You Can Play This!
You Can Play This! was an Internet review show on That Guy With The Glasses by Justin Carmical a.k.a. Jew Wario. It focuses on Japanese import games which, as the title of the show suggests, can be played by people who can't speak Japanese. Jew Wario reviews the games and gives the audience hints how to play successfully.
You Can Watch This Here. Or here. Or on Blistered Thumbs here. [dead link] Jew Wario also has a live stream here, where he regularly streams every Friday and on which he often has producers from TGWTG as guests as well as PatTheNESPunk.
On January 23rd, 2014, Justin committed suicide. Following his death, Marz Gurl finished one of his in-progress projects, Farewell Fami Kamen Rider, which is available online here.
Tropes used in You Can Play This! include:
- Acting for Two: Justin plays both Jew Wario and Yanki J, and occasionally others like Jareth and Mario.
- As Long as There Is Evil: The Evil in the WA☆RI☆ON Saga
- Author Appeal: Cat Girls.
- Badass Longcoat: As worn by Yanki J.
- Berserk Button: Don't even think about mentioning River Song from Doctor Who. The reaction ain't pretty.
- Cameo: Does quite a few, and these are almost always show stealers.
- He offers Marc Mues a rhyme in his Worst 6 Pop Songs of 2011 video.
- Catgirl: As mentioned above, JewWario likes these very much.
- Caustic Critic: Strongly averted: Jew Wario is one of the nicest reviewers out there.
- Characterization Marches On: Yanki J started out as pretty Badass, but as he developed as a character, he became more of a Small Name, Big Ego-type Lovable Coward.
- Cluster F-Bomb: Mario Monologues.
- Combined Energy Attack: The conclusion of the WA☆RI☆ON Saga: Jew Wario has his fans give him their positive energy, giving him -- and Yanki J. -- the power to defeat the evil.
- Cool Old Guy: He's the oldest member of the That Guy With The Glasses team, being born in 1971.
- Creepy Doll: Justin is scared witless of dolls, as evidenced in his J-Dub in the Dark playthroughs of Fatal Frame. He claimed on a livestream that this is because a family member of his has an extensive collection of some really freaky-looking dolls.
- Crossover:
- With Phil Buni for the Sexy Famicom Moments video.
- He did another with Diamanda Hagan to review Zombeak.
- He reviewed Sword Girls with Chaos D 1.
- Filled in for Tara for the June 28, 2012 episode of What The Fuck Is Wrong With You? on Radio Dead Air.
- Delinquent: Yanki J. was one when he was younger, and still dresses like one.
- Discard and Draw: The Negadub drains the WA☆RI☆ON powers from Justin ending the legacy of the WA☆RI☆ON... but then Justin gets the improved Rider belt (in the form of a portable Famicom system) and becomes the Famikamen Rider.
- Drop-In Character: Yanki J.
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: The Evil from the WA☆RI☆ON the embodiment of evil and gets power from it.
- The Everyman: Mario in his Mario Monologues.
- Fan Boy: Of oh so many things.
- He's a brony, and Fluttershy is his favorite.
- Doctor Who, particularly the classic years. He's made it well-known that he loves the late Elisabeth Sladen, who played Sarah Jane Smith.
- He adores Kamen Rider, which eventually led to the creation of his Famikamen Rider character. There isn't a weekly stream that goes by where it's not mentioned at least once.
- Fan Service: Every time he's Jareth. The ladies from his Labyrinth game review and from the Massively Multiplayer Crossover Suburban Knights just adore him. It's even gotten him fangirls.
- For Cosplay fans, his wife as Grace
- The Ghost: Anyone other than Mario in the Mario Monologues.
- Ghost Memory: JDub carries the memories and personalities of his Warion predecessors in his mind. Or at least, he did until the Negadub killed him and drained him of his powers.
- Heroic Bystander: He once helped a woman who was run over by a car after the Jerkass who did it fled the scene.
- Hostile Show Takeover: Yanki J. ties up Jew Wario and takes over his Nekketsu! Street Basket review.
- The Negadub tries this as well -- and fails.
- Hypocritical Humor: He chastises Mike J for thinking Jews have superpowers and later hits him with a cyber punch.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Mario in the "Mario Monologues".
- Yanki also qualifies. He may treat JewWario like crap, beating him up on a regular basis and stealing his things, but deep down he truly cares about him.
- Kansai Regional Accent: Yanki J. speaks English with a Brooklyn-esque inflection.
- Keet: Although not as much as Benzaie, Justin is quite excitable.
- Kindhearted Cat Lover: While he doesn't actually own any (allergies apparently play a part), he often Squees over KITTY!
- He admitted in an interview [dead link] that while he doesn't actually consider himself an "animal person" (and prefers felines of the partially human variety), he doesn't mind playing the part for his videos.
- The Lancer: Yanki J. He is usually sarcastic, and can sometimes be downright obnoxious, in contrast to Jew Wario's niceness.
- Mind Rape: The Evil does this to Justin by gradually draining his memories (and those of the previous Warion).
- Mr. Fanservice: Justin has posted crossdressing photos, reads porny fanfic in a sexy voice and has dressed up like Jareth.
- Taken Up to Eleven on his livestreams. He's always flirting with somebody in the chat.
- Myth Arc: The WA☆RI☆ON Saga.
- Nice Guy: He is like a second coming of Mister Rogers.
- He even ends his Friday livestreams by singing It's Such a Good Feeling.
- Nice Hat: His trademark Wario hat.
- No Export for You: Pretty much all of the games shown were never released in North America or Europe.
- Older Than They Look: He turned 40 in 2011. You'd never guess it.
- Psycho Sidekick: Yanki J.
- Real Men Wear Pink: Justin proudly (and frequently) sports a pair of badass pink Converse sneakers. In spring 2012, he sold the pair he wore in both Kickassia and Suburban Knights on eBay.
- Real Song Theme Tune: "Funk Fujiyama" by Kome Kome Club. Initially he used the original, then he used a cover. He now switched to an original song.
- The Quickie episodes have Gates of Thunder [dead link] by one of Justin's Friends, Jonathan "GameJew" Mann.
- Refusal of the Call: In the WA☆RI☆ON Saga, Yanki J. refused the position, so it was passed on to Jew Wario.
- The Rival: In the Mario Monologues, Wario. Fucker owes him five bucks!
- Running Gag: KITTY!
- Shout-Out: One of his intros is a reference to Kamen Rider Black RX's Transformation Sequence, using the music from RX's appearance in Kamen Rider Decade.
- Squee: His enthusiasm playing GoLion, aka Voltron, in Super Robot Wars W.
- Kitty!
- And when he gets a W Driver toy.
- Classic Doctor Who episodes--and especially reunions with "old friends" from the classic show in the new series.
- Tsundere: His wife seems to invoke this in some of her appearances in his videos. There was the time she hit him every time he started spacing out because of Konami Lady, and another when she hit J.Wario's face when he started to annoy her with a "Not touching you!" routine.
- Your Princess Is in Another Castle: Jew Wario and Yanki defeat the Evil....but it turns out it was Yanki's Evil. The Evil Jew Wario must face has yet to come.
- And it now has come, in the form of the Negadub.
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