< Watashi ni XX Shinasai

Watashi ni XX Shinasai/YMMV

Subjective Tropes for the manga series Watashi ni XX Shinasai!:

  • Accidental Innuendo: The series title.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?:
    • In Chapter 13, Yukina asks Shigure to bite her neck and certain panels would have you think they were having sex.
    • In Chapters 16, 17, and 19 (and according to raws, 20), a strange one occurs where ears could be the G-rated version of other... organs.
  • Fan Dumb: On one forum, an argument occurred on whether or not Akira could count as a "real" love rival for Yukina's affections when he's her cousin, the starter of the topic probably unaware that in Japan, cousin marriages are legal and not considered taboo.
  • Fan-Preferred Couple: Yukina X Shigure has the largest following in the fanbase.
  • Foe Yay:
  • Guilty Pleasure
  • Handle This Index With Care:
    • All Girls Want Bad Boys: Played with. Fandom seems to prefer Shigure over Akira for his bad boy behavior and strong chemistry with Yukina. However, in-universe, Shigure's fangirls are oblivious to Shigure's bad boy side and favor his Nice Guy facade while Yukina initially thought Shigure was boring and only took interest in him because of his womanizing secret; when Shigure uses his facade around her, Yukina is actually turned off by him.
    • Bastard Boyfriend/ Bespectacled Bastard Boyfriend: Shigure has elements of the former, and Yukina (a rare female example) has elements of the latter.
    • No Guy Wants to Be Chased: Justified. Shigure initially dislikes Yukina for forcefully putting love "missions" on him when 1) they're not even in love, and 2) she's blackmailing him. At one point, Shigure even flat-out tells her he could never love someone who forces their love onto others.
    • Romanticized Abuse: The Belligerent Sexual Tension and Masochism Tango between Shigure and Yukina. Guilty Pleasure, indeed.
  • Moe: Yukina and Mami.
  • Needs More Love
  • Relationship Writing Fumble:
  • The Scrappy: Some people see Akira or Mami as this, probably due to them being Moment Killers to Shigure/Yukina.
  • Shallow Love Interest: In-universe, Yukina and Shigure are initially this since they start off having no genuine feelings for each other. The same could be said in novel-universe with Princess Lilia and The Earl since their relationship mirrors the former's, as well as abruptly introducing "Knight Cain" as a love rival into the novel right after Akira confesses to Yukina.
  • Unfortunate Implications: forcing someone to love them and then they eventually do is not a "good" message.
  • What Do You Mean It's for Kids?: This runs in Nakayoshi, a magazine aimed at elementary and middle school girls. It's one of their most sensual and mature titles to date. The success of this series is probably the cause of the magazine's Hotter and Sexier Retool.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: The reason for Yukina's weakness being her glasses has been implied in the beginning of the story, but hasn't been mentioned since then, having been shafted off of the plot to make room for the Love Triangles. They finally get around to it again in Chapter 29.
    This article is issued from Allthetropes. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.