< Wario Ware

Wario Ware/WMG

== Wario's world involves a microgame-based culture ==Everyday tasks are presented as microgames. Goods and services, too, and even recreational activities. This is true even in Smooth Moves, where there is no real frame story to back it. It may be that this is simply the way everything works.

Wario is meant to represent/mock Bill Gates. Rich and greedy, he entered the Video Game industry even though he had no business doing so.

  • And furthermore, Wario gains immense physical strength from devouring whole cloves of raw garlic, also like Bill Gates.
  • Alternately, Wario is the inspiration for Mulch Diggums from Artemis Fowl - a dwarf who can unhinge his jaw far enough to swallow a small man whole, and propel himself with flatulence.

Jimmy T. Is really a Toad

  • The afro is a mushroom.
    • Given his name's resemblance to those of the Paper Mario Toads, you may be onto something there.
      • So he's not a distant relative of Dupree?

Wario Ware is a stealth parody of shovelware minigame collections.

    • Especially in how it's actually good.

All the characters are insane. Katamari-level insane.

  • Shouldn't this be a given?
  • This is a given in any game Wario stars in for anyone and everyone.
  • Compare and contrast. The hair, the eyes, the wearing red, the tint of evilness....
    • To be more specific, she's Girly-card. (See the Hellsing page for more details.)
    • Red eyes, black hair, and a thing for wearing red seem to be stereotypical vampire things, period, so I doubt it. Either she's actually a vampire, though, or she's inspired by them. She is a goth, after all.

There are some things that make me wonder if this series doesn't have some deeper meaning...

  • The entire Mona Pizza arc in Twisted (Even the theme song) seems to parody the endless "war" between local businesses (Mona Pizza) and big franchises (Pizza Dinosaur). The lyrics make it even more blatant:

Our crust is tough
And our sauce is thin,
But we're everywhere
So you gotta give in!
Mona Pizza's got nothing on us
Cuz we got six thousand stores plus!
Pizza Dinosaur~~

  • Mona's level in Wario Ware: Touched seems to contain some subtle Take Thats at the music industry. On the Top 5 chart, we see Sal Out (Sell-out) and a whiny, Wangsty Emo Teen parody, among others.
  • The lyrics to Ashley's Theme are pretty disturbing if you think about it (she turned her teacher into a spoon!?), but the last two lines are surprisingly charming, seemingly containing an Aesop about accepting people who are different:

(Just remember this when you see her on the street:)
(Ashley:) I'm the coolest girl you'll ever meet!

    • It's originally CRUELEST, maybe. There doesn't seem to be an extremely clear version of it, so the world may never know. It's definitely "Coolest" in the Brawl version, though.
      • It's DEFINITELY "cruelest" in the original. The SSBB version really butchered the mood, voice, and style. And the other lyrics only emphasize the whole "evil" vibe.
      • Strangely, if you speed up the record for this song in the Turntable, it mashes part of the lyrics together in a way that sounds like she's saying, quite clearly, "I have granted kids to Hell." Not so cute, now, is she?

All of the main characters (exept maybe Ashley) are Geniuses

  • Dr. Crygor
    • Neid, or maybe Stauren. It's anyone's guess how he catalyzed.
    • Typical Chaotic Neutral Mad Scientist. If he isn't a geinus, I don't know who is. Since being a Geinus is contagous, it's possible that he was the first Genius in Daimond city, and the rest followed soon afterwards.
    • Wonders: Pretty much every damn thing he builds, most notibly Mike the robot.
    • Ditto for Penny.
  • Wario
    • He might not be a Geinus, but he certainly isn't a Beholden, and has even caused Havoc a few times. He probably counts as a "Unique" template, or one from a non-existant WoD supplement(Plumber: the Unclogging?).
    • Wonders: His Motorcycle, that Watch from "Twisted".
  • 9-Volt
    • Stauren, facinated by old video games and the 80's.
    • Wonders: His hoverboard, that little yellow thing that shows up in every game. Might have triggered Havoc once or twice (offscreen).
  • 18-Volt
    • Beholden, catalyzed from seeing 9-Volt's hoverboard in action, and apparently funked back to elementary school... or something...
  • Mona
    • Stauren, probably catalyzed from all the weirdness around her.
    • Wonders: The robo-monkey, her scooter, and a few other things I can't quite recall.
  • Jimmy T.
    • Stauren (seeing a pattern here?), or maybe a Kalgen in denial. Catalyzed from love of 70's and/or the death of Disco.
    • Wonders: He might be too busy to really care.
  • Dribble/Spitz
    • Grimm and Staunen, respectively. Manes from some sort of antropomorphic Bardo.
    • Wonders: Their cab (it can transform into a freakin' spaceship, after all)
  • Orbilon
    • Hoffnung, Manes from a space-age Bardo (maybe Mars.)
    • Wonders: Space ship(s), lasers, other alien stuff.
  • Ashley
    • May actually be a Mage, though I'm at a loss to say what kind.

Wario's nose is apparently a trait others share. Maybe alcoholism is rampant in Diamond City. Or maybe there's another reason for it. After all, James T. and Jamie T. shouldn't be alcoholics, right Nintendo? Apparently that nose is genetic, which might make a case for a genetic relationship. Plus, let's face it, if you had the choice to work with Wario knowing full well he'd stiff you, you'd probably turn it down if you weren't related.

Ashley is from Gensokyo.

  • She uses magic
  • She has her own mansion
  • Plus her boss microgame in Touched! is somewhat danmaku-esque.
  • Don't forget that she is a loli

Ashley will be in the recently announced Luigi's Mansion 2.

Who's the girl next door living in the haunted mansion, after all?

9-volt is a Time Lord.

  • Boy, that sounded cool reading it over. Anyway, 9-volt is at a young age owning every Nintendo piece of hardware, software, accessory, and item. His TARDIS is his hoverboard to go back in the past to get the Nintendo items. $10 in this age is a lot more in the past. He could easily get all of the items in a week.

Orbulon is the one who introduced Wario to Tatanga.

Apparently Orbulon met Wario after once crashing into his house. Perhaps it was when he was in the process of plotting his revenge against Mario. Would explain how he was able to find a space alien to kidnap Princess Daisy on the other side of the planet, to give him time to take over Mario Land.

Wario keeps Kat and Ana around to ward off Cpt. Syrup

What better way to deal with a pirate than to hire ninjas?

  • Hah!

Kat and Ana go to the same school as 9-Volt.

Ashley used to, but then her teacher took a magic to the...everywhere.

The Warioware gang really didn't break up.

  • Wario used Dr. Crygor's create a micro-game idea and divide the company into 2, Warioware and Diamond City software. That way, Wario will than be able to make TWICE the money by having the former make minigames along with the Microgame/Comic/Music maker and ship them to Diamond City software where they will sell them and make their own, doubling the profit for Wario. Also explans on how Wario was at a lost for words the first time you meet him when he says they quit after a brief pause.
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