Welcome to Eden
Welcome to Eden is a text-based RPG forum. Set in a dystopian future with elements of the mutant role-playing genre, with a community of active (and quirky) members, the forum offers an entire city to explore, immersing the player in a gritty, science-fantasy atmosphere.
2012. The world's natural resources are dwindling, conflicts between countries are eminent and people are unsettled. War is inevitable. In the space of just eight years the violent clash of global super-powers will bring humankind to its knees, leaving the terrain desolate and bereft of nourishment, and sucking all hope from the heart of civilisation.
2020. The development of the Genesis Virus, the latest in biological warfare, devastates the populace, wiping out billions of innocents and leaving misery and disease in its wake. Leaving few survivors, the virus saw the end of the war, but not without consequence. The M-Gene, found in only a fraction of the surviving community just a few years later, reveals a genetic abnormality in this minority causing previously unknown gifts, or curses, to manifest. The term "mutant" quickly escalates into a taboo term throughout the remnants of society, and many of them are killed out of fear.
2025. A group of survivors lead by a man named Malcolm Liebert establish a settlement known as Eden and begin rebuilding on the ruins of an unknown city, attracting other survivors in the process. As years come and go, it grows into a bustling city-state under the careful guidance of Liebert, who would eventually found the Sons of Adam. Eden's only political party, they are a totalitarian regime. They are hungry for power and terrified of losing it. They come down harshly on anything that might prove a challenge to their power, anything different or dangerous.
2097. Eden's population is just over 1 million and is under the rule of Malcolm Liebert's grandson. Enter the City.
Contains examples of (WIP):
- A Nazi by Any Other Name: The Sons of Adam
- After the End: Most of humanity was wiped out by the Genesis Virus seventy-seven years prior to the main setting.
- Apathetic Citizens: The majority of Eden's citizens, especially those living on the Lower Level/Junk Town.
- Badass: Numerous characters.
- Bad Guy Bar: The Ark.
- Black and Gray Morality.
- Bread and Circuses: How the Sons of Adam keep the populace of Eden's Upper Level complacent.
- City in a Bottle: It is believed that Eden is all that remains of humanity, and to those residing in the city, the idea of foreigners is just a fairy tail.
- City Noir: Eden's Lower Level, informally known as "Junk Town".
- City with No Name: The pre-war city upon which Eden was built.
- Crapsack World.
- Cyberpunk with a Chance of Rain.
- Dark and Troubled Past: Many of the characters, even some from the Upper Level.
- Dystopia.
- Fantastic Racism: Against the mutants.
- Gone Horribly Right: The Genesis Virus, which performed its job of ending the war far too well.
- Great Offscreen War: The unnamed war in the backstory.
- Harmful to Minors. Junk Town is a very rough place to grow up in.
- Industrial Ghetto: Junk Town is full of such areas.
- Ironic Name: Eden is anything but a paradise.
- Might Makes Right: The Sons of Adam have the paramilitary Public Security Force at their disposal. The various Crime Lords dominate the Lower Level.
- More Criminals Than Targets: Junk Town as a whole, but Gehenna Alley in particular.
- Mutants.
- Police Are Useless: The Public Security Force, if you're lucky, but if you're not...
- Although, not ALL members are like that.
- President Evil: The Lord Chancellor.
- Puberty Superpower: The abilities of most mutants first manifest around puberty.
- Rated "M" for Manly.
- Rule of Cool.
- Secret Police: The Reapers
- Shout-Out: The city of Eden, with its plate that divides the city into a wealthy Upper and poverty-stricken Lower Level, resembles Midgar.
- Also, the divisions of the Sons of Adam were based on Shin-Ra's various departments.
- Sinister Subway: A large complex of abandoned tunnels run beneath Eden; they are remnants of the pre-Genesis city Eden was built upon.
- Stock Super Powers.
- Synthetic Plague: The Genesis Virus
- The Alcatraz: Purgatory Correctional Facility
- The Bechdel Test: Passed.
- Theme Naming.
- Many place names are drawn from the Abrahamic religions (Eden, Sheol Cemetery, Gehenna Alley, etc).
- Shout-Out Theme Naming: Otyugh Garbage Dump.
- There Are No Therapists: At least not on the Lower Level/Junk Town.
- What Measure Is a Non Super: Mainly of the Option 2 type, as per the Sons of Adam's propaganda, but some of their scientists are secretly looking into Option 1.
- Where the Hell Is Springfield?: Eden's physical location is never stated.
- Wretched Hive: Gehenna Alley.
- Wrong Side of the Tracks: Eden's Lower Level/Junk Town, but with a noticeable lack of government aid.