< Up (animation)

Up (animation)/Funny

  • The scene at the very beginning when Carl meets Ellie, and she encourages him to get his balloon. Had to pause the DVD for a bit to finally stop laughing after the quick ambulance-cut after that scene.
    • Also, when he hits himself in the face with his cast when shocked at seeing Ellie come through his window.
  • Carl's Daydream Surprise, figuring how he'll get rid of Russell.

Carl (back from the Imagine Spot): Well, that won't work.

  • Alpha's "voice"...
    • And Russell's comment that he likes the old one better when Muntz fixes the collar.
    • The reactions of the audience when this troper saw it made it even funnier; there was a beat, almost in shock, when he first spoke, followed by everyone bursting out laughing.
  • ... and what really happens if two senior citizens get into a swordfight. The audience that premiere night in IMAX of Shimenting-Taipei cried with laughter.
  • "I do not like the cone of shame."
  • Dogs. Playing poker. (Who are you calling an art history nerd?)
    • Pay close attention, one of them is cheating. He has an ace tucked in his collar. This is a Shout-Out to the original painting by Cassius Coolidge ("A Friend in Need") where one dog is passing an ace under the table.
  • "Hey, get off of my roof!" "Yeah, get off of his *WOOF*!"
  • "Who wants the ball!"
    • "I hate squirrels!"
  • "I was hiding under your porch because I love you"
  • Russell: With my Explorer GPS, we'll never be lost! (accidentally tosses the GPS out the window while gesticulating)... Oops..
    • In the end credits, he finds it--and it's not even broken.
    • ...pretty sure that was a new one.
  • "It is funny because the squirrel gets dead."
  • The "WTF?!" face of the frog after Carl hits it upon waking up, a la alarm clock. I couldn't be the only one who thought that two second bit was comedy gold.
  • A bit of an in-joke but Kevin's good-byes to Russell, Carl, and Dug. Russell gets a head-hug (which some parrots will do with people they really like), Carl gets his head patted (as she saw Russell doing earlier), and Dug gets an avian obscenity rasped at him.
  • No mention of any of the Star Wars homages? Those nearly had me in tears from laughter.
  • The camera angles in that scene are just perfect.

Grey leader, checking in!

  • Carl instructing Russell that they will "walk to the falls quickly and quietly with no rap music or flashdancing" as Russell trails behind, "Uhhuh...sand...I FOUND SAND!"
    • I thought I was the only person to laugh at the throwaway flashdancing line. On a similar note- "I will bring it back for SCIENCE."
  • Russell being tired.
  • When Carl tries to shoo Kevin away.
  • Russell when he is digging a toilet hole:

Russel: Mr. Fredrickson! Am I supposed to dig the hole before or after?
Carl: It's none of my concern!
Russel: Oh ... It's before!
Carl (while covering his ears): Lalalalala!

  • Russell smooshed up against the glass of the Spirit of Adventure.
    • Then being dragged against it's side.
    • Watch Muntz's face - his eye twitches.
  • When Carl tries to get Dug and Kevin to leave him alone and he points at them with his walker: *points to Dug* I don't want you here. *points to Kevin* And I don't want you here. (Kevin squawks at him in indignation) *points to Russell* And I'm stuck with you.
  • When Carl speaks his mind to the building contractor in classic old guy fashion:

Carl: You in the suit! Yes, you! Take a bath, hippy!

  • Kevin choking up Carl's cane, followed by HER BABIES choking up the feet/balls of his cane.
    • Doubles as a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming. She'd adopted the whole swallow-the-cane bit as a friendship ritual to Carl, and then taught the same thing to her chicks!
  • I'm probably a horrible person, but I couldn't stop myself from laughing when all those dogs went over the cliff like lemmings. Don't worry they got better.
  • When Carl goes through his morning routine and goes outside and we see all the construction around that one little patch of home. I can't be the only one that loved that.
  • The car-counting game at the end. I didn't get it the first time...

Russel: Red one!
Carl: Blue one!
Dug (who is of course a dog): Grey one!

  • Carl's attempt to get rid of Kevin and Dug.

Dug: "Hi there!"
Carl: "Afternoon."

Dug: "I found the ball." (spits it out on Carl's hand, still covered in drool)

    Russel: Sit! *Dug sits* Hey, he's trained! Shake. *Dug shakes* Speak!
    Dug: Hi there.

    • Carl and Russell freaking out when Dug first says, "Hi there!"
    • "Will you be my prisoner?"
    • Carl sending Russell out on a Snipe Hunt and when he actually finds a snipe.
    • Every time the leafblower is used.

    Carl: Let's play a game. It's called See-Who-Can-Be-Quiet-The-Longest.
    Russell: Cool! My mom loves that game!

    • This Troper and friends completely lost it when he heard what the dogs were saying when Muntz invited them into his airship.

    Dog: I like you temporarily!

    • After Carl's run as fast as an old man can run to lose Dug and Kevin:

    Carl: I think that did the trick.
    Pan to reveal Dug
    Dug: Hi, master.
    Carl: ...Afternoon.
    Kevin: *squawk!*

    • Dug's first appearance:

    "I can smell you!"
    "...What? You can...smell us..?"
    "...I can smell you!"

      • And before that, when they realize that what they thought was a person was actually a rock Russell says 'Heh, you were talking to a rock, Mr. Fredricksen.' You can just see him thinking 'But the rock was answering!'
    • Dug tries to stop the dogs chasing Carl, Russel, and Kevin.

    Dug: Stop you dogs!

    • Dogs ignore him and run past*

    Dog: Your mailman friends can't hear you now!

    • Russel's reaction to finding out Kevin is not a Kevin at all...

    Russel: (almost casually) Kevin's a girl?

    • Point!!!!
    • "South America! It's like America...but south!"
    • Ellie to Carl: "Y'know, you don't talk much... I like you!"
    • Discovering Russel on the front Porch:

    Russel: Please let me in.
    Carl: [beat] ...No. [Slams door]

    • Carl and Ellie's wedding. We first see the bride's half of the room going absolutely bugnuts, clapping and hollering and jumping around and even firing off shotguns. Then we see the groom's half, which is stone cold silent.
      • Says a lot about their families and upbringings, doesn't it? And it's even more heartwarming then that despite being raised by such dour, cold, closed-off people, Carl was able to like and fall in love with such an outgoing, wild, fantastically fun person.
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