Trinity Blood/Characters
Trinity Blood has a slew of characters in its run, despite the abrupt end.
The Vatican
The Vatican stands in Rome as the center of human existence after the Armageddon. In light of the devastation, people sought refuge and protection in the Church, giving the Vatican responsibility and leadership over the humans. Despite its once supreme authority, humans have begun to put their faith in local leaders and nobles, taking authority from the Vatican. Despite its weakening hold over the nations, the Vatican still stands as the greatest form of human leadership, after the Armageddon.
Alessandro XVIII
His Holiness, Alessandro XVIII, is the 399th Pope of Rome, and the son of the former pope, Gregorio XXX. After the death of his father, Alessandro's siblings made sure he was given the title of Pope over his uncle, Archbishop Alfonso d'Este.
- Anti-Hero: Type I
- Just a Kid
- Shrinking Violet: Poor guy... seriously, do. Not. Yell. He will have a meltdown. We don't want the Pope to have meltdowns.
Francesco di Medici
The Duke of Florence, Duke of Tuscany, and a Cardinal of the Vatican, Francesco is a tall and intimidating man. As he is a bastard son, he could not be elected Pope and may harbor some bitterness over it. Using intimidation and loud vocal displays, he frequently attempts to pressure his younger brother to bend to his way of thinking.
- Fantastic Racism: Towards the Methuselah.
- Jerkass
- Knight Templar
Caterina Sforza
The Duchess of Milan, is a strong willed, determined woman who shows no fear and has a strong resolve in anything she believes in. She is the head of the Ministry of Holy Affairs and leads the department's special operations group, the AX Agency.
Alfonso d'Este
Archbishop of Cologne, he is uncle to Alessandro XVIII, Francesco and Caterina.
Antonio Borgia
Abel Nightroad
- Anti-Hero: Type II. It's pretty clear that while he'd LIKE to be a more classical hero, he's just too messed up and unstable to pull it off.
- Ax Crazy: Not most of the time, but it appears to be a periodic hazard for him when in higher versions of his Crusnik form; it's particularly unsettling due to his Dissonant Serenity and the contrast with his bumbling personality.
- Artificial Human: Had a bit of a hang-up about it as a child.
- The Atoner: Implied to have been partially responsible for the apocalypse in the back story, and he certainly caused a genocidal war between Terrans and the Methusalahs that wrecked the world. His body count is sometimes stated to be in the millions, and it was all started over his issues with humanity at large that made him eager to wipe them out. and the ultimate result of all this, his lover Lilith was killed by his beloved but increasingly unstable brother; Abel thereafter went into a long period of mourning several hundred years long, and eventually dedicated himself to Lilith's ideals of protecting humanity and reconciling the Terrans and Methusalahs.
- Badass Abnormal: Upgraded by Crusnik nanomites.
- Badass Longcoat: Part of his uniform, but interestingly enough, while almost everyone else has one, it's Abel's totally rockin' coat that everyone remembers.
- Bloody Murder: Other vampires extend weapons from their bodies. Abel makes a gigantic scythe from his own blood and uses it very well.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: It's such a massive split in his character, it's understandable to think he might have some form of Multiple Personality Disorder. Less of the moron part though in the anime, where it comes across as Obfuscating Stupidity.
- Dark and Troubled Past: Used to be a murderous borderline psychopath when younger, and it's strongly implied that he directly hates himself for what he's done.
- Dark Is Not Evil: His forms tend to be incredibly demonic looking, and he uses a scythe made from his own blood; he's also a helpful, kindhearted and generally good-natured man.
- Designer Baby: He was created as a improved human in order to help colonize Mars.
- Dissonant Serenity
- Obfuscating Stupidity: He may or may not be this; it's hard to tell if his usual goofy behavior is something to distract attention, a deliberate gambit to make people underestimate him, or just a persona he enjoys playing with.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: He plays the Blue to Cain's Red, but when he's around Tres, his excitable behavior becomes a clear Red to stoic Tres' Blue.
- Religious Bruiser: He's a Catholic priest who specifically fights evil as an agent of the Church. It's pretty much in the job description.
- Shoo Out the Clowns: In a weird case, Abel does this to himself! He acts goofy and hilariously dense most of the time, but when things get intense, his personality goes through a alarmingly intense change and he get a lot more cold and stoic.
- Shock and Awe: He does have lightning powers, after all.
- Psycho Electro: When he occasionally becomes Ax Crazy.
- The Ditz: In the manga, espicially in the earlier chapters where he's traveling with Esther and Tres to Rome and getting into trouble on the way. He acts this way in the anime, but it's unclear if it's an act or genuine.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Plenty of the girls are less pretty than him!
- The novel mentions that, while Abel and Cain are handsome, they aren't exceptionally attractive (unlike men like Hugue or Dietrich. The later turned every head in István when he walked on the street). Esther, on the other hand, is supposed to be a gorgeous, young woman with feline, lapis-lazuli eyes and noble features in the novels, while her anime and manga designs are only cute.
Esther Blanchett
- Big Good
- Jeanne D'Archetype: In the novels in particular.
- The High Queen
- Tsundere
Tres Iqus
- Bodyguard Crush
- Expy: Notes from the manga state him to be one of the second Terminator.
- Machine Monotone
- No Social Skills
- Redheaded Hero
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Blue to Abel's Red.
- Religious Robot: He's a Catholic paladin with servos.
- The Spock
- Tin Man
Kate Scott
Hugue de Watteau
Vaclav Havel
- The Lancer: To Caterina.
- Anime only. Certainly not anywhere else.
William Walter Wordsworth
Leon Garcia de Asturias
- Badass Normal
- Badass Spaniard
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He really does love his daughter.
Noélle Bor
Monica Argento
Kaya Syokka
Petro Orcini
- Anti-Hero: Type III
- Badass Normal
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Knight Templar
- Large Ham
- Lightning Bruiser
Paula Souwauski
- Anti-Hero: Type III
- Badass Normal
- Charles Atlas Superpower: Her Reflexes and speed
- Knight Templar
Brothers Matthaios, Bartholomew and Phillipo
Methuselah Empire
Augusta Vradica/Seth Nightroad
Ion Fortuna
Astharoshe Asran
Mirka Fortuna
Enderles Kudza
Giudice Baibars
Sharazad Al-Rahman
Duchess of Damascus
Gyula Kadar
Also known as Count Gyula and Marquis of Hungary. Primary antagonist during the Star of Sorrow arc unless you look more closely at Deitrich.
- Anti-Villain: Type II, of the vengeful variety.
- Aristocrats Are Evil: A somewhat rare Anti-Villain example.
- Deal with the Devil: His bargain with the Rosencreiutz Orden comes back to bite him in the ass.
- Rome Shattering Kaboom: He attempts to use a wandering electrical relay satellite as a weapon of mass destruction capable of wiping out all human life. It... doesn't work.
- Grievous Harm with a Body: More like Grievous Harm With A Severed Limb And My Own Ribs - see the Our Vampires Are Different entry below.
- Interspecies Romance: Sort of. His late wife, Maria, was human and he's a vampire.
- It's Personal: Holds a personal grudge against the Vatican for their hand in his wife's murder.
- Kill Sat: Actually used to be a wandering satellite his wife restored functionality to, for the purpose of converting solar energy into electricity to give Istavan a much needed power source. Gyula re-purposes it so it can be used as a weapon.
- Love Makes You Evil: Of the avenging a murdered loved one variant.
- Man Behind the Man: Not Gyula himself, but Deitrich.
- Not So Different: Esther's motives for opposing him are pretty much one and the same, especially in the anime.
- Our Vampires Are Different: Especially in the manga, where he's even capable of turning his ribs into biological weaponry.
- Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Definitely fits.
Rosencruz Orden
Cain Nightroad
- Above Good and Evil: Or rather outside these parameters. Evil is necessary for good to exist, both are important for the world, Esther (and the canon profile) realize Cain isn't evil. He's beyond those definitions and is the absolute enemy of the world because he is totally against it. He's a creature that doesn't belong to the world.
- Big Bad
- Big Damn Heroes: He saves Esther from Sweeney Todd and Jack the Ripper.
- Badass Abnormal: See Abel's, but add more murder.
- Badass Long Hair
- Blondes Are Evil: In the anime.
- Broken Ace: Before his death and possession/resurrection.
- Card-Carrying Villain: In the anime. His manga counterpart's motivations are less clear.
- Dissonant Serenity: He and his brother have this in common.
- Light Is Not Good: He is blond, generally wears white, his powers appear to be energy-based and his Crusnik form looks like a classical angel. He is also a genocidal lunatic who would like to destroy everything again.
- Long-Haired Pretty Boy
- Manipulative Bastard
- Omnicidal Maniac
- Superpower Meltdown: The reason for his being evil; it's unclear whether it was a genuine turn to evil, if the nanomites amplified his pre-existing antisocial traits, or if he's just their host now. Abel doesn't seem to care very much either way.
- Wrong: In his Canon profile, it's stated that Abel wants to remove the nanomachines from Cain.
- The Ditz: In the manga, shockingly enough. His first appearance sees him almost getting run over by a car...several times in a row because he was staring as Esther.
- He's the same in the novels. The anime got every single character wrong.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Depending on the adaptation. In the manga, the other physical difference between him and his brother is his lack of glasses and different choice of clothing.
- Wide-Eyed Idealist: During his youth.
- Yandere: For Abel and Esther. He wants to "devour" them, so they would exist within him forever in the novels.
Isaak Fernand von Kämpfer
- Affably Evil
- Badass Long Hair
- Battle Butler
- Big Damn Heroes: He has his moments with Esther during the Lady Saint arc
- Card-Carrying Villain
- The Chessmaster
- Cultured Badass
- The Dragon
- Grey and Gray Morality
- Hidden Agenda Villain
- Musical Assassin
- Well-Intentioned Extremist
- Wicked Cultured
Dietrich von Lohengrin
- Card-Carrying Villain
- The Chessmaster
- Evil Genius
- Evil Is Sexy
- Face Heel Turn: Starts as Esther's partner.
- Heel Face Turn: Turns against Cain in the end.
- Freudian Excuse
- Manipulative Bastard
- Sadistic Choice
- Well-Intentioned Extremist
- Yandere: For Esther.
Radu Barvon
Also known as The Baron of Luxor, a nobleman from the Empire.
- Anti-Villain: Types II and V -- he's convinced his cause is worth fighting for and joined the Order because he thinks another global war is going to better all Methuselah. All the same, he's shown to have a major hang-up about having to kill Ion because of how far back their friendship goes, to the point where he seems to consider not going through with it.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: What Detrich does to him in the aftermath of Carthage.
- The Brute
- Ho Yay: With Ion many, many times.
- Playing with Fire
- Unwitting Pawn
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Joined the RKO because the idea of humans and Methuselah coexisting peacefully came off as absurd to him.
Helga von Vogelweide
Balthasar, Melchior and Kaspar von Neumann
Albion Kingdom
Mary Spencer
- The Ace
- Broken Ace: In ROM VI.
- Anti-Villain - Anti-Hero
- Break the Cutie: Slowly but it culminates in ROM VI.
- Heroic Sacrifice