White Rain

White Rain is a Naruto Continuation Fic by Zapenstap that takes place some time after the series ends... but you wouldn't know it at first glance, because the first chapter is set in a very, very different environment.

With a young man named Itachi, no less... but this isn't an Alternate Universe story as one might think upon reading through the first chapter, because as soon as the plot gets rolling, things start happening. As Itachi, his mother Lucia and his sister Rina make their way to Konoha to escape from an abusive situation, everything begins to spiral out of control... and people may not be who they seem to be.

Back in Konoha, Naruto is the Hokage, Sasuke has reconciled with the village and is together with Sakura, and the next generation of shinobi are being trained with the defense of the Will of Fire in their hearts...

...and things go on from there.

Note: This trope page is chock full of spoilers, so it is probably for the best if you read it then come back here.

Tropes used in White Rain include:

Ibiki: He wanted you to pretend that you were ordinary people who loved each other.

    • And later:

Lucia: I learned that I may have been in love with your father.

  • Beta Couple: Naruto and Hinata.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Naruto is a happy, friendly and goofy Hokage most of the time. Kidnap one of the people he promised to protect, though, and you risk finding out why he was made Hokage in the first place.
    • Sasuke himself finds it more difficult to deal with a concerned Naruto than an angry Naruto, too.
  • Blinded by the Light: Amaya's trademark White Star jutsu.
  • Broken Bird: Lucia - and she shatters completely when she finds out the Grass have taken Rina.
    • You can see just how broken she is when she regards Ino and Sakura's friendship with curiosity.
  • Character Development: in freaking spades.
  • Child Prodigy: Rina. What do you expect from an Academy student who not only has an instinctual grasp of genjutsu, but also figured out how to perform the Chidori simply by watching it?
  • Continuation Fic
  • Dead Guy, Junior: Itachi van Alstyne.
  • Eye Scream
  • Generation Xerox: While he was named after his father, Itachi takes more after Sasuke (it is his resemblance to pre-Uchiha Massacre Sasuke that makes his uncle uncomfortable when dealing with him). Rina, on the other hand...
    • Sakura herself does this, as she pulls something similar to her old sensei's infamous bell test for her genin team.
    • Naruto uses the Fourth Hokage's trademark Flying Thunder God Technique.
  • Heroic BSOD: Itachi goes into a brief one when his uncle Sasuke tells him exactly what his father (Itachi senior) really did.
    • Lucia goes through the same when she found out that the Grass had kidnapped Rina.
  • Hidden Depths: Naruto has taken to the responsibilities of being the Hokage very well.
    • Also, how Sasuke deals with the metaphorical bombs dropped onto his lap.
      • You could apply this trope to every character in this story, really.
  • How Many All of Them: Naruto, in a somewhat rare heroic example.
  • It's Personal: Naruto treats everyone in Konoha as part of a large family. Kidnap one of them, and you will find out just how much of a Papa Wolf he can be... if Sasuke doesn't get to you first.
  • Just Friends: How the Love Triangle below is resolved... so far.
  • Love Triangle: Between Itachi, Amaya and Haro - funnily enough, it is Lucia who resolves the whole thing.
  • No Pregger Sex: Averted with Sakura and Sasuke - the latter seems befuddled that the former is a lot more passionate than usual. Unfortunately... It Got Worse.
  • The Medic: Two in Team 4 - Akamatsu Haro and their jonin-sensei Haruno Sakura.
  • Not So Fast Bucko: Holy crap, Itachi junior activated his Sharingan! He's beating his opponent up! He's gonna win! Except the jutsu he wanted to use backfires on him terribly, and he gets a slash to an eye for his trouble.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Naruto - most of the time.
  • Original Character / Original Generation: Lucia van Alstyne, her family, and everyone else from that side of the world.
  • Parental Neglect: Amaya's father is wrapped up in his duties to the extent that the only quality time he spends with his daughter is when they're training. It's not his fault entirely - he has been a ninja for far too long that he never really asked for time off to raise his daughter.
  • Poor Communication Kills: It's why Sasuke and Sakura break up.
    • Itachi (junior) actively tries to prevent this from happening - first, with his mother; then with his team and sensei - and sometimes succeeds.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Oddly enough, Naruto is the Blue Oni to Sasuke's Red. Their respective relationships also share the same dichotomy - Naruto and Hinata's relationship is subtle and understated just as Sasuke and Sakura's relationship is tempestuous and overt.
    • In Team 4, Haro is the Red Oni to Itachi's Blue.
  • Screw the Rules, I Have Money: Lucia, but we haven't actually seen her successfully use it.
    • However, the fact that the feudal lords have gone underwater on their loans probably means that Lucia, for all intents and purposes, already owns a hefty chunk of Konoha.
  • Shell-Shocked Veteran: Sasuke. Even now, the dude has issues.
  • Snow Means Love: Snow was falling when Itachi (senior) made his proposal to Lucia (to pretend that they were ordinary people who loved each other). The sight of the snow outside also inspired her to name her inheritance as White Rain.
  • Title Drop: In Chapter 11 - Note White Rain.
    • Again in Chapter 19.
    • And again in Chapter 20.
  • Training from Hell: Itachi goes through it in a month before his team's match.
  • "Well Done, Son" Guy: Itachi seems to be this for his mother Lucia at first (getting into trouble for punching out a classmate who badmouthed her), but is gradually growing out of it.
  • Wham! Line: Rina: I can show you how to do the Chidori.
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