyboard.

What you see is exactly what gets put down on a Mathcad worksheet. Mathcad evaluates the equations/programs and puts the output on the same sheet (eg, after the '=' evaluation operator or on the plot).

Stuart Bruff

Posted 2016-05-23T09:02:58.847

Reputation: 501


Haskell, 43 40 39 bytes

g 0=0;g n=1+g(sum$min 1.mod n<$>[1..n])

Simple recursive approach. Usage example: g 16 -> 5.

Edit: @Lynn saved 3 4 bytes. Thanks!


Posted 2016-05-23T09:02:58.847

Reputation: 34 639

How about g(sum$signum.mod n<$>[1..n])? – Lynn – 2016-05-23T21:43:28.440

Oh, and min 1 is actually one byte shorter than signum, even – Lynn – 2016-05-24T10:51:14.903


MATL, 13 bytes


Try it online


t               % Duplicate input
 X`      ]      % while loop, consumes 1 input
   t:\z         % calculates n-d(n), by counting number non-divisors
       tt       % dupe twice, for while loop condition, next iteration and to keep in stack
          Nq&   % get stack size, decrement, display that value


Posted 2016-05-23T09:02:58.847

Reputation: 1 316


Mathematica, 35 bytes


Making use of good old DivisorSigma. @MartinBüttner notes the following alternatives:



Posted 2016-05-23T09:02:58.847

Reputation: 58 729


Hoon, 93 76 bytes

+($(r (sub r (lent (skim (gulf 1^r) |=(@ =(0 (mod r +<))))))))


|=  r/@
?~  r
=+  (skim (gulf 1^r) |=(@ =(0 (mod r +<))))
+($(r (sub r (lent -))))

Returns a function that takes an atom, r. Create an intermediate value that contains all the devisors of r (Make list [1..n], keep only the elements where (mod r i) == 0). If r is zero return zero, else return the incremented value of recursing with r equal r-(length divisors).

The code as-is takes a stupid amount of time to evaluate for n=100.000, entirely because finding the devisors for big numbers makes a giant list and maps over it. Memoizing the divisors gets the correct output for n=10.000, but I didn't bother waiting around for 100.000


Posted 2016-05-23T09:02:58.847

Reputation: 620


Racket - 126 bytes Down to 98 bytes 91 bytes

An extremely naive solution - could probably be cut down a lot with a decent algorithm and some lisp tricks that I don't know

(define(g x[c 0][d 0][i 2])(cond[(= x 0)c][(= i x)(g d(+ 1 c))][(=(modulo x i)0)(g x c d(+ 1 i))][else(g x c(+ 1 d)(+ 1 i))]))

Edit: explanation by request. As I said, this is an extremely naive recursive solution and can be much much shorter.

(define (g x [c 0] [d 0] [i 2]) ;g is the name of the function - arguments are x (input), c (counter for steps), d (non-divisor counter), i (iterator)
    [(= x 0) c] ;once x gets to 0 c is outputted
    [(= i x) (g d (+ 1 c))] ;if iterator reaches x then we recurse with d as input and add 1 to c
    [(= (modulo x i) 0) (g x c d (+ 1 i))] ;checks if iterator is non divisor, then adds it to d and increments iterator
    [else(g x c (+ 1 d) (+ 1 i))])) ;otherwise just increments iterator

Edit 2: 98 byte version with a less dumb algorithm (still pretty dumb though and can be shorter)

(define(g x)(if(< x 1)0(+ 1(g(length(filter(λ(y)(>(modulo x y)0))(cdr(build-list x values))))))))


(define (g x) ;function name g, input x
  (if (< x 1)
      0 ;returns 0 if x < 1 (base case)
      (+ 1 ;simple recursion - adds 1 to output for each time we're looping
         (g (length ;the input we're passing is the length of... 
              (filter (λ (y) (> (modulo x y) 0)) ;the list where all numbers which are 0 modulo x are 0 are filtered out from...
                             (cdr (build-list x values)))))))) ;the list of all integers up to x, not including 0

Edit 3: Saved 7 bytes by replacing (cdr(build-list x values)) with (build-list x add1)

(define(g x)(if(< x 1)0(+ 1(g(length(filter(λ(y)(>(modulo x y)0))(build-list x add1)))))))


Posted 2016-05-23T09:02:58.847

Reputation: 111

Hello, and welcome to PPCG! Great post! Can you explain your solution please? (P.S. I love Lisp!) – NoOneIsHere – 2016-05-24T15:36:33.630

@NoOneIsHere Edited in – kronicmage – 2016-05-24T21:25:36.383


><>, 52+2 = 54 bytes

The input number needs to be present on the stack at program start, so there's +2 bytes for the -v flag. Try it online!

@@:$<    v?=0:-1}+{~$?@@01%@:

4 annoying bytes wasted on alignment issues. Bah.

This one works by building the sequence from n to 0 on the stack. Once 0 has been reached, pop it and ouput the length of the remaining stack.

By the way , it runs in O(n^2) time, so I wouldn't try n = 100000...


Posted 2016-05-23T09:02:58.847

Reputation: 5 592

-v is one byte, not two. – NoOneIsHere – 2016-05-24T22:33:42.570


><>, 36 + 3 = 39 bytes

:?v~ln; >~&

The implementation's relatively straightforward, with each iteration being sum(n%k>0 for k in range(1,n-1)). +3 bytes for the -v flag, per meta.

Try it online!


Posted 2016-05-23T09:02:58.847

Reputation: 58 729


Perl 5, 40 bytes

sub f{@_?(1,f((1)x grep@_%$_,1..@_)):()}

Input and output are as lists of the requisite number of copies of 1.


Posted 2016-05-23T09:02:58.847

Reputation: 3 094


Ruby, 42 bytes


There's a stack overflow error on the largest test case 100000, so here's an iterative version within 49 bytes. Takes a while, though, considering the O(N^2) complexity.

->n{c=0;c+=1 while 0<n-=(1..n).count{|i|n%i<1};c}

Value Ink

Posted 2016-05-23T09:02:58.847

Reputation: 10 608


C#, 63 bytes

int F(int n)=>n<1?0:F(Enumerable.Range(1,n).Count(i=>n%i>0))+1;


Posted 2016-05-23T09:02:58.847

Reputation: 131


Actually, 17 bytes


Try it online! (note: last test case times out on TIO)


"          "£╬     while top of stack is truthy, call the function:
 ;╗                  push a copy of n to reg0
   R                 range(1,n+1) ([1,n])
    `  `░l             push the number of values where the following is truthy:
     ╜%                  k mod n
                       (this computes the number of non-divisors of n)
          ;            make a copy
              klD  push entire stack as list, count number of items, subtract 1
                   (the result is the number of times the function was called)


Posted 2016-05-23T09:02:58.847

Reputation: 32 998