Yume no Crayon Oukoku

The civilians of the Crayon Kingdom have always viewed their Princess Silver as a twelve-year old girl with a beautiful smile. However, unknown to them, the princess has 12 bad habits. One day, a party is held to celebrate Silver's twelfth birthday. The princess is so busy trying to find a suitable dance-partner that she forgets to hide her bad habits. The boy she thinks suitable to dance with refuses to dance, and after a short quarrel, he changes Silver's parents, the King and Queen, into stone. Silver learns that only the Grim Reaper is capable of casting a spell like that, and she assumes that the boy was actually him in disguise. Along with a pig named Stonston and a chicken named Araessa, she begins a quest to find the boy Reaper.
Tropes used in Yume no Crayon Oukoku include:
- Animal Stereotypes: Stonston is a pig who's greedy and good at cooking.
- Big Bad: Grim Reaper
- Cats Are Mean: Averted with Punya, Silver's kind and caring cat housemaid.
- Everything's Better with Princesses
- French Love Crayon Kingdom
- Girlish Pigtails: Silver
- Gotta Catch Em All: In an odd inversion, Princess Silver has to lose 12 things — namely, her bad habits.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Cloud
- Magic Wand: Silver's Crayon Pen basically functions like this.
- Magical Girl
- Nice Hat: Silver has a floppy yellow cap.
- Non-Human Sidekick: Stonston and Araessa
- Raised by Wolves: Araessa is a chicken who was raised by a tiger.
- Rose-Haired Girl: Silver
- Sealed Evil in a Can: The Grim Reaper was trapped in a mirror by Silver's ancestor for several thousand years before the start of the story.
- Slap Slap Kiss: Silver and Cloud
- Spoiled Brat: Silver. It's one of her 12 bad habits.
- Taken for Granite: The King and Queen.
- Talking Animal: Araessa, Stonston, Punya, and others.
- Tsundere: Silver
- Walking the Earth
- The White Prince: Cloud is the spoiled and conceited variety.
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