Wayrift is an online manga-styled fantasy comic, based loosely off of the old skool SNES version of the RPG, 'Final Fantasy IV'. This comic has been ongoing for nearly a decade and has over 1,000 pages of archived artwork!
Wayrift is a collaboration of two writers/artist, Aywren and Syntyche, who are also real-life best friends. They work to host a welcoming community of writers and artists through the Wayrift comment system and online forum.
Tropes used in Wayrift include:
- A Form You Are Comfortable With: Zemi can take on the form of a dragon or a person, rather than his Arweinydd form.
- A Light in the Distance: How Ben and Leona met Aiden and Kory in chapter 1.
- Accidental Kidnapping: Ben kidnaps Leonaaccidentally as part of the start of the story.
- Action Girl: Leona
- Aliens Speaking English: Aiden, Drake, Kip, and Tai.
- Alternate Universe: The Blue Star dimension and the Dark Star dimension.
- Art Evolution: The earliest art is much more soft and fluffy and round. Though the very first pages were re-drawn, it goes back into the fluffy style and then slowly progresses.
- Badass Long Hair: Ben, Zeb, Aiden, Zemi.... It seems like all the ultra-megapowerful characters have awesome long hair.
- Bathroom Break Out: The last three pages of chapter 40 depict this.
- Berserk Button: If you make the decision to put Joran or Leona's life in danger, make sure Ben is not around...
- Beware the Nice Ones: Ben, Aiden, and a few others are honestly really nice people. However, if you put someone they care about in danger, you're probably gonna die.
- Big No: Kory on this page
- Bilingual Bonus: Dreigiau means Dragons in Welsh, and Arweinydd means Leader
- Black Eyes of Crazy: Tai has this, though he doesn't seem to be happy about it.
- Brand X: Ben is obssessed with a mascot known as Marney the Purple Chocobo.
- Cliff Hanger: A lot of chapters end in these
- Comically Missing the Point: Ben on this page
- Doppelganger: Ben and Zeb, DS Cecil and BS Cecil, Aiden Klu Ya and M. Klu Ya (I do believe the "M" stands for "Manly")... Thanks to the Alternate Universe thing going on, many people have doubles.
- Earth-That-Was: The Lunar planet of Runne was destroyed.
- Embarrassing First Name: Both Ben and Zeb choose to go by their middle name or nick name to avoid using their actual first name, Golbez.
- Energy Beings: All Arweinydd, but most noticeably Zemi.
- Enter Stage Window: Leona almost always enters into Ben's room via the window.
- Explain, Explain, Oh Crap: This page
- Eyes of Gold: Averted. It's been stated that in DS Baron gold eyes are thought to be able to see the truth. Chase has these, along with the Truth Vision. Tai currently has them as well, as an outward symbol of his servitude to Zemi. Chase's eyes are also a symbol of his (somewhat unknowing) sevitude to Zemi.
- Facial Markings: Drake's war paint and Tai's scar.
- Forgot I Couldn't Swim: Ben in Chapter four.
- Human Aliens: The Lunars. And the Nefolians, but they're just older Lunars.
- I Call It Vera: Tai's Dullafn, Cecil Harvey's Legend, Ben's Onyx, Aiden's Sj’kudwe, Zeb's Unnamed and Zemi's Drei’Llafn (though I believe Word of God says that he got rid of it.)
- Incoming Ham: "I AM ZEMI DREIGIAU!" ...Okay, so it's not his first line. But I bet it totally counts.
- Intermission: The nine page Hunter's Intermission comic before Chapter 18 should count for this.
- Is This Thing On?: Cecil's mic check before the Baron Airship Race goes on for like the first four pages in chapter 31 before Ben goes up to the stage to check on him.
- Metaphor Is My Middle Name: My middle name is Preparedness!
- Mission Briefing: Ben does this to himself on this page
- Oh Crap: Zeb's (and probably most of the readers') reaction to what happens on this page
- Pocket Dimension: The Borderlands.
- Portal Network: Ben and Zeb (And possibly a few others) Can open Wayrifts to hop from one place to another.
- Rebus Bubble: Here.
- Screams Like a Little Girl: Kory on this page
- She Is Not My Girlfriend: Ben often claims this about Leona. It's the other way around when people tease Leona about Ben being her boyfriend. However almost Everyone Can See It.
- Shifting Sand Land: Tai ends up on the outskirts of Damcyan, which happens to be in the middle of the desert in this page, when Zemi ends up sending him to the Blue Planet.
- Shoulder-Sized Dragon: Depending on his mood, Zemi can choose to be this.
- Shout-Out: See the Brand X example above.
- Spit Take: Aiden spits his drink all over Zemi and Kory on this page
- Sword and Sorcerer: Ben & Leona, Tai & Zeb, Tai & Zazo, Cecil & Ben, Cecil & Zeb
- Tear Jerker: Just try to read through Ben's retelling of what happened to Joran without tearing up a little.
- The Atoner: Ben and Zeb can certainly apply to this.
- The Multiverse: "The “Ways”. It is the name of the place where all possible worlds that have been, will be, could be… come together in one point. It is a realm onto itself… a very dangerous realm… because the energy of so many dimensions meeting is very vast."
- Throw the Book At Them: The Scholar in Chapter 37 gets owned by Kory due to this.
- Tragic Keepsake: Ben's medallion
- Trapped in Another World: In the beginning, when Ben, Leona, Aiden, and Kory are stuck in the Borderlands.
- Unsound Effect: There are several examples, but "Loom-more" automatically springs to mind.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Word of God says that Zeb and Tai will eventually become a type 2.
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