Warriors the Abridged Series
This page needs some cleaning up to be presentable. Three unrelated works that need to be given individual pages. The Lightflame version also has a subpage under Big No. |
There are several Warriors abridged series. At least three are Troper Works.
Lightflame Version
A fanfic by Lightflame. It's an abridged series of Warrior Cats where everyone is nuts. It can be found here [dead link] in all it's glory or here uncensored. The series focuses on the adventures of the clans, however insanity runs deep in clan blood.
- Adipose Rex: Henry is fatter than an elephant.
- All Just a Dream: Hollyleaf coming back from the dead and breaking Jayfeather's stick.
- Anachronic Order: Due to not having Into The Wild, The Fourth Apprentice began being abridged.
- And I Must Scream: Happens to Whitestorm for about three minutes. Then he gets better.
- Berserk Button:
- Big Bad: Masked Kitteh
- Big No: Has it's own page.
- Big Yes: Lionblaze gives one after Graystripe jumps in molten lava.
- Bilingual Bonus: What Past Smudge says.
- Camp Gay: Darkstripe, is either this or Camp Straight.
- Camp Straight: Darkstripe, maybe.
- Canon Foreigner: Lionface
- SPARTApaw and the Hindu Mouse
- Cloudcuckoolander: Everyone, most notably Smudge, Whitestorm, Rainstorm, and Graystripe.
- Companion Cube: Jayfeather's stick, even more so than the actual series.
- Graystripe's map of Ohio.
- Crazy Prepared: Lionheart
- Deadpan Snarker: Sandstorm
- Decoy Protagonist: Lionblaze and Dovepaw. The real hero of The Third Rises is Jayfeather.
- Demonic Possession: Imaginary Crookedstar uses it to create his pirate crew. Later he takes over Longtail and Willowshine.
- Ghost Redtail takes over Thornkit
- Development Hell: I Definately Didn't Kill Redtail
- Disney Death: Honeyfern. Still dead, though
- Early-Bird Cameo: Cinderkit, Scourge, Bone, Sandpaw and Dustpaw.
- Even The Toms Want Him: Ravenpaw, in spades.
- Epic Fail: BP Man Protecter Of The Water!
- Everything's Worse with Bears: Graystripe claims Toklo assualted him.
- Fan Girl: Ravenpaw has many. Hazeltail and Briarpaw are Twilight fangirls.
- Fate Worse Than Death: CrowlClan
- For the Evulz: Scourge.
- Grand Theft Me: Scourge pulls it. Poor Toadstep.
- Healing Factor: Jayfeather regenerates from exploding.
- Hold Your Hippogriffs: Scourge tries this, but Bone has no clue what he's saying.
- Intentional Engrish for Funny: The battle for Sunningrocks.
- Omnicidal Maniac: Lionblaze, Evil Icecloud and Satanheart.
- Only Sane Cat: Rusty, Yellowfang, Cinderkit, Jayfeather, Ivypaw at least pre-Rainstorm infenction and Sandstorm.
- Running Gag: The Rainbow Pony
- Shipper on Deck: Cloudtail, especially crack pairings. Graystripe ships Cinderkit with Bone after seeing The Last Airbender Over 9000! times.
- Shout-Out: The appearance of Matthias.
- The battle for Sunningrocks is basically the Zero Wing opening.
- Bluestar asks Rusty if he is Team Peeta Or Team Gale.
- Henry caught a Robin in the forest.
- Small Name, Big Ego: Bluestar believes she is the mouse god.
- Split Personality: Icecloud has one. So does Jayfeather.
- The Stinger: Started in I Definitely Didn't Kill Redtail. Usually a Brick Joke
- They Killed Willowshine
- Tigerstar Ate Sugar: Toadstep declares this as the reason he doesn't like fresh-kill.
- Took a Level In Dumbass: Smudge was smart before the series began.
- Your Mom: After ending up stuck in the mud, Rainstorm tells Ivypaw, "Your mom's in the mud." He's not lying.
Flametail Von Karma Version
Flametail's slightly more adult version. Can be found here.
This Warriors Abridged Series provides examples of:
- The Abridged Series: To Warrior Cats, what else.
- Ho Yay: Smudge and Whitestorm towards Rusty.
- Only Sane Man: Rusty.
hyperadam Version
Written in a script format, hyperadam's version is also known for the large Artist's Comments section summarizing and telling his thoughts on the book. Can be found here.
This abridged series provides examples of:
- The Abridged Series: Obviously.
- A Date with Rosie Palms: Leafpool misinterprets Jaypaw "playing with his stick" as this.
- Anachronic Order: The books are done in no specific order. For example, the first two were based on the first two books, Into the Wild and Fire and Ice. However, after that, the next was Twilight.
- Berserk Button: Don't mention Brightheart's face.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Towards the end of Bluestar's Prophecy, characters comment how Kate might be in a rush to finish the book. Webfoot and Crowfeather discuss the Allegiances in Twilight.
- Butt Monkey: Clawface and Darkstripe.
- Chew Bubblegum: Snowfur is here to kick ass and nurse her kit, and she's all out of milk.
- Chivalrous Pervert: Stormfur.
- Compensating for Something: Discussed with Talltail's and Longtail's names.
- Deus Ex Machina: Lampshaded by Graystripe when he suddenly appears out of nowhere and kills Darkstripe.
- Dirty Old Man: Goosefeather saw everything that went on with Bluefur and Oakheart at Fourtrees.
- Doting Parent: Graystripe.
- Double Entendre: Tigerstar promises Leopardstar a large gift between his legs if she accepts his deal to form TigerClan... and pulls out an acorn. Anything involving Woody and beavers.
- Erotic Dream: Thrushpelt and Leafpool have some of Bluefur and Crowfeather, respectively. Kestrelpaw tells Jaypaw that Jaypaw is in his dreams every night as asks Jaypaw if he wants to do it. Jaypaw (as Jay's Wing) apparently has a dream with Half Moon trying to mate with him.
- Ho Yay: Ravenpaw and Barley, of course. Darkstripe for Tigerstar.
- Insistent Terminology: In response to teasing being a medicine cat privledge, Featherwhisker replies that is the medicine cat apprentice.
- I Warned You: Part of Whitestorm's dying words are "I told you so...", in response to talking as if he were going to die in an earlier conversation.
- Karma Houdini: Invoked by Firestar saying he will completely ignore all the bad things Blackfoot did in the original series.
- If You Know What I Mean: If Spottedleaf wasn't off-limits, Lionheart would patrol her borders, if you know what he means.
- Likes Older Women: Firepaw doesn't care that Spottedleaf nuzzling him counts as pedophilia. Lampshaded by Graypaw after Firepaw calls her "my sweet".
- Mistaken for Gay: Despite lying down together in WindClan camp, Fireheart and Graystripe are not gay.
- Most Definitely Not a Villain: Hawkfrost's first line most definitely does not involving being happy to kill Firestar.
- My Dad Can Beat Up Your Dad: Hawkfrost claims that his dad is smarter than Brambleclaw's... despite the fact that they have the same father.
- My Friends and Zoidberg: Brokenstar's elite warriors... and Clawface.
- Oblivious to Love: Bluefur, it seems.
Rosetail: Haven't you noticed him watching you?
Bluefur: Well... there was that time when I woke up and saw him looking down at me panting... and all those times I caught him staring at my ass... and that time he sniffed me when he thought I wasn't looking... but how can we be sure he's been padding after me?
- Firestar, as well.
- Overly Long Gag: Spottedleaf telling Jayfeather to accept his destiny as a medicine cat.
Spottedleaf: (after telling him three times and getting "no" each time) ACCEPT YOUR FREAKING DESTINY, YOU LITTLE RUNT!!!
Jaypaw: ...No!
- Overprotective Dad: Firestar.
- Running Gag: Firestar asking someone if they're okay after they receive a horrible, if not fatal, injury. Firestar telling cats that he and Graystripe are not gay. Leafpool using "medicine cat... stuff..." as an excuse to run off.
- Shout-Out: Summoning a bunch of warriors in one turn is against the rules, but screw the rules, Oakfur is a minor character. Jayfeather misinterprets Brokenstar as Breezepelt's Stand.
- Spin Offspring: Lampshaded.
- That's What She Said: Ivypaw's response to Hawkfrost asking if she has started.
- Title Drop: Lampshaded thrice in Fading Echoes.
- Transparent Closet: Ravenpaw swears that he's not gay when he's still in ThunderClan.
- Who Is This Guy Again?: Scourge tells Tigerstar that he is getting his revenge. Tigerstar doesn't even remember him. Also, Crowpaw's first appearance.
- You Can't Fight Fate: Cinderpelt doesn't even bother trying to.