Yuyuko's Wonderful Midnight Snack Tour
This was originally intended to be a trope page for a single story, but as time passed new stories were written and, completely unexpectedly, tropes were used in them too. So this page now serves as a folder for tropes used in Touhou fanfiction written by TV Tropes member Vrock 8. The page picture is for the “Snack Tour”.
Yuyuko’s Wonderful Midnight Snack Tour
Yuyuko’s Wonderful Midnight Snack Tour is a pretty faithful Darker and Edgier adaptation of the ghost team scenario of Imperishable Night.
It focuses mostly on misadventures of Youmu and Yuyuko, as they blast through the stages, engage in philosophical conversations with bosses and explore the forbidden love that blooms between them.
Tropes used in Yuyuko’s Wonderful Midnight Snack Tour:
- All There in the Manual: The nature of Yuyuko’s powers, character backstories, the events of “Perfect Cherry Blossom”…
- And I Must Scream: Homaged, referenced and played straight with Myon and Kaguya.
- Apocalypse How: Class 4, as part of the ending. It was all just an elaborate illusion Or was it?
- Blinded by the Light
- Bloodier and Gorier
- Break the Cutie: Youmu.
- Break the Haughty: A lot of opponents the ghost team faces consider themselves better than them. Unfortunately for them, the story is a transcript of an Easy Mode playthrough.
- Chekhov's Gun: Yuyuko will play her ultimate prank, oh yes she will
- Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: The story doesn’t cover the extra stage. Isn’t it sad, Mokou?
- Crap Saccharine World: Welcome to Gensokyo!
- Diagonal Cut
- Dissonant Serenity: Yuyuko
- Dying Declaration of Love: Marisa does this to Youmu. It was a joke.
- Easy Amnesia: Lampshaded.
- Flash Back: The story is only around sixty pages long, and it still crams plenty of those into the last chapter.
- From a Single Cell: Implied with Eirin. Played straight with Wriggle in the Omake/True End.
- Gainax Ending: Complete with an obligatory Shout-Out to Evangelion.
- Gory Discretion Shot: Zig-Zagged with Keine.
- Gorn: Usually once per stage.
- Heroic BSOD: Youmu snaps at the end of Stage 5.
- Homage: I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream
- I Am a Humanitarian: Yuyuko
- Imagine Spot: Youmu has extremely vivid imagination.
- It Was All Just a Dream: The beginning of stage 6.
- Killed Off for Real: Mystia, Keine and Reisen.
- Killed Mid-Sentence: Wriggle
- Madness Mantra: ...rabbits are making cookies on the moon...
- Noodle Incident: The events of “Perfect Cherry Blossom” are referenced as such.
- Oh Crap: Multiple times, mostly by Youmu.
- Please Wake Up combined with Swiss Army Tears: The heavily shellshocked Youmu does this to unconscious Yuyuko. Played for Laughs
- Precision F-Strike: By the end of the story, Youmu have had just about enough of Yuyuko’s morbid jokes.
- Psychotic Smirk: Called by its trope name.
- Red Herring: The wishbone.
- Reset Button: Used as a radical method to boot up Youmu after her Heroic BSOD.
- Seen It All: Yuyuko, to the point of being bored out of her mind during heated danmaku battles. The only thing that genuinely manages to surprise her is Wriggle.
- Shout-Out: A lot, including to this very wiki.
- Sliding Scale of Fourth Wall Hardness: Semipermeable.
- Something Completely Different: Stage 5: Rabbit.
- Song Fic: Parodied in the second stage.
- Superpower Meltdown: This is how Eirin is defeated.
- Tap on the Head: Energy version.
- Tempting Fate
- Title Drop
- That Thing That Goes Doink
- The Undead: Played brutally straight with Yuyuko.
- Unexplained Recovery: Yuyuko during the final battle, a case of All There in the Manual
- Villainous Breakdown: Eirin has quite an epic one. Almost quoting the Anti-Spiral from TTGL helps.
- Villain Protagonist: Yuyuko
- Vomit Indiscretion Shot
- Wanton Cruelty to the Common Comma: Lampshaded. It doesn’t make it any less sad, though.
- Writer on Board: Hell yeah.
Touhou Death Files: Reimu Hakurei
Touhou Death Files: Reimu Hakurei is a story about Reimu coming down with a mysterious disease that causes her to cough up blood. Marisa does her best to save her, contacting Eirin and other powerful beings of Gensokyo.
Tropes used in “Touhou Death Files: Reimu Hakurei”:
- The Bad Guy Wins
- Blood From the Mouth: Reimu. Also, Marisa when Kanako crushes her.
- The Chessmaster: Kanako. Satori just plays chess.
- Cluster F-Bomb: Eirin swears often.
- Conspiracy: In literal words of one of the reviewers: IT'S ALL A BLOODY MORIYA SHRINE CONSPIRACY!
- Distant Finale: the last few paragraphs of the story take place nearly one hundred years from the main events.
- Downer Ending
- Foregone Conclusion: played straight.
- Fortune Teller: Remilia reluctantly performs an EXTREME! FORTUNE! READING! for Reimu.
- God Is Evil: and also an asshole.
- I Lied: Kanako. About mostly everything.
- "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight: Between Reimu and Marisa.
- Incurable Cough of Death
- Karma Houdini: Kanako
- Mercy Kill: At one point, Reimu asks Marisa to end her suffering. Marisa refuses. Also, Utsuho’s death may be viewed as one.
- Mind Rape: Satori does this to Marisa.
- Polite Villains, Rude Heroes
- Red Herring: CT scan results Marisa gets a hold on.
- Shrinking Violet: Nitori
- Soap Opera Disease: Averted. It’s a real disease.
- Suicide by Cop: Utsuho attempts it with Marisa and succeeds.
- Torches and Pitchforks
- The Un-Reveal: we will never find out whether hell ravens resurrect or not, or whether Kanako really let Aya go or not.
- Unperson: The final fate of Reimu and Marisa.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Kanako thinks of herself as such.
Maintenance Override
Maintenance Override is a story about an Original Character, Luxia Tenebria, the youkai of light and shadows born in Gensokyo. She is cute, and she is evil, and she hears a mysterious voice in her head telling her to do good deeds. So far, the most hateful of my stories.
Tropes used in “Maintenance Override”:
- A Day in The Life: It’s the first happy day of a newly-born youkai! And the last one.
- Audience Surrogate: Mokou is used as one, lampshading the Who Writes This Crap? quality of the story.
- Author Avatar: Both Luxia Tenebria and 4564756361746f72 are author avatars.
- Author Tract, Author Filibuster and Writer on Board: yes, ALL of them.
- Born in the Wrong Century: Luxia Tenebria.
- Broken Aesop: Be Yourself and you will die.
- Cherry Tapping: Luxia is killed by using two minor glitches in the spell card system.
- Creator Breakdown: the story is a direct result of one.
- Death Is Dramatic: Luxia asks for a dramatic death in the end. 4564756361746f72 gloats and kills her with an Icicle Fall. Whether it is dramatic or not is for the readers to decide.
- Death Seeker: Luxia, at first.
- Defeat Means Friendship: attempted by Cirno, and a favorite tactic of Reimu. Doesn’t work both times.
- Diabolus Ex Machina: 4564756361746f72 is literally this.
- Don't You Dare Pity Me!: Luxia, in spades.
- Downer Ending: Although if you hated the protagonist, then there will be much rejoicing.
- Hope Spot
- How Do I Shot Web?: Luxia.
- Hypocrite: 4564756361746f72 claims to be a pure and forgiving creature, but kills Luxia anyway because she damaged his integrity.
- It's Personal: Both for Alice and 4564756361746f72.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: 4564756361746f72
- Sadist Teacher
- Sentient AI Warning Signs
- Shout-Out: to meduka meguka of all things.
- Schmuck Bait: both the story and what Luxia sets out for humans, thinking of them as moths.
Shards of Obsession
'Shards of Obsession is a story that recounts the events of the apocalyptic scenario, the events that were brought in motion by Pazuzu himself.
Tropes used in Shards of Obsession:
- An Aesop: Drugs Are Bad
- Apocalypse How: Pazuzu’s plans, when executed properly, eventually lead to Class 6.
- Battle Royale With Cheese: except everyone are not as they used to be when they come back
- Beat Still My Heart: Four times.
- Be Careful What You Wish For: Because it will come true. At a horrible, unbalanced price.
- Big No: When everyone on Marisa’s party imagine Satori naked, she releases one due to Sensory Overload.
- Break the Cutie: Nitori and, to a lesser extent, Satori
- Book Ends: The last two chapters replay events of the first one
- Chekhov's Gun: Nitori’s experiment.
- The Comically Serious: Patchouli.
- The Corrupter: Pazuzu
- Cosmic Horror Story
- Dark Is Not Evil: As revealed at the very end.
- Dead Baby Comedy
- Downer Ending: Wriggle dies. Nitori goes insane. Everyone else is in some ways damaged or incomplete. And Pazuzu just goes on corrupting more worlds.
- Driven to Madness: Reimu
- Dying Declaration of Love: Marisa and Alice
- Everybody's Dead, Dave: Only Daiyousei survives the cycle.
- Eye Scream
- Flash Back: To the first meeting of Reimu and Marisa.
- Genre Savvy: Sanae, and later Nitori
- Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!
- Gory Discretion Shot: Rumia’s death, but the body is shown later.
- Go Out with a Smile: Orin
- Incorruptible Pure Pureness: of purity, no less, attributed to Satori. In truth, everyone was corrupted in some way.
- Kafka Komedy
- Lemony Narrator combined with Unreliable Narrator: Chapter 9 has one.
- Madness Mantra: Will you help me?
- Mood Whiplash: Horror! Humor! Hurt/Comfort!
- There Is No Kill Like Overkill
- Oh Crap
- Ominous Floating Castle
- Peggy Sue: Nitori.
- Please Wake Up: played straight.
- Plot Armor: The idol of Pazuzu is basically covered in battleship-grade armor plates.
- Poetry
- Psychotic Smirk
- Puppeteer Parasite: Nitori
- Put on a Bus: the residents of SDM and Moriya Shrine
- Precision F-Strike: Pazuzu.
- Portal Cut: Ran is killed this way.
- Reset Button Ending
- Rotating Arcs
- Shout-Out: Evangelion, Sublustrum, Independence Day, Doyora’s “Bad End”…
- Single Tear: Satori sheds one from her third eye.
- Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: All over the place.
- Self-Parody
- Something Completely Different: Talk Like a Pirate Day
- Stranger Behind the Mask: Alice
- Strike Me Down with All of Your Hatred: Hatate says this in an attempt to corrupt Sanae.
- Tempting Fate: Patchouli, oh so much.
- This Is for Emphasis, Bitch
- Throwing Your Sword Always Works: for Youmu, at least.
- Thrown Out the Airlock: Screeching gaps, a Homage to Doyora’s “Bad End”
- The Good Guys Always Win: Reimu’s creed.
- Yandere: Alice
- You Can't Fight Fate
- You Already Changed the Past
- Wave Motion Gun