< Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

Who Framed Roger Rabbit?/Heartwarming

  • You must admit, dispite the fact that they are goofy toons, Roger and Jessica's happy marriage is very indearing to watch.
  • The fact that Angelo and the other skeevy barflies didn't end up selling out Roger and Eddie... because Roger made them laugh and brought some happiness into their lives.
  • This may not seem like much, but the first heartwarming moment for this troper was when Eddie met Betty Boop in the Ink and Paint Club as a cigarette girl. He's shocked to see her there on hard times since cartoons went to color. But she keeps an upbeat attitude giving him her trademark 'boop-boop-be-do-boop'. Eddie, the guy who at that point dispised any and all toons that he met, actually gave her a genuine smile and remarked, "Yeah, you still got it." Says a lot for the guy that early on.
  • Minor one but Lt. Santio's first appearance he seems like an intimidating detective in his own right, smashing a Eddie's whiskey bottle in the trash bin to wake him up. But his first words to him, show that he's just concerned for his friend as he knew him long enough to know about Teddy's death and came to him right away when he found out Eddie was involved in a scandal that lead to Acme's murder. His first line says it all.

Lt. Santino: Gee whiz Eddie if you really needed money so bad why didn't you come to me?

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