< Trinity Blood
Trinity Blood/YMMV
- Alternative Character Interpretation - Just think about the series, any of the characters not fitting under this?
- Lilith Sahl in the light novels may be even more sadistic than Dietrich. She gave Abel a chance to save himself because she believed in him blindly... at a time when he was a murderous sociopath who killed millions.
- Abel, and certainly megalomaniac Seth may be interpreted as other than 100% benevolent, especially considering their bloody past.
- Complete Monster - Dietrich and Isaak both qualify. Dietrich has a very good Freudian Excuse and there is his Heel Face Turn in Stories Untold, if only because he was afraid of Cain. While Isaak is described by Word of God as being alike in motivation to Karla the Grey Witch, his Well-Intentioned Extremist agenda hasn't been revealed because of Yoshida's death.
- The Krusniks - the nanomachines and not their host bodies). Cain achieved Complete Monster status when his nanomachines were fully activated, overriding any conscience or empathy he previously had.
- Crowning Moment of Awesome - Episode 14 of the anime, where Crusnik 02 destroys an airship with a bolt of lightning.
- Ho Yay - Tons of it. Abel seems to have a thing for Tres, especially in the manga. Also Radu and Ion. And Radu and Dietrich (Radu couldn't shut up about how beautiful Dietrich was while he was being tortured). And Esther Blanchett and Shahrazad al-Rahman's very special friendship in both the novels and the manga adaptation. And Jane and Mary in the novels. And Jane with Esther and Mary with Paula in the novels.
- Iron Woobie - Abel, especially in the anime.
- Nightmare Fuel - Especially in the novels.
- Tear Jerker - Lots and lots of them: Gyula's death in Esther's arms, Ion's last farewell to Radu, Shahrazad's death in Esther's arms, Alessandro's death in Esther's arms, Esther at Abel's tomb...)
- The Woobie: Shahrazad.
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