WTL Network

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    /wiki/WTL Networkcreator
    "Special Edward", the mascot of WTL Network

    WTL Network, short for "Where's the Line?", was likely the most notable maker of Thomas the Tank Engine YouTube Poop in the medium's existence. His (actually their, as the network was made up of three people who collaborated on poops) poops included a wide network of running gags, and established a humor standard that subsequent poopers have aspired to match.

    The main account was closed due to copyright infringement claims by HiT Entertainment, the current owners of Thomas, but most of the old poops can be found here. There is also a new account called The Poop Troupe, although they have yet to do a great deal in regards to actual YouTube Poop.

    WTL Network provides examples of the following tropes:


    • All There in the Manual: There's a lot of extra info on the Wiki that's not readily apparent from the poops themselves.
    • Art Evolution: The later poops rely a lot less on the swear pack and a lot more on cool visual effects.
    • Creator Cameo: Occasionally, members of WTL Network will have voice cameos in the poops.
    • Follow the Leader: As soon as the swear-pack became available to download, originality in the field of Thomas YouTube Poop went down significantly.
    • Manipulative Editing: Both of the auditory and, more recently, the visual variety.
    • Old Shame:
      • The swear pack. Somewhat rectified by the ceasing of distribution of said swear pack.
      • The Disgusting Era of WTL Networks history.
    • Screwed by the Network: In March 2011, the WTL Network channel was deleted due to multiple copyright infringement strikes, however they returned within weeks with more material.
    • The Wiki Rule: WTL Network has its own wiki, WikiTL.
    • Unnecessary Censorship: Sometimes even inconsistent with "fuck" being left unbleeped sometimes, while "shit" is bleeped out on occasion. Justified by Rule of Funny.
    • YouTube Poop: The entire point of WTL Network.

    Thomas The Tank Engine series:

    • A Date with Rosie Palms: The engines do love their wanking.
      • The policeman from Thomas in Trouble is re-imagined as PC Masterton Bates, the Wanking Policeman.
    • Anyone Can Die
    • Ascended Extra: The Butler, a bit character who only appeared once or twice, is now the Fat Controller's lover.
      • Mrs. Stationmaster's breakfast is now the single most important character in the series.
    • Berserk Button: Don't call Daisy "feeble", unless you want to be vaporized by her laser eyes.
      • This eventually extended to being vaporized by Daisy if you called ANYONE "feeble".
    • Black Comedy Rape: Many instances.
    • Bow Chicka Wow Wow: The Butler came in:

    The Butler: Excuse me my dear I want you.
    The Fat Controller: (To station master) I'm sorry station master I must go at once.

    • Breaking the Fourth Wall: Happens occasionally, most notably in Alicia Takes It Up The Botti where Sam demands that the old Thomas intro be put in the video instead of the new one.
    • Butt Monkey: Percy
    • Christmas Episode: Christmas With WTL Network and Another Christmas With WTL Network.
    • Continuity Nod: The events of WTL Network's poops follow a loose chronology. See the Wiki for more.
    • Death Is Cheap: Characters frequently die, but it doesn't seem to slow them down much.
    • Everyone Has Lots of Sex
    • Everyone Is Gay
    • Eye Beams: Daisy has these.
    • Fan Remake: Some of WTL Network's poops have been remade using the American Thomas narrators.
    • G-Rated Mental Illness: Edward doesn't really do anything that would classify him as "special", but does have googly eyes and a propeller-beanie.
    • The Grim Reaper: Shows up from time to time, working as a lexicologist.
    • I Have Many Names: The Fat Controller has also been called Sir Topham Hatt, The Fat Troll, Sir Topham Twatt, Sir Topham Thing-A-Gummy, and My Dear (by the Butler).
    • Kill'Em All: "Thomas the Tank Engine was ill... So everyone must die!"
    • Ludicrous Gibs: Human characters often become bloody stains.
    • Made of Explodium: All the engines.
    • News Broadcast: "Fat Controller Arrested: Fat Controller had sex with trains"
    • Noodle Incident:

    Duck: Do they get you to do things, Percy?
    Percy: Yes, they do. Unspeakable things!

      • There's another incident involving James and the cum wagons.
    • Pedo Hunt: Parodied with Chris Hansen the Helicopter, who wants you to have a seat over there.
    • Pixellation: And lots of it.
    • Readings Are Off the Scale: Gordons number is OVER 9000
    • Really Gets Around: Toby's coach Henrietta, who used to be a whore. She pines for the days when nine gentlemen would take her from behind.
    • Running Gag: Several, including the Butler, James's unhealthy obsession with Gordon, Special Edward, and Daisy's laser eyes.
    • Stalker with a Crush: James, toward Gordon.
    • Take That: In addition to the "Original Ideas" book, a copy of Twilight gets tossed in the trash during Ongoing Feuds.
      • In "Edward breaks his dick" the Fat Controller points angrily at Jedward (an Irish duo whose appearance on the X factor was met with mixed reactions) and in "WTF WTL" Gio Compario appears and sings the "Go Compare" jingle before getting shot.
    • The Stinger: The credits sequences, which sometimes are comically re-written.
    • Title Drop: Happens almost Once an Episode in some way, shape or form.
    • This Trope Is Bleep: Almost every episode.
    • Unreliable Narrator: Ringo Starr.
    • Younger Than They Look: The Butler is actually only 26 years old, and attributes his older appearance to years of cigarette smoking.

    The Welsh Fireman series:

    Sooty series:

    • A Date with Rosie Palms: Matthew Corbett does this in You'd Be A Fool To Say No.
      • Sooty's job literally involves this.
    • Gag Penis: Matthew Corbett has one of those "super duper cocks".
    • Really Gets Around: Soo has had sex with an entire football team.
    • Spinning Paper: A copy of 'News of the World' uncovers a puppet sex scandal, and also the story of a man who bought a caravan full of cocks.

    Chazlar and the Chocolate Parody:

    The Flint Called Manstone:

    Betty: Uh-oh! The trailer's got a flat!

      • "The Green Goose" is quite literally a green goose.
    • Kick the Dog: Fred kills a small bird for no apparent reason.
    • Raging Stiffie: Fred gets one of these after being fondled by the nurses while checking out of the hospital.

    Marge And The Funny Whelk

    The Rottentrolls series:


    Ash: Oh, a Pokemon! (Opens Pokedex)
    Pokedex: Missingno. It- (Screen glitches up)

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