< Wario Ware

Wario Ware/Headscratchers

  • I know this is probably a case of Freud Was Right, but isn't it a little concerning how quite a few of Wario's friends are teenagers and little kids, while Wario is probably in his 30's? 9-volt is probably just a fanboy that likes living close to somebody who knows Mario, and Penny Crygor and Jaime T. were met through relations. But Kat and Ana? Ashley? How exactly did Wario make friends with them, and why exactly do said kid's parents not say anything? (Be honest, would you let a fat, boorish, gross biker hang around your kids if you didn't know him?) Even Mona was hinted to still be in school in the first game, though she may have been 18 anyways, or close to it.
    • He's in the video game industry. Know your audience.
    • Is it stated how old Wario is? Or how old most Wario Ware characters are? We get ages maybe for about two or three of them max, Wario could be any age between 20 and high 50s pretty easily (or higher, this is indeed according to a certain other game a character that's kinda one of the chosen ones or the equivalents) and as 18 Volt shows (he's in the same class as 9 Volt, yet looks at least three school years older), age is rather misleading in the Wario Ware universe (or more vaguely, anything even remotely connected to Mario's games). Some of them may also have known him through friends/relatives (as was at least the case with everyone related to Jimmy T). As for the parents... who knows? Then again, considering some of the adventures and activities various characters are involved with, the parents of characters in this series are either non existant, dead or completely non caring in every possible way, with the likely exception of Jimmy T's, since we don't see any of the others. As for why anyone would hang around him? He's rich maybe? The amount of games in the series, and his other series pretty much mean he has to a multi billionaire from all that hard earned money.
      • I'll grant you that age is not specified at all. My "ages" were based vaugely on how he looks, and assuming he's around the same age as Mario. (They strike me as around their 30's. Experienced, filled out, but still relatively young and healthy) Either way, he's clearly an adult while several of the kids are clearly... well, kids. They still go to school and what-not. Kat and Ana are shown to be in Kindergarten, and Ashley does make reference to homework and teachers. I did mention that the T's and Crygor were just family of Wario's friends already, so they get a pass. If the parents are absent/neglectful, that just raises more questions, really. Plus, I'm not sure how rich Wario is. (I suspect he loves hoarding money, but has a hard time keeping it)
    • The Mario brothers have been hinted to be in their early twenties so Wario presumably is too.
      • From what we've seen in the games then, the parents being absent is pretty justfied in about three quarters of characters cases, kinda. Kat and Ana, Mona and Ashley don't actually live with any parents according to the games, so the parents not being suspect might be because of that. As for why any parents or guardians if existant would trust Wario, it's probably similar to how a village population or tight knit community works in real life. Everyone basically knows everyone, and they trust each other more so as a result of that. Similar things for example happen in Real Life in small towns or various neighbourhoods. As for how everyone knows Wario... Wario Ware Inc (the company, not the series) in the series is pretty much the biggest corporation in Diamond City. The others are all basically local Mom and Pop stores or the like. That and I think one of the early games called Diamond City 'Wario's City', so he might well be mayor of the city or the like. If you're a head of a well known company based in the local area and public leader in the same area, everyone probably knows and trusts you. On the note of Wario's richness, he did have a house on a mountain in the middle of town in the first game, a moderately big other house in the later games, and a gigantic castle in Wario Land... Not to mention the hugely known major success of Wario Ware as a company, each game says the game in universe is flying out of stores at a good rate. That's probably pretty rich. Don't know why else with the kids thing, although none of them really go to school much (possible reason being regular school closures due to national emergency based on the games Wario Ware is spun off of and related to).
    • I has answer to Kat and Ana problem. 9-Volt knows the two from school, as they seem close to being in the same grade.
      • Actually, Kat and Ana are in kindergarten, while 9-Volt is in elementary school.
        • However, take note that some elementary schools have Kindergarden in them as well.
  • Okay, we have Wario. A greedy, selfish thief with a huge case of laziness and dishonesty. So why does he open up a business and EARN money? That's being honest and active
    • Because he's more amoral. He's greedy and selfish, and is lazy to some extent, but he's not dishonest as a person as a general personality trait. He can be, he can also be quite honest, but it doesn't matter to him. He wants money, so he does what's required to get it. His earning of money honestly is because it's the only real way to make money in Diamond City, and even that was led by jealousy and greed (apparently, he set up Wario Ware Inc because another company was making huge amounts of money off of a similar idea, and Wario wanted the cash). Oh, and he loses his laziness when money is at stake. See Wario Land and the Super Mario Bros. games he's also in. He goes from a lazy jerk to a Determinator as soon as money is on the line. See Wario Land Shake It as an illustration of this... Before hearing of money, he doesn't care less about what happened to the dimension. When he hears infinite money is on the line, he's risking his life, fighting monsters four times his size or more and going off somewhere he's never heard of before in his life because he'll get rich.
      • Oh, and he's still dishonest. He tries to take all the money his employees made for himself at the end of the first Wario Ware game.
        • And routinely fires them before they can get their first paycheck. Only to rehire them again. Or something, who knows?
        • Aka Wario's friends are way too loyal to him, heh.
        • Apparently they finally got tired of him stiffing them, and started their own companies. The only people who still work for Wario by the time of DIY are the Crygors, and that's because WarioWare has become a Game Engine company. The tutorial in DIY makes it clear that Penny is managing Wario rather than the other way around.
          • Speaking of DIY, Wario was all actife in the tutorial, amirite? I mean, he tried to use the pencil tool to fill the background in the first part, and draw each brick individually in the third part. I know he didn't know about the other tools, but still.
    • See the next JBM. Wario's not really being "honest" - he's selling five seconds of gameplay as a full game, after all.
  • In "Wario Ware: Touched!", two games, "Famicom" and "Button Masher" feature three games each. The final game is the Punch-Out!!-esque game from the first Wario Ware. Were the other two games made up, or are the actually based off of some Famicom/NES game? (Because that explorer game looked kind of cool...)
    • Given those two games were made by 9-Volt, I'm willing to wager that they're real games. In every title of the series, every one of 9-Volt's and 18-Volt's games are based on something Nintendo actually made, including their original playing cards. I don't know what games they are either, though; it's possible they were never exported, like many other things featured in 9-Volt's games.
    • The Super Mario Wiki confirms Button Masher and Famicom are inspired by 8-bit games in general, but no specific ones.
    • The Explorer game kind of looks like a rom hack of Kung Fu.
  • This is tangentially mentioned a bit further up, but not really addressed. We know Wario is a big money hog. To that end, he literally never pays his employees, instead choosing to run off with all the profits himself. Routinely. And yet, his friends not only continue to work for him, but new employees (often friends and family of existing ones) continue to show up to get exploited and cheated. I don't know how Jimmy, Mona, and everyone else thinks, but if my employer was a fat and smelly money hog who never once let a paycheck reach my hands, even if he was an old friend of mine, I'd not only hand in my two weeks' notice, I'd open a rip in time and drop the notice on his desk two weeks in the past so I could get out of there that much faster.
    • I assume 9-Volt and 18-Volt do it simply because it's Wario, they love to put spins on their favorite games, and they get a chance to try out something new to add to their collection. The Crygors probably do it to for the sheer enjoyment of inventing/testing something. Mentioned in the earlier games, Mona is "smitten" with Wario, which may be why she keeps coming back, or maybe she's desperate and thinks she'll get money each and every time. As for the others (especially Ashley), I have no idea.
    • YMMV, but I think we all have that one friend who is a complete ass, doesn't do anything for anyone, but you still hang out with him because, well, he's your buddy. I always assumed it was that kind of situation. Besides, it looks like everyone has real jobs outside of the game design, it's probably something they do on the side for fun.
  • 9-Volt's profile from Mega Party Game$!: "This high-tech skater boy studies at Diamond Elementary. He is such a Nintendo fanboy that he owns every piece of Nintendo hardware and software ever made." EVERY Nintendo game, regardless of the rating?
    • A lot of kids don't pay attention to ratings, and often get someone like their parents or an older friend to buy it for them. So it's really not that implausible that ratings wouldn't stop him.
    • Besides, it says he owns every game, not that he's played them all. He's probably saving the higher-rated games like Eternal Darkness for when he gets older.
    • His mom may let him play Super Smash Bros. since it's T and has action that could just be E10. So I highly think the reason he is the biggest Nintendo fanboy since he can get away with the most video games from one company opposed to the other companies T and M games. Now Nintendo with the Zelda and Metroid series does have a few T ratings, but we see them in microgames, so his mom approved of this.
  • Why does every version of the Mona Pizza song include a segment advertising Pizza Dinosaur when the two restaurants are arch-rivals?
    • Because it's catchy? I also sing along to the Pizza Dinosaur song. It's not like it's based on a real-world franchise, is it?
      • Considering the content of that segment, maybe it's Mona demonizing her competitors. "Yeah, they're big time, but their food isn't made with love like mine. <3"
        • The English song seems to be more actively demonizing Pizza Dinosaur than the Japanese song, as the Japanese song has them merely boasting about their pizza being better than Mona's and insulting the competition rather than painting them as a soulless chain restaurant serving bad pizza.
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