Wall-E: The Human Touch
WALL•E: The Human Touch is a fancomic created by nicktoonhero (Nicktoons Tales). It is basically a retelling of the Disney/Pixar film WALL-E, but with the robots replaced with human counterparts.
The comic can be viewed at Smack Jeeves and at nicktoonhero's deviantART.
Tropes used in Wall-E: The Human Touch include:
- Adorably Precocious Child: WALL•E. Combining the original's personality with his human design used in the comic really helps him gain sympathy from the readers really quickly.
- After the End
- All There in the Manual: Some trivia attached to the pages give some insight on the characters' backstories, as well as anything else that would raise questions.
- Alternate Universe: It is highly implied that the comic is this.
- Amusing Injuries: WALL•E suffers from these.
- Art Evolution: Compare the original drawings with the finalized versions.
- Even happens within the remastered version, in which the drawings become more consistent and proportional within a matter of several pages.
- Clone Degeneration: All of the WALL•Es, except the original, died down. Apparently they had very limited lifespans compared to the real deal.
- Collector of the Strange: Take a wild guess.
- Eyes of Gold: M-O, interestingly enough
- Fun Size: Hal is unusually small for a dog. Word of God states that this is because he's the runt of a litter.
- Goggles Do Something Unusual: WALL•E's goggles provide the same functions as the original's eye lenses: Optical zoom and a built-in laser between the lens.
- I Do Not Own: All the human designs were borrowed and so every page - even pieces of artwork that contain the characters, have a disclaimer on the description.
- Icy Blue Eyes: EVE.
- Made of Iron: Hal is able to get back up despite being crushed by WALL•E.
- Medium Blending: Ever since the author decided to use screenshots of backgrounds used in the movie, the comic has become an example of this.
- Moe Anthropomorphism
- The WALL•As are an interesting variation. They are still robots, but their appearance was changed to mirror Human!WALL•E's.
- Puppy Dog Eyes: WALL•E sports a permanent pair of them, in addition to...
- Purple Eyes
- Really More Than 700 Years Old: WALL•E may look like a young teenager, but if his backstory is to be believed, then he has to be over 700 now. This could also apply to EVE and the other "robots."
- Robot Me: The WALL•As are a gigantic version of this trope.
- Roger Rabbit Effect: The effect of the clearly-drawn AUTO next to the live action Axiom captain.
- Rollerblade Good: WALL•E, surprisingly.
- Tainted Veins: EVE's Power Core on her chest is surrounded with them.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl: EVE.
- X-Ray Sparks: WALL•E, when hit by lightning.
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