Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines/Heartwarming

You wouldn't imagine that this game would have a lot of heartwarming moments, being about playing undead bloodsucking monster but you would be wrong. There's quite a few heartwarming moments.

  • The opportunity to save the life of Heather in the first act. A young girl crying out for her grandmother is dying of a hit and run. Encountered on your player character's first night as a vampire, it's entirely likely that they save a life as a vampire first rather than takes it.
    • It is especially touching when helping her as a Malkavian. So far in the game, odds are your character has acted like the typical Cloudcuckoolander. However, when Heather wakes up and speaks to you after you've fed her your blood, you character can give a reply that actually sounds quite sane, telling her that you only wanted to ease her suffering. It actually quite a touching moment, showing that even the Malkavian PC can retain their humanity, even through the insanity.
  • The entire story of E and Lilly, the two Thin Blooded lovers. They're both Friendly Neighborhood Vampires who would never harm a fly. You really want these two characters to get together in the end. The fact that you get to rescue Lilly from a Fate Worse Than Death in the process only makes it better. They get as close to a Happily Ever After as any character in Vampire: The Masquerade is likely to get.
  • Hannah the escort has fallen for a guy, not a client, she just met named Paul. Cursed with an incurable disease by the Plaguebearers, she doesn't know Paul is already dead. Your player character has the opportunity to Let Them Die Happy by telling them Paul sent them. If you're a Malkavian, you can even impersonate Paul with Dementation.
  • Your Malkavian can use his Dementation powers to make Heather believe her entire experience with you has been nothing more than a wonderful dream. This allows her to move on with her life and spares her a grisly fate, even as she'll spend the rest of her life dreaming about you her "Master of Dreams."
  • Reuniting Isaac and Ash is something that's surprisingly touching. Possibly because Isaac, at least, is a Friendly Neighborhood Vampire.
  • When the feuding Voerman sisters, having screamed, argued, pointed fingers, revealed themselves as split personalities , and tried to kill each other, finally reconcile:

The PC: You both must have gotten along at one time.
Jeanette: Yes... there was a time.
Therese: When I was a child... I didn't have many friends. I suppose Jeanette was the only one. We never did get to go out of the house much; Father wouldn't allow us-
Jeanette: He said we'd get hurt. So we stayed inside and imagined our own worlds. And we spent so much time there, together, ruling over those places... those were-
Therese: Happier times. Before we grew apart.

    • They do immediately threaten to kill you if you tell anybody about them, though. Ironically, this becomes faintly heartwarming in that for the first time in the story, the sisters speak in perfect unison.
      • Even more heartwarming is when you visit them later. They still argue, but it is far more friendly now. And they seem genuinely happy to see the PC again. If anyone feels the end game is depressing visit to the asylum will serve as proof that your PC did do good.
  • When you meet your friend, Samantha, in Hollywood, she starts exclaiming about how everyone thought you were dead, asking if you we all right, saying that everything will be fine, wondering if you have amnesia, organizing all your old friends from your mortal existence to get back together and try to jog your memory. You can persuade her not to make the call, which gives you a Masquerade redemption, but it feels surprisingly good to know that there are still people in the daylight world who care about you, and letting her make the call (while it puts a ding in your Masquerade violations) is heartwarming in that you still have one connection to the world of humanity.
    • Another occasion where the Malkavian can create heartwalming; you can keep the Masquerade without leaving Sam heartbroken. Instead she's overjoyed that she got to see her childhood pet turtle again.
  • Thrust into an undead life as a Vampire, saddled with an Inner Beast and a thirst for blood, surrounded by plotting elders, hordes of enemies human and super natural, and despite all the horrors the game throws at you, you can still end it with a Humanity Rating of 10 = SAINTLY.
  • The whole ordeal with Jack in the beginning is kind of sweet. He takes the time to show you the ropes of being a vampire, and depending on how you've played out, he'll return to help you out. He's like an undead big brother.

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