Warp Force
"A time of victory is only well-spent if it is spent preparing for the next threat..."—Garavin, in the opening quest
WarpForce is the fifth Artix Entertainment game and, like the others, is browser-based. The game is an expansion of sorts to the original Adventure Quest, and as such takes place during Adventure Quest and uses the same gameplay as it, except in out-of-space following the WarpForce group. On July 27 it was announced that new content would be released on a bimonthly schedule[1], with each release usually containing at least one quest. The game is mostly free-to-play, but gains income from a one-time upgrade called WarpGuardianship which unlocks extra quests and items, as well as offering Z-Tokens which can also be used to get exclusive items.
The WarpForce is La Résistance from the planet Lore, a fantasty land filled with magic and dragons, focused on fighting the Network who are an evil group of (mostly) aliens who go around enslaving and killing many aliens and people. However, magic is not as widespread in space as it is in Lore, and the WarpForce must use more tech-oriented gear. The Hero goes aboard the LSS (Lore SpaceShip) Alteon, and then goes around sticking it to the Network, resolving environmental problems, and arresting wrongdoers, which were completely unrelated to the Network.
The player can choose to be one of three races: human, elf, and drakel. The game, as said above, uses the same gameplay as Adventure Quest, except with "Gauntlets" instead of shields, "Tech" instead of spells, and "Battlesuits" instead of armors. Each battlesuit has a few extra skills installed, making it similar to a mini-class, though some weapons also have special attacks. The game is fond of Shout-Outs to other works, so much so that it now has its own page.
Located here.
- Allegedly Free Game: In order to access some of the quests, you must be a WarpGuardian which costs a one-time fee of $19.95. Or $9.95 if you're upgraded in any of the other Artix Entertainment games.
- Anti-Poopsocking: The game has daily caps on how much experience and gold you can get.
- Bare Your Midriff: Erith Kesai.
- Bounty Hunter: Erith Kesai, Rhapsus and Arty Dedeux.
- Breath Weapon: Gristlespine, Zorbak's undead dragon, which shoots darkness out of its mouth.
- Bribing Your Way to Victory: Being a WarpGuardian or buying Z-Tokens allows you buy the best equipment. You can also level higher if you are a WarpGuardian.
- CamelCase: The game's name is WarpForce, no space.
- Chest Burster: In reference to Alien, a thing with a tail latches onto Sgt. Lucky's face and apparently put eggs down his face which will hatch and burst of his chest, killing him. It turns out he just has gas.
- The Chew Toy: Sgt. Lucky, who has fallen through thin ice and into a lake when going to prep the ship's engines, getting caught up in vines when parachuting into a jungle, getting randomly hit by an enemy's laser after the player and him defeat some Nechron scoutships, and having his ship blown up by Defilers.
- Crossover: The Shearhide War, with Adventure Quest.
- Death Is a Slap on The Wrist: You don't lose any equipments or penalties, you just get kicked out of the current quest you're in.
- Dracolich: Gristlespine, an undead dragon created by Zorbak.
- Experience Meter: It's a yellow bar with the number of experience points you've gained this level in the center. If you click on it, it'll show you how many experience points you need to get to the next level.
- Expy: Robotic 'Zorboz' looks similar to Zorbak- especially since Zorbak created him in own his image. He also looks similar to one Mechquest character TWILLIE, except more complex.
- Forced Tutorial: At the start of the game Zorbak comes and tells you how the battle system works. He then brings and then reveals his "friend", an undead dragon who attacks you.
- Game Over Man: DEATH 2.0, a robot version of The Grim Reaper, appears when you die. Fortunately, Death Is a Slap on The Wrist (for you) and he sends your soul back, just so he could "continue to marvel at your antics!". It also includes a shop where you can buy Darkness weapons
- Gosh Dang It to Heck: The Star Trek "Dammit, Jim, I'm a doctor, not a..." meme is referenced through the Sick Bay's Loading Screen as "Darn it, I'm a doctor, not a magical creature with huge ears!"
- Happiness in Slavery: Some dwarves kidnapped and taken into slavery in the "Red Dwarf" quest are loyal to Lord Terror, their captor. However, not all of them feel this way, as evidenced by an SOS sent to the WarpForce.
- Hello, Insert Name Here: You may choose your character's name, but everything else?
- Heroic Sacrifice: Lt. Amada, son of Admiral Amada, puts his fighter pilot between an asteroid and Lore in order to stop it from hitting the planet, killing himself in the process.
- Hook Hand: Captain Frolgar, also from Adventure Quest, has this as part of his traditional pirate outfit.
- The Hunter: The DarkSeekers were this, defending people from werewolves, vampires and undead, before their numbers eventually dwindled to one leaving only DarkSeeker Z left.
- Vampire Hunter: The quest in which DarkSeeker Z appears and the DarkSeekers are mentioned is entirely focused on vampires, and DarkSeeker Z's attire is very similar to the traditional Vampire Hunter clothing.
- In-Series Nickname: Sergeant "Lucky" Gibbs, nicknamed so for his bad luck.
- Ironic Nickname: Sgt. Lucky frequently ends up in horrible dangerous situations.
Player: I hope you realize by now that even though his nickname is "Lucky," that he got that name because he actually ISN'T very lucky. In fact, he's downright UNLUCKY.
Admiral Amada: Well, ahem... I figure he'll live up to his name someday. Besides, at least he's survived everything. Now THAT takes luck.
- Level Grinding: The game's story takes a very long time to progress once you hit level 30+.
- Life Meter: Like the Experience Meter above (except without the ability to click on it), only red.
- Mana Meter: Or rather, Energy Meter, which is used up when using technology. Just like the Life Meter above, only blue instead of red. There is also the green SP bar, which is used for certain skills and running away in battle.
- Necromancer:
- Zorbak is one of these.
- Zorbak's robot Zorboz, which accompanies the WarpForce, is able to make undead versions of robots.
- Our Fish Are Different: Enchanter-Fish, a beautiful Were-FISH which Trinni turns into when she falls asleep.
- Red Shirt: Parodied, however subverted in that said Red Shirt never dies but still gets seriously injured.
- Shout-Out: Has its own page.
- Space Pirates: Karlina and Jayson, who freeze a planet's water in order to make it take up more volume as ice when they sell it. This ends up killing most of the animals who lived on it due being adapted for a warm planet. They come compelete with a pirate accent.
- Space X: There's Space Pirates (as mentioned above) as well as Space Vampires. And Space Leeches.
- Talk Like a Pirate:
- As said above, the Space Pirates speak like this. When you defeat the Defilers defending them, they start speaking normally.
- Captain Frolgar, who also appears in Adventure Quest, talks like this, in addition to his traditional pirate look.
- Techno Babble: Sometimes this happens in game, causing The Hero to provide a simpler explanation.
- Walk the Plank: Jayson threatens to make the Player Character and Vogenvuld "walk the plank into the fusion coolant".
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: The player can choose their character's hair colour (and eye color), including mundane colours or others like blue, pink and green. Even purple.
- ↑ having been moved from it's original monthly schedule to lessen the workload on the creators