Trinity Souls of Zill Oll
The leader of the country Rostorl has challenged the leader of Dyneskal for the right of the throne. However, Rostorl loses the war and Dyneskal reigns supreme. King Balor, the ruler of Dyneskal, uses the victory to expand his country's respective borders and conquers the mighty cities - Ancient and Rocen. Chancellor Zofor then proclaims a prophesy that King Balor will die by the hands of his own offspring.
During the Dyneskal-Rostorl War, a boy loses his father and runs with his mother away from the chaos. He is named Areus, a half-elf who spends his childhood living quietly in the forest. Having suffered discrimination for his mixed heritage, he hardened his heart and followed the advice of his sword instructor, Darqin. Nineteen years later, Areus accepts his master's sword to become a gladiator in the popular city of commerce, Liberdam. With his fellow comrade and friend, Dorado, Areus aims to become the best gladiator of the age.
The whole series, which includes a PS1 RPG and its remake, needs more love.
- A Taste of Power: During the game's prologue.
- Action Girl: Selene, Sheelagh and Kheryuneia.
- And Your Reward Is Clothes: Somewhat averted: you will eventually get a 2nd outfit for each character once you have joined Ancient as a mercenary. You can switch back to the original outfits from the equipment menu. The game did have additional outfits as DLC in Japan, but will not be available elsewhere due to the game's low sales.
- Anguished Declaration of Love: Sheelagh kisses Areus right before she dies.
- Anti-Hero: Your party, really, but mostly Areus. They're mostly doing the adventuring gig for their own reasons and at first only teamed up because it was convenient. Their vendetta against Balor is more personal than Nemea's group.
- Badass: Reig.
- World of Badass: Your party as well, considering their accomplishments in the story. Anyone that isn't a generic NPC too, really.
- Bare-Fisted Monk: Dagda.
- Better Than It Sounds: Trust me.
- Bittersweet Ending: Boy is it ever. Areus performs a Heroic Sacrifice to remove Balor's immortality and kill him, but at the cost of being forgotten by everyone. By the way, his whole family is dead. So is his love interest. But at least the tyrant is dead and will have a much nicer ruler on the throne!
- Big Bad: Zofor and Lord Balor.
- Bonus Boss: All the Elite bosses fought in the bonus dungeon, and the Dragon King on Dragon King Isle. The Elite Gold Dragon might count as a That One Boss
- Break the Cutie: Areus His father, adoptive brother, mother, best friend, and love interest are dead by the end of the story, in that order.
- Catch Phrase: Dagda:"<Party Leader>, let's squash them between us!"
- Character Development: Lots. It makes the Break the Cutie moments just that much more heartbreaking.
- Cutscene Power to the Max: The game's intro cutscene, granted you do some of the stuff shown in it, but not like THAT. There's also Reig's first appearance of him taking down 3 Ogres
- Despair Event Horizon: Areus, Dorado, Selene...
- Deadpan Snarker: Areus.
- Dual-Wielding: Reig uses two swords at once. Selene uses two knives.
- Duel Boss: Areus VS Reig, plus several more.
- Dual Boss: Areus VS Sheelagh and Zeraschel.
- Died in Your Arms Tonight: Twice Dorado, then Sheelagh.
- Elemental Powers: Your party can use different elemental attacks.
- Playing with Fire: Areus, Dagda
- An Ice Person: Selene, Areus
- Shock and Awe: Selene, Dagda
- Dark Is Edgy: Selene, Areus
- Dishing Out Dirt: Dagda
- Holy Hand Grenade: Dagda
- Elite Mook: Magic versions of enemies that can be hit by Trinity Strikes have different weaknesses than their normal counterparts, and are slightly more durable.
- Elves Versus Dwarves: Subverted they seem to get along. At least when they're not being racist to each other.
- Emotionless Girl: Played with and subverted with Selene
- Expy: Doesn't Lord Balor remind you of someone from Beastmaster 2?
- Fantastic Racism: Elves and human towards Half-Elves and Darkneith.
- Fetch Quest: There are a lot of them in this game.
- Escort Mission: Surprisingly NOT annoying. The NPCs in the game are pretty much Made of Iron.
- Twenty Bear Asses
- Fighting Your Friend: The fight with Dorado, then Sheelagh.
- Guest Star Party Member: Both Dagda and Selene before they officially join the party. At different times, some NPC's will join you in battle as well.
- Anti-Heroes Prefer Swords: Areus.
- Heroic BSOD: Areus, Dorado.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Sheelagh pulls one of these. So does Areus at the very end.
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Dagda and Selene to some extent
- Ho Yay: Areus and pretty much every main male character. Especially Dorado.
- Immortality: Lord Balor.
- Knight in Shining Armor: Nemea
- Knight in Sour Armor: Areus
- Loads and Loads of Characters
- Lonely Piano Piece
- Love Epiphany
- Magic Knight: Areus, which is sooo bad ass.
- My Parents Are Dead: Well, except his mother. Not for long though.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Nemea
- One-Winged Angel: Final Boss
- Orcus on His Throne: Big Bad kills his son and daughter during intro sequence, however he prefer to warm his throne even while his castle being attacked by a dragon.
- Our Vampires Are Different: Darkneith only have to drink blood on full moons dosnt need to be human.
- Poor Communication Kills: Areus never even tries to settle things with Dorado, leading to his meaningless death. Dorado lampshades this, saying that if Areus told him who Areus wanted to beat during their arena days, Dorado would have joined Areus's cause instead as he dies.
- Proud Warrior Race Guy: Dagda, Reig
- Red Baron: You collect these throughout the entire game by fulfilling the title requirements.
- Shout-Out: Might be a coincidence, but one of the rescue missions has Areus say "Come with me if you want to live."
- Stripperific: Sheelagh, Kheryuneia.
- Selene to lesser extent.
- Sword Pointing: Areus when he's about to take on both Sheelagh and Zeraschel.
- Stuff Blowing Up: Go to Fire Mountain, and have Areus use his flame attack whenever the geysers blow out air. Enjoy the fireworks. This makes killing mobs that much faster.
- Two Guys and a Girl: Areus, Dagda and Selene are one and Sheelagh, Zeraschel, and Xenetes are another.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl: Selene
- Wrestler in All of Us: One of Dagda's attacks will allow him to grab enemies and (depending on the enemy type) perform a wrestling move. These include a backbreaker on Skeltons, a suplex on Ogres and Trolls and if performed on Giants or their variations, AN ARM LOCK