Ultimate Re-Imaginings
Found on fanfiction.net, Ultimate Re-Imgainings are three stories all done in the same timelines and same universe, that is, the Marvel universe.
- Ultimate Blaze: Heroes Unlimited is a fusion of Marvel and Yugioh, starring Joey Wheeler as the main charater and with his own supporting cast. In this, Joey is a mutant and the Yugioh game does not exist, but everything else(i.e, magic and such) does still exist.
- Ultimate Spider-Girl: Zero To Hero is the most 'normal' fusion of the Spider-Man universe getting flipped on it's head as Peter is replaced by his Rule63 counterpart Perenna Parker.
- Ultimate Superwoman: Transciendience is a fusion of Superman and DC comics with Superman being replaced by his counterpart Lita Kent.
Tropes used in Ultimate Re-Imaginings include:
- Abusive Parents: Joey’s father.
- Action Heroine: Spider-Girl, Superwoman.
- Action Survivor: Joey.
- Ascended Extra: Serenity and Clint.
- Alcoholic Parent: Joey’s father.
- All Men Are Perverts: Subverted somewhat as Jessica states this is one of the reasons Joey’s her favorite students.
- A Man Is Not a Virgin: Subverted and justified in Joey’s case as he won’t even look at a woman let alone think about that.
- Ambiguously Human: Joey.
- Animals Hate Him: Inverted as Cheshire actually tried to attack Serenity at one point.
- Annoying Younger Sibling: Subverted. Joey cares very much about his sister.
- A Pupil of Mine Until He Turned to Evil: Or rather until that pupil turned good.
- The Archer: Joey had lamented his aim sucked in the flashback, then after Buck put him through the training from hell, he got eerily good. Even making a perfect shot when he changed his posture at the last second.
- Aura Vision: Serenity.
- Alternate Character Interpretation: Joey, instead of being a ‘dumb blond,’ is instead portrayed as a smart overachiever that pretends to be dumb and overanalyzes things.
- Adults Are Useless: Joey’s overall opinion of adults, except for Jessica and Clint that is.
- Badass Normal: Both Joey and Perenna argue about who is more badass, Elektra or Hawkeye after Joey tells Perenna that his 'psuedo-guardian' is Hawkeye.
- Batman Gambit: Joey tried to pull one off as he let Sofen lead him away since he figured someone would notice he was missing. It never follows through as Joey is eventually forced to save himself and the hostages she had and Serenity calls the cops when they’re freed.
- Benched Hero: It's lampshaded at various points how unhealthy it is that Joey is in the hospital more than a normal person would be.
- Beneath the Mask: Joey tries to act like a ‘dumb blonde’ to hide the fact he has his own issues, particularly with his guilt for thinking that he should be dead instead of almost everyone else he cares about being dead, not to mention his other issues, but those belong in their owntropes.
- Big Applesauce: Like with the canon material, most of the things happen in New York.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Téa, or at least when Alexis is concerned.
- Bi the Way: Perenna.
- Blessed with Suck: Joey likes his powers, but even he knows that there are rather severe drawbacks to two of them. His ‘Know-It-All’ ability will make him sick if he uses it too long, and his technology controlling ability is tied directly to his emotions. And as of now his control of his powers is gone and he has to learn how to control them all over again.
- Blow You Away: Windfall.
- Brainy Brunette: Perenna Parker.
- Broken Bird: Perenna after the death of both her guardians, but instead of becoming the typical cynic, she still tried to be badass, but hid her despair behind false cheer and snarking. Gradually though she got better.
- Joey, oh Joey.
- Brown Eyes: Joey’s eyes before they turned amber. Perenna Parker. Serenity.
- Can't Stand Them Can't Live Without Them: Serenity wonders this about Joey and why he even bothers with his friends. He explains in a later chapter that while he may keep his distance and not let them see the real him; he also acknowledges he’d be like Kaiba if he just dismissed them.
- Cassandra Truth: Joey knows that telling anyone that his father is abusive would be dismissed, and when he finally does say that his father almost killed him, none of his friends believe him. Subverted in a way though that Serenity seems to know, and Clint actually tried to do something about it, although it backfired both times.
- The Chew Toy: Joey to a painful degree.
- Cool Big Sis: Jessica Drew; Joey even describes her as this word for word.
- Cute Machines: Lita certainly thinks Kelex applies to this.
- Dead Little Sister: Clint's family for him, and it's shown he also considers this his My Greatest Failure.
- Deadpan Snarker: When Joey goes through his ‘I accept that things will blow up if I show emotion’ phase as he believed he could never control his powers, everything he says becomes this.
- Disappeared Dad: Joey’s father is this for a time until he shows up to get Clint sent to jail, never mind the fact Joey vocally protested this as he was dragged away.
- Dumb Blonde: Joey subverts this as he is actually pretty smart. Though he just acts dumb.
- Drill Sergeant Nasty: Buck.
- Embarrassing First Name: Lita’s first name is actually Elita and she finds this incredibly embarrassing since it’s the name of a toy, opting to call herself by her nickname instead.
- Exact Words: ‘No son of mine’ turned out to be literal.
- Foundling Tale: Lita herself is this as is Joey.
- The Glasses Gotta Go: Perenna.
- Glowing Eyes: Joey.
- Grumpy Old Man: Buck Chisholm. Though Joey substitutes ‘grumpy’ with ‘grouchy.’
- Green Eyes: Jessica.
- Green Eyed Red Head: Mary Jane Watson.
- Guilt Complex: Joey, Perenna, and Lita.
- Guilty Pleasures: Joey admits to liking Kesha songs when Clint hears a song coming from his computer.
- Half-Human Hybrid: Joey.
- Hair of Gold: Joey, Linda, and Lita when she’s wearing her wig.
- Happily Adopted: Despite the amount of people against the adoption, Joey is determined to be this.
- Heroic BSOD]: Joey goes through this when he thinks he’s killed people with the fire he accidently started.
- Perenna suffered BSOD after her aunt and uncle both die.
- Heroic Bastard: Joey.
- High School Rejects: Joey and Perenna.
- Hot Dad: Clint.
- Hot Teacher: Jessica.
- How Do I Shot Web?: Soon enough, Joey, soon enough.
- Human Alien: Lita Kent.
- Illegal Guardian: Clint is this, simply because it wasn’t ‘official.’ Apparently verbal consent doesn't count.
- Immune to Bullets: Need it even be said?
- Interrupted Suicide: It’s implied that one of the firemen saved Joey before he could let himself die.
- Improbable Aiming Skills: Clint, Joey, Buck and Barney.
- Just Ignore It: One of the two things Joey is sure that the human nature consists of.
- Kid Hero: Both Joey and Perenna are 15.
- Kick the Dog: The entire reason both Parkers had to die was to pour salt into Perenna’s wounds.
- Like Brother and Sister: Perenna and Harry.
- Like a Son to Me: Joey to Clint.
- Loony Friends Improve Your Personality: The reason why Joey seems to even want to be around them when he's not ignoring them.
- Love At First Sight: Blair fell in love with Joey the moment she saw him, though because this particular character moment showed him in the most flattering way possible to her.
- Joey also gained a crush on Spider-Girl when he saw her for the first time. Though given how he is, this is debatable.
- Making a Splash: New Wave.
- Meddling Parents: Subverted hard in Joey’s case. His father didn’t even care that Joey had learned archery from a supervillain.
- Meganekko: Serenity, though this is debatable as she is going blind, and Lita Kent.
- Men Don't Cry: Subverted as Joey does indeed cry when Buck died.
- A Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Read: Subverted as part of his training, Emma has Joey read the minds of a group of people.
- Misery Builds Character: If Joey is allowed a breather moment, something bad is going to happen to him later.
- Misplaced Accent: Jessica’s English accent.
- Misogyny: Joey stated that he would be this if he didn’t have certain females in his life to subvert it.
- Mysterious Antarctica: It’s where Lita has stashed her Fortress of Solitude.
- Muggle Best Friend: Lena to Lita, and Blair to Serenity.
- Muggle Foster Parents: Though by no means normal, Clint is human and his charge is decidedly not.
- New York City: Domino City is actually integrated to be a district in New York for this story.
- Not So Different: Joey discovers this horrifying (to him anyway) revelation between him and Kaiba when he goes back to school after being in the hospital.
- Papa Wolf: Even before Clint became Joey’s legal father, he beat up Joey’s actual father for putting him in the hospital. The event served to cement Joey’s unwavering faith in Clint as a result.
- Parental Abandonment: Joey’s mother did this, as Joey states she only wanted his sister, not him.
- Parental Substitute: Clint is this to Joey.
- Pedo Hunt: The second Clint even suspected that Sofen was hurting Joey like this he was all for going to kill her, and was actually about to when he saw the condition she put him in. It’s implied that Joey never actually told Clint about the kiss though.
- Person of Mass Destruction: Lita.
- Playing with Fire: Joey’s pyro kinesis.
- The Philosopher: Joey to some extent as a side effect of his Know-It-All power enable him to understand and question things, including giving him the ‘ability’ to be more philosophical.
- Power Incontinence: Joey cannot feel anything without the tech around him (most notably the lighting fixtures) reacting to his mood. This is the main reason he worries about becoming the Stoic.
- Power Limiter: Joey becomes sick if he tries to know more than he’s supposed to. And the more mental parts of his abilities won’t activate unless he’s looking in a reflective surface as the only way to use them is to, in a way, use it on himself.
- Psycho Psychologist: Joey realizes this about the school counsellor Dr. Sofen when he has to take sessions with her on orders of the principal. Then again, he’s always suspected this about her.
- Offing the Offspring: Joey’s father came very close to doing this before Joey set the apartment on fire.
- Raised by Humans: Joey, Lita.
- Recurring Extra: Yugi, Téa, Tristan, and Jessica.
- Redheaded Stepchild: Joey might be blond, but the situation is the same as he really is a stepchild.
- Reformed Criminal: Buck.
- Invisible to Gaydar: Lita Kent.
- Stepford Smiler: Joey is horrifyingly enough mostly a Type B as he will act nice on the outside, but on the inside he’s a complete mess. He’s mostly afraid that since he has to play The Stoic to keep his powers in check he will completely become this. The only people who really seems to see the real emotional state he’s constantly in is Serenity as that is her power.
- Technopath: Joey shows no inclination of understanding what machines “say”, nor can he “hear” them, but he can control and manipulate them, as shown whenever he accidently makes the lights react to his moods. However he has shown to “hear” his omniscience whenever he asks himself a question.
- Teen Genius: Perenna.
- Tyke Bomb: Joey.
- Unnamed Parent: Joey’s father and mother.
- Wide-Eyed Idealist: Téa. Even to the point of trying to blame Joey for making up such a horrible story that his father almost killed him.
- The Unfavorite: Joey. His mother didn’t want him in favor of his sister and his dad was abusive towards him.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: The Masters of Disaster are perfectly willing to kill to protect the environment.
- Why Couldn't You Be Different?: The only reason Joey's step-mother hated him was because he wasn't hers.
- Wicked Stepmother: Joey’s mother turned out to be his step-mother and the case of more of Parental Abandonment. He’s noticeably angry though that his father turned out to be his real father. *Wouldn't Hit a Girl: Joey readily subverted this when he fought back against Sofen and ended up in a coma for it.
- You're Not My Father: Joey obviously hates his father very much and makes sure to never call him directly his 'father.'
- Younger Than They Look: Joey is actually 15, he just skipped a grade.
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