Wild Knights Gulkeeva
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Juusenshi Gulkeeva (Japanese: 獣戦士ガルキーバ; also known as Juu Senshi Garukiba, Wild Knights Gulkeeva or Beast Warriors Gulkeeva) is a 26-episode anime series produced by Sunrise that premiered in 1995. The main furry characters are the "beast guardians" Greyfus the wolf, Beakwood the eagle, and Garriel the gorilla, who fight along with the human Touya Shinjou to protect Earth from an enemy known as the Darknoids.
The series also has an accompanying manga and set of novels that further explains the world of the Gulkeeva characters.
- Badass Furry: All the Animaloids.[context?]
- Bare Your Midriff: Touya[context?]
- Big Bad: Prince Zasa.[context?]
- Big Bad Wannabe: Giru.[context?]
- Bittersweet Ending: Sure, Earth is saved, but Kira had to sacrifice himself due to Touya's recklessness. Prince Zasa's spirit is still alive, Liam got away with only a few scratches, and judging by the end credits, it looks like Touya and the Beast Warriors are traveling to Athaelia for another battle.
- Curb Stomp Battle: It's safe to say that if you're a Darknoid and the Animaloid you're fighting transforms into a giant animal-mecha, you're gonna get ass-raped and promptly killed.
- Death by Materialism: Subverted with Zayaka.[context?]
- Played straight with Jentu, who might've survived if he hadn't hesitated when he dropped his bag of jewels.
- Decoy Protagonist: It turns out that Touya was not The Chosen One. Kira was. However, shortly after Kira becomes the Gulkeeva, Touya is killed, and Kira sacrifices himself to bring Touya back to life.
- Determinator: Yuri. She will go to great lengths to prove her strength to Liam.
- Disney Villain Death: Subverted with Dorayoma.[context?]
- The Dragon: Liam.[context?]
- Even Evil Has Standards: None of the Darknoids were happy to hear that Dancer activated the Devil's Core, which is a giant meteor-sized weapon capable of obliterating Earth.
- Five-Man Band:
- The Hero: Touya[context?]
- The Lancer: Greyfus[context?]
- The Smart Guy: Beakwood[context?]
- The Big Guy: Garriel[context?]
- The Chick: Kira[context?]
- Sixth Ranger: Tedium[context?]
- Forgotten Fallen Friend: If you're not a main character, Touya and the Beast Warriors aren't gonna remember you after you die. Just ask Onimaru and Shiori, whose deaths are forgotten immediately after the episode they die in ends.
- Genki Girl: Melody[context?]
- Go Out with a Smile: Giru.[context?]
- Heel Face Turn: Yuri.[context?]
- Heroic Sacrifice: Onimaru.[context?]
- In the finale, Kira.[context?]
- Humongous Mecha: The Darknoids' primary method of attack.
- Infant Immortality: Averted. Twice.[context?]
- Jerkass Facade: Tedium. [context?]
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Touya.[context?]
- Karmic Death: After getting stabbed by Dorayoma, Giru pathetically crawls over to his gun and clutches it in his hands. Suddenly, a bunch of soldiers show up and see Giru holding the gun with a pile of dead bodies in front of him. The soldiers assume Giru killed them, and waste no time gunning Giru down.
- Leeroy Jenkins: Touya in the last few episodes.[context?]
- Mass "Oh Crap": Everyone reacts this way when Dancer activates the Devil's Core, a weapon capable of annihilating Earth. Even the Darknoids were freaking out.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Thanks, Touya, for charging into the Darknoid fortress by yourself, getting captured and subsequently killed, and forcing Kira to sacrifice his life just to save your ass.
- The Nineties[context?]
- Precision F-Strike: Touya dropped a huge one after Onimaru sacrificed himself to destroy the Devil's Core.
- Refusal of the Call: Touya[context?]
- Running Gag: If Greyfus is holding an object or touching an object (hell, even standing near an object) he's unfamiliar with, he will break it.
- Satan: Prince Zasa's goal was to become the Devil. And he succeeds...for only a few minutes.
- Screaming Warrior: Touya becomes this when Kira dies and he takes up his axe.
- Smug Snake: Giru.[context?]
- The End of the World as We Know It: The episode "The Nightmare in the Morning" centered around this.
- True Companions: Touya, Kira, and Konoha. Also Greyfus, Beakwood, and Gariell.
- Melody proves herself as one over time.[context?]
- Vomit Discretion Shot: Kira after he finds a dead child's bloody shoe.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: What happened to Liam's girlfriend? She showed up for about thirty seconds, said nothing, and then disappeared from the entire show.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Sometimes Touya should just keep his mouth shut...[context?]