White Day
A Survival Horror game made by Korean studio 4AM Entertainment, White Day: A Labryinth named School is the story of a young man's trip into school in the dead of night to deliver some candy in preparation for the Eastern Holiday of the same name (Similar to Valentine's Day in western countries) to 'So Young', the archetypical Shrinking Violet target of affection.
It doesn't take long for the setting to to go from moody and dark to Full-out nightmare as parts of the school begin to grow dilapidated, an insane security guard goes to town on a seemingly random adult before he starts coming for you, and two girls that seem pretty unfazed about the school turning into a nightmare. And It just goes downhill from there...
Since 4AM closed after its release in 2001, a port to Europe that was in production (Even including translated screens from the import game) was cancelled. Notable in Korea or having several patches on the creator's site made to tone down the creepiness factor due to complaints from people being too terrified to finish the game.
Since the cancellation of the translation the game itself has become something of a rarity with a few people seeding torrents and file downloads in an attempt to keep a copy available. The game's graphics did not age well, but its place between Clock Tower's 2D interpretation of the helpless victim and Resident Evil's 3D depiction of Badass Normal was a 3D game in full First-Person Shooter mode that took a functionally defenseless protagonist and pitted him against a haunted building with a stalker...
- Abandoned Playground: The school shows signs of regular wear and tear, but After you leave the vents in the first area it really begins to show.
- Air Vent Passageway
- Alternate Ending: Named for various flowers; From worst to best: Ivy, Ebony, Hyacinth, Dandelion, White Chrysanthemum
- Ax Crazy: The Hall Monitor, though it's more like Creepy laugh and baseball bat crazy.
- Brown Note: Soon after you meet the two other sane people in the school, the fire alarm goes off and spooks one of them. Your next task is to turn it off. You will be sick of the sound within a minute, and it takes a bit to shut it off.
- Meaningful Name: White Day, the whole reason why you are in the school in the first place.
- Woman in White: In true-to-form Samara mode.