< Up (animation)

Up (animation)/YMMV

  • Artistic License Engineering: The strength of a structure like a house is dependent on the foundation it is built on. When the house is lifted off the foundation with no reinforcement of the foundation it would fall apart. Furthermore, since the balloons were anchored to the chimney, the rest of the house around it should have been sagging.
  • Award Snub: Up became the first animated film since Beauty and the Beast to be nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars. And it won...Best Animated Feature.
    • Justified: That's what the Best Animated Feature is there for.
    • At least it got that Best Picture nomination because the previous year's BEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME - WALL E - didn't get a Best Picture nomination.
  • Follow the Leader: In the George and A.J. short, after seeing Carl moving his house, many other senior citizens start moving their houses as well though with different methods. Even those who have already been administered to Shady Oaks try to take the building with them by attaching helium tanks around the perimeter.
  • Fridge Horror: You know that Kevin is the bird in question Muntz was searching for? Now, think back to why Muntz killed the surveyor and botanist. Imagine if you ran in to something someone was looking for by complete accident, and then you're shot dead for it before you can explain it was even an accident and did not know. This means that Muntz killed two innocents that were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time and mistaken for thieves trying to take the bird for themselves, when they were really just minding their own business, and both Carl and Russell may have shared the same fate if not for Dug's and Kevin's assistance in their escape from Muntz's dogs.
  • Funny Aneurysm Moment: In less than three minutes. When they went to their picnic, it was so funny seeing Carl out of breath and unable to climb the hill. When the same happens to Ellie, it becomes bad news.
  • Hype Backlash: Critics and other moviegoers enjoyed the film so much that some other people's expectations were raised to the point where they didn't enjoy the film. Then again, the film's initial premise was what originally caused people's first expectations to be low.
  • Internet Backdraft: Its nomination for Best Picture.
  • Memetic Mutation: The "Married Life" theme has become infamous for its tear-jerking capabilities.
  • Moral Event Horizon: If you don't already hate Muntz after he shows his true face, if you don't already hate him when he tries to burn down Carl's house, you will surely hate him when he tries to murder Russell.
  • Nightmare Fuel: The Corrupt Corporate Executive, just putting his hand on Carl's fencepost and staring ahead.
  • Tear Jerker: Several, but a dry eye cannot survive Ellie's death, nor "Now go out and have another one!"
  • Toy Ship: Carl and Ellie first met when they were little kids. It was love almost at first sight.
  • The Woobie: Carl, so, so much.
    • And Russell (when he was talking about his dad), and Dug (cone of shame! poor thing...), and even Kevin the bird (remember when her leg was hurt?) They all need a big hug!
    • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Muntz, -rejected by the scientific community, eluded by a stupid bird for sixty years, all by himself, going completely insane and paranoic... it's so tragic... Of course, murdering or even attempting to murder innocent people because he thought they would take his bird away makes him a bit of a monster.
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