< Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

Who Framed Roger Rabbit?/Tear Jerker

  • Basically, anything having to do with the murder of Teddy Valiant and Eddie's memory of him. It's the heart of the film, after all, and is what transformed Eddie into a grumpy, alcoholic, washed-up has-been in the eyes of others. The only reason Roger comes to his aid at all is because he seemingly never realizes Eddie's changed, and is under the impression he still helps Toons.
    • The scene in the movie theater signals the start of the bond between Eddie and Roger. It's the first time we hear of how Teddy died... and foreshadows Judge Doom's real identity. Roger, heart-broken, and convinced that Eddie hates him and wants to kill him, may be hammy, but still tugs at the heart strings.
    • Hell, even the scene of Eddie alone in his office, when the camera pans across the memorabilia of the brothers' successful cases.
      • The most heartbreaking scene is when Eddie is looking at his newly-developed vacation photos and smiling at all the pictures of him and Dolores. Only to look crushed when he finds one of Teddy.
    • The sweeping track that plays during these scenes, and kicks off the end credit sequence, is called "Eddie's Theme" for good reason.
    • Especially because the shoe was so innocent and acted like a little defenseless puppy and good god the sounds it made when Judge Doom dipped it...
  • Seeing Roger sobbing desperately after he believes Jessica has cheated on him with Marvin Acme. It's also not a good view.
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